When the Lord God Almighty decides on who should be king and queen of planets in the new universes we will be discovering, I know that one of his principal qualifications for the job will be an ability to ignore everything that the devil and his demons could possibly use as an enticement.
I am amazed at the array of gifts that my friends and co-workers have amassed in their quest for power and prestige. I think sometimes of how much more comfortable my life would be if I too were to succumb. I soon recover, release every ounce of jealousy, and flood my veins with gratitude for the kingdom of God. Waverly Ithaca, New York, USA
There are times when I feel as though I am a perfectly normal teenage girl. There are other times, however, when I feel as though I am the mad hatter. There is no rhyme nor reason as to when these feelings will emerge. But they do.
When I feel as though I am the mad hatter, I know undoubtedly, that my mother will send me to my room as soon as I enter the house after school. I will eat dinner alone in my room, do my homework, and flip the channels until I fall asleep, often in my school clothes. When I feel sane, that same mother will greet me with a hug, offer to help with my homework, invite me to set the table for dinner, and allow me to watch anything interesting on the family television. The times when I feel as though I am the mad hatter outnumber these times. I know there are other teenagers like me who are experiencing these same feelings of disconnect. In a world in which being the mad hatter is deemed to be antisocial, the Lord God Almighty needs to know that the mad hatters in his kingdom are always in need of love. They always need a caring touch, a kissed ear, a whispered word of hope. Sandy Tacoma, Washington, USA When you have a relative who goes above and beyond the call of friendship, duty and love in order to ensure your health and safety, the only thing you can do is show gratitude. Gratitude is never mandatory, except in these circumstances.
It is never compelled, except when the ether says it is. It is never a prerequisite to hope, except when Satan delivers you to death’s door, and her faith compels you to live. It is never a given, unless you also are grateful for God’s kingdom. It will never be curtailed, until eternity comes home. Anthony Quebec, Canada If you are having conversations with individuals, and feel drained of energy, it may be because a demon is standing between you and them. Prior to beginning any conversation that you know will include talks of repentance, speak in the language of the spirit, and behead every demon in, on, and around you.
Ask the other person to do the same. Also, behead every demon waiting above you, and above them. Finally, behead every demon standing between you and them. The conversation is likely to be much more productive. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Walking away from something you love is one of the most difficult things one can do, irrespective of the object of the love. Yesterday, I said goodbye to a job I have held for more than a decade. At first, the decision was filled with trepidation, with fear, and with remorse.
Today, I feel a sense of freedom that I have not felt in years. I know that the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God was the prime instigator in this decision, and I cannot wait to see what God has planned for the next ten years. Jean Estonia My family is a family of caterers. Everyone has a craft that relates to catering, whether it is baking, cooking, decorating, or transporting the products. I knew that when the time came for me to choose a profession, it would need to relate to the business of catering. So I decided to become a food taster.
I taste everything, including rice, soup, and other basic elements, to ensure that it meets professional standards. When my dad complains that I should get a job, I challenge him to pay me a living wage for helping to keep his business afloat. I know that caterers don’t often hire food tasters, but I also know that every major food company has one on the payroll. I hope that one day, God will enable me to earn an income for doing what I love to do. Sidnei West Germany Last week, I experienced a blackout when I hit my head against the door of a cupboard. The blackout was not instantaneous, it happened about ten minutes later. I wondered why it would take ten minutes for a blackout to occur. Apparently, two friends of mine who live above me knew that I had hit my head, and decided that it was the perfect time to cause a blackout.
I live in a world in which friends no longer are friends. They are instead pawns in a violent war in which they have little or no control over their basic thought processes. They are told to kill a friend, and they kill. They are told to freeze a brain, and they freeze it, never once considering the repercussions. I know that the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God will tell me when the time has come for me to move to another location. I now must trust him to tell me whom I should befriend. I know also that being in God’s millennial kingdom is the most precious gift that anyone can have. The Lord God Almighty is a God who keeps his promises. Patrice Switzerland When the Lord God Almighty promises to fill you to overflowing, it is a promise that you know will be fulfilled. It is a promise that you know cannot help but manifest. The Lord God Almighty is a God whose promises always manifest. The Lord God Almighty is true.
Angie Turkey If you have ever wondered what the Lord God Almighty imagines when he thinks of the word "peace" you should read this week's Global News article titled, Imagining Peace. Read also Jesus' sermon this week titled, Seeds Of Enmity. The Lord God Almighty is a God of peace.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When I was a little girl, I dreamed of becoming a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP). I don’t recall where I heard the term, but it seemed to me that they were the movers and shakers. They were the ones who dictated how society would function.
Little did I know that I would one day marry a WASP. I have four little WASPs who dream of converting to Islam. At the dinner table, we alternate between Muslim prayers and Christian prayers, and they seem annoyed when I insist on them repeating the Christian prayers. The Lord God Almighty knows why being a Christian in a Muslim country raises a hotbed of issues. I hope that one day, my four little WASPs will know how much their mother sacrificed so as to keep them free of bigotry and discrimination. I hope that when they have little ones, the only thing that will matter is being in God’s millennial kingdom. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth. The Lord God Almighty is a God whom faith applauds. Penelope Cairo, Egypt I once was a member of a church where the word Christian was never used. Instead, we called ourselves disciples of Jesus. We looked askance at anyone who referred to themself as being "born again," because we knew in our hearts that they were not genuine disciples, as we were.
