When the Messiah is revealed, I want to be in the front row of the stadium, waving red flags and shouting, "Hail, King of the earth." I want to be dressed in white so that all can see the glory he has bestowed on us, and the purity of our mission--a purity that will endure for a thousand years, and more.
The ability to endure long beyond the point at which you should have won a victory is the most telling characteristic of a true champion. God's champions are not created through hard work and perseverance. They are delivered from God because of their undaunting devotion to truth, to love, and to justice. They never say "no" to God, nor do they ever say "yes" to Satan. They are always willing to take one more step toward the goal. They always win.
O.R. Yearning for things is not a healthy state of being. Yearning creates negative energy that prevents the thing you yearn for from drawing near. A state of yearning is equivalent to a state of desperation and blocks the flow of energy. Yearning for things also creates a magnetic pull in the opposite direction, and sets up a struggle to achieve the things for which you yearn.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim The War on Terror is a war in which the people of God are being used to destroy each other and each other's possessions. Hence the reason that the war must end. For the truth about what is happening behind the scenes in the War on Terror, read our new book titled, Aiding And Abetting Evil: The War Against Terror by Jade Alexis published by Rebekah Isaac Incorporated.
Purchase, not one, but a thousand copies for your legislature, your church or religious organization, your employees, and your students. Every disciple of Jesus should know the truth about this war so that they will understand that this and every war must end. You cannot be an effective vehicle for change unless you know the whole truth. Purchase the book here: http://www.RebekahIsaac.us When the Lord God Almighty indicated that the rapture had begun, there were many naysayers who condemned anyone who claimed to have been raptured, yet was still walking on the earth. It never occurred to them that they may have had a mistaken perspective about the rapture. They may have expected to see human bodies flying through the air, but instead they remained earthbound.
They are here because the millennial reign of Jesus Of Nazareth is an earthly reign. The rapture is of the spirit. Look into the ether at the spiritual body of anyone you know who claims to have been raptured, and is encircled by light. If their spiritual body is slightly elevated, they have indeed been raptured. If their spiritual body is directly in front of you, they have not been raptured, and if it is below ground level, they are probably working with Satan. Have you missed the rapture? The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you enjoy walking, you should know that the thousand years of Christ's millennial reign are designed to test your endurance and skill. You will be required to walk as Jesus walks, and to talk as he talks. When he stops, you also will stop. When he moves forward, you also will move forward. If you do as he does, and walk as he walks, when he enters the gates of eternity, you will be directly behind him.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty has decreed that anyone whose aura is green, and who has refused to pray prayers of repentance and cleansing, will be unable to assume their role in the kingdom of God. If they arrive at the place where their mission must begin, if their aura is still green, they will need to be replaced.
If someone in God's kingdom has an aura that remains green for more than a year, they will need to be taken off of life support and allowed to fend for themselves, which could mean that they get pulled out of the kingdom. Life support begins after Jesus is revealed and ends at the conclusion of a thousand years. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Jesus Of Nazareth is a Son of God, sent to prepare us for eternity. Those of us who believe in Jesus think that he is God Almighty, the one true God, the one and only God. Those of us who believe in El Shaddai view Jesus as a figment of very vivid and misguided imaginations, or worse. Those of us who believe in Jesus also believe that everyone else is misguided.
Those of us who believe in El Shaddai would sooner kill than see his name defamed. We would visit on others the same holocaust that we ourselves suffered in order to cleanse the earth of any hint of idolatry. In fact, we would crucify Jesus again and again until the stains of idolatry were completely eradicated. The Lord God Almighty wants his children to know that those who believe in him must also believe in his Son, and those who believe in his Son should know that where there is a Son, there must also be a Father. He also wants everyone to know that the Father and the Son are one, not because they have the same body and the same soul, but because they have the same Spirit. Most importantly, he wants the world to know that they also can become one with God if they accept his indwelling Holy Spirit; they also can become sons and daughters of God Almighty and inherit eternal life. O.R. When you are dealing with guilt about the past, the last thing you want to do is confess everything. I still remember having to confess sins to a priest and feeling embarrassed to look at him in the eye. Most priests probably never remember the sins that have been confessed to them, but I was certain that they remembered all of my sins. I knew that the only way that I could continue to attend mass was to sit in the back pew, so every Sunday that I attended mass, I took my place in the far right corner of the back pew. Eventually, I stopped confessing sins. Tonight I realized how riddled I had become with guilt and fear because I avoided that simple act of confession.