When I heard that the kingdom of God had come, and that Jesus Of Nazareth had returned, I eagerly returned to the church, fully expecting everyone to be sealed and raptured into the kingdom. Instead, I saw them performing the same ritualistic routines. The arrogance of thinking that only they knew truth had become a stumbling block. I cried that night, because I knew that the hearts were pure, but the leadership wasn’t. Unfortunately, they had been trained to obey their leaders. I call them periodically, hoping that each one would begin to see truth, and a few have. I am grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to be a part of his kingdom, to have eternal life, and to know the love that knows no bounds. The Lord God Almighty reigns. Jesus is King. Rafael United States For the past several weeks, I have been hearing a voice in my head that is telling me, “God needs you to go, and come back stronger.” The voice grew more and more insistent, to the point where I began to think that I was being disobedient.
I finally asked, “Why doesn’t he just take me, then?” The voice responded that I needed to go, that he couldn’t take me. I knew it meant that I had to commit suicide. The idea that God would bring me into his kingdom, promise me eternal life, then command me to take that life was worrisome. Eventually, I decided to challenge God to a duel. I told him that if I lost, I would go and come back. I prepared two needles, both in paper bags, one with an overdose, and one with nothing. I moved the bags around with both hands, and prayed from the gut, as if there were no tomorrow. I chose one bag, opened it, and the syringe was empty. I am alive at this moment because just as I heard the voice telling me to do it again, I heard Rebekah calling my name, and telling me that God had appointed me to write a Blog. I know without a doubt, that there is no place to go, and that I can grow stronger here on earth. I know that I must promise God that I will never ever put him to the test by engaging in the devil’s idea of a duel. I thank him for saving my life. Erin Kansas City, United States Every night, I think of all the things that I have that came from God, and I wonder whether there will ever be a time when I feel less than complete. I know that there are people in the world who are experiencing lack, but I never seem to arrive at a place of lack.
I now know that the reason I have never experienced lack is that I can see only what is directly in front of me. I have no peripheral vision, and therefore, I see only my immediate needs. I know that one day, God will heal my vision, but I pray that when he does, I nonetheless will be able to see only what I need. Allan United States I have a friend whose grandchild loves Peking duck. Whenever she visits, my friend goes out of the way to ensure that Peking duck is on the menu for at least one of the meals.
I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have someone cater to your every need. That is how I assume the kingdom of God will be when all the solar plexuses have closed, and the demons have taken their departure. Until then, I mourn with grief at the loss of each life. Alfrieda Canada When a Black woman gives birth to a Caucasian baby, it is not the same as giving birth to a child who is an Albino. Albinism is a genetic disorder that stops the production of melanin, whereas a Caucasian baby does not necessarily have any genetic infirmities.
A Caucasian baby is one whose genes prefer a slow production of melanin. Every person has in them the capacity to produce children of every shade and hue in between brown and beige. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When you look at the inside of the human body, you see what God sees when he looks at us. He sees, not the color of the skin, but the color of the internal organs. That is because it is the organs, and their relationship to each other, that render us human.
For the man, the Lord God Almighty determined that he should be made in God’s image. But for the woman, he determined that she should be the image of beauty. He wanted her to be seen as beautiful. When she was first created, she was brown-skinned. as was Adam. Later, the colors that God placed in her came forth with the birth of each child. She was known as the mother of all colors because her children were brown and beige, and every hue in between. Today in Africa, Black women of every shade still give birth to children of every hue in between beige and brown. They are the mothers of all colors. They are the mothers of every race, and their Caucasian babies still grow up to become the mothers of all colors. We are one race, one people. We are one. And now, we are one with God. Nelson Africa The Lord God Almighty has explained the disappearance into thin air of heads of state, business, legal and medical professionals, government officials, and ordinary citizens. Many more will disappear in the coming months and years, and you may be one of them, if you have an implant of the Mark of the Beast, or the Vital Signs Monitor.
You owe it to yourself and to your family members to read Remembering Sinners at https://www.millennialkingdom.solutions, as well as Jesus’ sermon this week titled Remembrance Vigils on the same site. In Africa, there are many people who assume that this is the only part of the world that matters to God. I am certain that there are others, in other regions of the world who are of the same view. I know that Africa is at the epicenter of the world. I know that because I am of the same view as those who believe that Africa is the only country that matters to God. Accordingly, I was stunned when I realized that God's woman of revelation was an American. "What can America tell us?" is what I heard many people say.
Today, I see more clearly. I see the fruits of Africa's long suffering bearing fruits in foreign lands. I see Africa's enemies cringing in fear, wondering what could have befallen God that he would choose a Black woman as a woman of revelation. I see the plumes of peacocks fading into the distance, as they gather up their treasures, and prepare to take a back seat to end discrimination. I see long forgotten names being remembered once again. And mostly, I see people of every race, every creed and every color becoming one in the kingdom of God. Hallelujah, God Almighty reigns. Nelson Africa There is no place on earth that I would rather be than Eritrea. I have never visited Eritrea. Nonetheless, there is a spirit in me that longs to be in Eritrea. It is a spirit that once lived in Eritrea, and now lives in me through my great, great, great grandfather who, I am told, lived in Eritrea.
When I live in Eritrea, one of the first things I will do is send letters to every person who has my great, great, great grandfather’s surname. I know that among them will be relatives whom I need to know. Among them will be people with that same spirit in them, who yearn for foreign places he visited, or places where he lived. If he liked that city, his spirit may have formed a connection to it that reaches forward through many generations. If you have a yearning for a specific city or region in the world, you should not assume that the Lord God Almighty needs you to go there. Instead, ask the indwelling Holy Spirit whether that place is on God’s list of places you should live or visit. Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you may be entering into dangerous territory. The Lord God Almighty desires that you remain safe. Pamela London, England When you experience a blackout, it usually is not a very pleasant event. That is because blackouts prevent you from seeing reality. They leave you in a state of panic, gasping for the next view of reality.
I experienced an electricity blackout a few weeks ago, and wanted to cry myself to sleep, because I had absolutely no way of seeing or doing anything. I remembered the days when I did not yet have the indwelling Holy Spirit, and realized that the current blackout was nothing by comparison. I thank God for the day that he put his indwelling Holy Spirit into my heart. I thank him for giving me hope. Jane England If you are ever in a situation in which you need a miracle, you should know that the Lord God Almighty El Shaddai is a miracle maker. He needs to have in his millennial kingdom only those whose heart's desire is to become a miracle worker, working miracles for his children. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai.
Janice A long time ago, I used to wonder what it would be like if I had Beelzebub as my friend. It seemed that everyone who spoke to him was wealthy and had everything they wanted. I thought long and hard about what I would have to give up, if I had him as my friend. I knew that I would have to leave my church because I would not be able to live with the pretense.
I knew also that if ever I were to encounter any difficulty, I no longer would be able to call on God. I decided that having Beelzebub as my friend was a little too risky. I now know that the only friend I need is the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. The Lord God Almighty is a jealous God. The Lord God Almighty is an indefatigable foe of anyone who befriends Beelzebub. I pray with passion every night, pleading with God to spare my friends from having to experience the wrath of God. I know that they won't, if they choose now to become sealed and raptured into the millennial, or the eternal, kingdom of God. The Lord God Almighty is an indefatigable friend of any sinner who chooses to repent. Peter When I think of my life as a Christian, the only thing that comes to mind is the number of sins that I have committed. There is no day that goes by that I haven’t confessed at least ten sins, from lust, to mental fornication, to erasing something that should not have been erased on the blackboard. My high school students are used to me apologizing for everything at least three times. I wonder how I could possibly survive the next one thousand years.
Today, I decided that I would stop apologizing and confessing sins. After making that commitment, I blacked out, and did not regain consciousness until I heard Rebekah calling my name. The change was too much to fathom. I now know that the biggest change needed in my life is coming to the realization that Adam sins. I will never sin deliberately, but when sin happens, I simply will confess it and, move on. I thank God for his grace and his forgiveness. I thank the Lord God Messiah for his forbearance. Adam New Zealand The Lord God Almighty has stated on numerous occasions that we must have faith, not only in the truth of his Word, but also in the Word itself. Having faith is not as easy as it sounds, because faith sometimes demands accountability. Faith sometimes needs proof, and when proof fails to manifest, faith sometimes derails itself.
Faith never has issues that need to be resolved, unless faith’s fear of God has waned, and if that is the case, faith needs resolution of every issue. I always thought of myself as a man of faith, until I too needed resolution of every issue. I too needed to see and understand with my mind, before I dared to do what faith demanded. That was my modus operandi, until faith itself demanded accountability. “Faith” chose to tell me to step out of the kingdom, until I had the proof I needed. So I stepped out, and found that “faith” unraveled every chance I had of being among the chosen. So faith and I must journey back, and find in every Word of God the clues that form the pathway to eternity. The Lord God Almighty shall be my only solace. Adrian Prior to writing yesterday’s Blog, I had been diagnosed as severely autistic. The truth is that I merely had a speech impediment. But in Spain, if you have a speech impediment, everyone, including doctors, will assume that you are mentally deficient.
Luckily, because of my dad’s insistence, I attended elementary and high school with my friends. However, the teachers decided that they would not test me, in order to spare everyone the embarrassment of having to transfer me to another school. So, for fifteen years, I was spared the torture of taking tests. My dad spoke to me two weeks ago and told me that I should consider joining a group home. It did not occur to anyone that I should consider attending college. I decided that instead, I would focus on God’s kingdom, on my role in the kingdom, and on God’s plan for me to see eternity. After writing yesterday’s Blog, my speech impediment disappeared. I now speak as fluently as any other member of my family. I now have a greater hope than any other member of my family, and I pray that God’s will is done in their lives. I pray also that God’s purpose for me will manifest more fully than any plan of the devil. Jeremy Spain |
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