So I got down on one knee, asked the Lord God Almighty to betrothe me to him, and confessed everything I had ever done from childhood until now. I wanted him to know the real me, with all of my faults, confident that he would never betray my trust in him, and that he would never ever remember a single thing I said. I had surrendered all to him. I hope that you also can have sufficient trust in him to surrender all, knowing that he still will love you regardless of where you came from and what you have done. I hope you can feel the peace that I now feel. Jade When someone enters God's kingdom, they generally have a clean slate in regard to greed, because it is impossible to enter into the kingdom of God if a spirit of greed is attached to any part of you. Greed is a poison that has the capacity to corrupt any person who is in close proximity. Thus, one person in the kingdom with an unrepented spirit of greed can potentially contaminate thousands of others in the kingdom. If you acquire a spirit of greed while in the kingdom of God, you will need to be instantly isolated so as not to contaminate others. That isolation could cause you to fall out of the kingdom and be forever in jeopardy spiritually.
You know that you are being gradually corrupted by a spirit of greed if the ether surrounding your head begins to show hints of yellow, and if it is more than a hint of yellow, you are in grave danger of being pulled out of the kingdom of God by greed himself. The only certain antidote to greed is to ask the Holy Spirit for counsel, and then to do exactly what vg tells you to do, and more. You should have a spirit of desperation as you seek to rid yourself of any and every possible connection to the spirit of greed. Pray also in the language of the spirit, from the heart. Pray until the ether that surrounds your head turns blue. O.R. The Lord God Almighty cherishes the faith of women who refuse to be left out of his kingdom, women who will go to any lengths to discover the truth about the kingdom, who when they learn the truth and finally become sealed with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God instantly call through the ether to hundreds of relatives throughout the world, urging them to instantly become sealed. These women of faith are the ones who are guaranteed to see eternity, and who undoubtedly will see the face of God.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty wants the saints of God to know that war does not begin on a battlefield, it begins in the hearts and minds of those who claim to be perfect, righteous, and God-fearing. It begins when you refuse to say good morning to a neighbor because he hurt your feelings, when you slander someone you don't like, and when you say goodbye instead of staying to work things out with a relative or friend. All of these attitudes ultimately lead to war.
Jade War is something that must end before Jesus is revealed to the world. He cannot lead a world that is ravaged by war and war torn lives. His world must be one of peace. If you currently are the leader of a country, God needs you examine your military operations and bring them to a close by the end of March 2018. He needs you to desire peace more than you desire the next breath you take. He needs you to desire life.
Jade Yesterday I had an epiphany wherein I realized that I was not really tithing my income. I assumed that tithing meant that you give a few dollars to the needy if they asked. I didn't know that you literally were supposed to set aside 10% of the net of what you earned, and ask the Holy Spirit what he wanted you to do with it. When I decided to actually pray about tithing, the Holy Spirit said that I should give 10% of my weekly income to a young niece with two children and no husband.
I gave it reluctantly, and it shocked the wits out of her, especially when I told her that I would be giving her that same amount each week. I contemplated reducing my income, given that I own the business, but decided that I would simply trust God. By the end of the day yesterday, I had received a check in the amount of 2 and several zeroes from a publishing company interested in publishing one of my books. They said that was just the beginning, as they know that I have several books to write, and they want to publish all of them. I wonder what woulld have happened if I had refused to give as the Holy Spirit had commanded. Anonymous Several months ago, without having read or known about this Blog, I was praying to the Holy Spirit Of God Almighty about what, if anything, he needed me to do on that day. He told me that he wanted me to look to see how my tithe was being spent. I looked and saw that my tithe was being used to build stone huts for refugees in the middle of a desert region. They were unlike the homes they had been used to having, but they were told that they were the lucky ones, as other refugees had been killed.
As I looked, I saw also that eventually, a fire raged through the community and killed almost everyone. They had been segregated and used for a time to accomplish certain purposes, then killed when they no longer were needed. They were people of God with bright spiritual light. Everyone knew that light meant power. They were segregated so that their light could be used without notice. When they no longer were needed, they were killed. When I saw that my tithe was being used against God's people, I was led by the Holy Spirit to tithe to a small entity that found homes for children. It was led by people of God with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. I now understand how important it is for us to seek God's guidance on every issue. Alexander U.S.A. Much has been said about the Book of Revelation. In fact, so much has been said about its complexity, its lack of reality, its lack of purposeful direction for modern day Christians, and its incomprehensible style of writing that only a small number of disciples of Jesus have dared to glance at its pages.
If you are in the kingdom of God, having been sealed and raptured, God challenges you to stop whatever you are doing at this moment and begin to read the Book of Revelation. You may not understand everything you read, but God promises that if you pray for understanding before you begin to read, at least one sentence will be understood in such a way as to transform your relationship with him. Commit now to reading the entire Book of Revelation, from chapter to chapter. The best method for melting ice is to pour hot water over it. It is the method that is fastest because it puts the ice into such a dramatically opposed environment that it is compelled to melt at an amplified speed. Ice does not care about whether or not it melts. It can be ice, or water, or it can become air if it evaporates.
Ice is ice only if we want it to be ice. It is we who control its state of existence, and it is we who can determine the speed and velocity at which it melts. If I am sipping a warm drink, I might want it to melt quickly in order to cool the drink. However, if I am making homemade ice cream, I might pour salt over the ice to cause it to melt more slowly. In the context of our relationship with God, he often sees the need to have our hearts melt as fast as possible, while we are inclined to pour on the salt and seek to maintain the status quo for as long as possible. We want to hold out because we believe that one state of existence is preferable over the other. We think that ice is a safer mode of existence. We fail to recognize that one mode of existence prevails over another only to the extent that different modes have different reasons for being. A disciple of Jesus whose heart remains as ice is unusable by God, unless he chooses instead to have a melted heart, unless he chooses a transformation that comports with his mission and his purpose for being. Winston Call on the Lord your God, and ask him to show you the path to true righteousness. It is not the avoidance of envy, slander, and immorality that makes you righteous, but rather, it is a consciousness of God that permeates every facet of your existence. It knows no limitations and no ending.
If you are a member of a church in which the clergy and staff are now sealed with the Holy Spirit Of God, yet have said nothing to you about being sealed, you should ask them why they are sealed. Suggest to them that they should become unsealed, unless they are willing to discuss the matter from the pulpit, and make provision for the entire congregation to be sealed.
It may be o.k. for your home to be vacant, for a time, but God wants you to pledge that you will never leave a city or a town without calling through the ether to ensure that every soul is filled with the Holy Spirit Of God, because souls were never meant to be vacant.
Winston The worst part of any victory run is the waning hours when you know that your time in the limelight is drawing to a close. For some, it is a time of desperation, especially if you assumed that your victory run would last forever. For others, it is a time of regrets when you fervently examine every move you made in an attempt to determine where you made the wrong turn.
For the devil and his cohorts, it also is a time of welcomed goodbyes. It is time for the family of God to experience the joy of being in the kingdom of God, and to see the promises of God begin to manifest. That will begin to happen only when the people of God's kingdom understand that the status quo in regard to sin and repentance cannot prevail. One cannot deliberately sin because repentance is available, because the sinful act in itself becomes your signature on the devil's contract. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai You cannot have been raptured into the kingdom of God, yet deliberately obey the commands issued by Satan. Ask the Holy Spirit Of God what you should do in any and every situation.
The Lord God Messiah, Jesus Of Nazareth Having a spiritual awakening is very much like awakening from a deep sleep, because you are in a similar state of limited awareness when you awaken, and you remain in that state sometimes for an extended period at the beginning of your day. The most significant difference between a physical awakening and a spiritual awakening is that a spiritual awakening is controlled by you, while a physical awakening is controlled by God.
Only you can decide whether you will awaken spiritually. Only you can decide whether or not you will awaken to God's love. You can decide today; you can decide now. Furthermore, you can decide that for all eternities combined you will remain awake to God, and to the love of God. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty has stated on numerous occasions that the spirits need to remain awakened. Ask the Lord God Almighty to keep your spirit awake to him, and to the world, and to maintain it in a state of strength. Ask him in the language of the spirit, and pray until your heart has nothing further to say on either issue.
Yesterday, under the inspiration and the power of the Holy Spirit Of God, I wrote my sixth book titled: Comatose. It is a book about the times in which we live, and the current condition of our global community. Read the book now, without charge, as a gift to our Blog readers and subscribers, and decide that you will awaken to the love of God. See http://www.RebekahIsaac.us for a free pdf version. It is a mini book that you can read in one sitting.
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December 2020
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