Having an experience of gratitude is not very common in the human experience. Most individuals tend to have a feeling of entitlement, and they rarely, if ever, feel gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most important qualities that one can have in the millennial kingdom of God. It helps to purify your heart, it heals your body, and it enables you to deal more effectively with difficult circumstances. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
There is no rhyme nor reason to the often stated principle that you have to do what is best for you. The truth is that you cannot see into tomorrow, so as to know exactly what tomorrow will bring. Nor can you know with certainty exactly what you should do about tomorrow will bring. Your only hope is to trust in God, and in the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Feelings are never the ideal way in which to judge whether or not you should take action. Feelings and emotions are easily manipulated by the forces of evil. The only certain way of ensuring that you are aligned with God is by speaking to the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, or to the Holy Spirit of the Lord God Almighty who is over the earth.
Speak to them in the language of the spirit, from deep within your solar plexus. If you fail to listen in your heart to their response, you may be hearing the voice of demons and evil spirits who are opposed to God. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Being in the ether of hell is not something that should be happening to disciples of Jesus, or to any church that seeks to be in the millennial kingdom of God. If you are in the ether of hell, it would be impossible for you to obey the commands of God. It also would be impossible for you to see eternity. Get out of hell now, and then you will be able to see clearly the path toward obedience.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Truth is the most important foundation on which to build a kingdom of God. Lies always will weaken and crumble into dust. Lies always will render all efforts, and everything else, nugatory. Lies always will fail to manifest new life. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are a fire fighter and you are not sealed with God’s indwelling Holy Spirit, but you wish to be sealed, ask the Holy Spirit Of God who is over all the earth to seal you. You may be one of the lucky individuals who did not admit demons into your solar plexus. Being sealed with God’s indwelling Holy Spirit will be the beginning of your journey to eternity as you proceed to cleanse all evil and restore your connection to God.
The Lord God Almighgy El Shaddai Fire fighters are generally courageous men who would go to almost any length in order to save a life. Sadly, many of them have lost their life in this war with the antichrist. They were told that having a spirit of force and decisiveness in them would get them through virtually any difficult situation. They assumed that the spirit of force had to come from outside of themselves. In the process, many of them admitted demons into their solar plexus.
A significant number of them already had been sealed with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God and raptured into God’s millennial kingdom. But when someone consciously and deliberately admits a demon into their solar plexus, the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God always exits. He can never return until the end of the millennial reign of Christ, and only if the person forcefully and diligently repents. If you are a firefighter, you should know that the Fire Department was one of the first government entities that Rebekah Isaac contacted. She wanted to alert them to the radiation threat posed by directed energy weapons. In response, they purchased a new fleet of ambulances that were designed to deal with radiation caused by directed energy weapons. Unfortunately, the ambulances were themselves equipped with directed energy weapons. They caused more harm than they prevented. In the future, the Lord God Almighty hopes that governments would do a more thorough investigation prior to choosing a solution to any problem that they encounter. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Creating a sense of community is not as difficult as one might think. It requires only a sense of awareness, and a willingness to act in defense of the community. In many instances, when you act in defense of community, you act in self-defense. Acting in defense of the community does not mean mean that you wreak havoc on the lives of others. Nor do you have the right to execute judgment for perceived sins, or to take vengeance. The Lord God Almighty said, “vengeance is mine.” Your only authority from God is to act in self defense, and to seek advice from the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God.
The Lord God Almighty knows that many already are in a community, however, these communities exist for a time, and then they cease to exist. In sharp contrast, the kingdom of God is eternal. It will always exist. It will never cease to function. If you wish to be in a community that will never die or move away from you, your only hope is the millennial kingdom of God. Your only compass is the Holy Spirit Of God. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Whenever the Lord God Almighty sees major healing and deliverance from evil, he knows that Rebekah Isaac either participated or was directly responsible. Noah’s ark may have been built by one man, but it is impossible for the millennial kingdom of God to be built by one woman. History repeats itself, and although Noah’s ark had only eight people, billions of people already are in the millennial kingdom of God. However, it is not yet time to relax. The kingdom must now be restructured because unlike the purity of Noah’s ark, the millennial kingdom is rife with sin and rebellion.
Hearts must be cleansed, a sense of community must be created, life must be restored. If you are in the millennial kingdom, you have a commission from God to do one or more of these things. You have an obligation to offer assistance to Rebekah, or to respond if she asks for your assistance. If you ignore your commission, and you refuse to assist in building the millennial kingdom, you cannot expect to reap rewards for the work that others have done. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Heaven and earth may pass away, but the Word of God stands forever. Yesterday, we spoke about demonic conferences. Today, there are several additional conferences planned, and no one who read yesterday’s Blog has cancelled. They all plan to attend. Including priests, pastors, deacons, elders, Imams, and others of religious notoriety. God’s indwelling Holy Spirit can be received free of charge, but they would prefer to pay $1,000 or more to have two demons placed into their solar plexus.
These demons usually are described as two favored, but deceased, relatives who have volunteered to provide guidance. They can confirm their identity, if you wish. In reality, they are two demonic spirits, and they will give you a name of any relative whom they know you will like or admire. In a matter of weeks, they will bring at least ten other demons into your solar plexus. You will have become an official member of Satan’s army. Sadly, $1,000 could have purchased numerous copies of Rebekah Isaac’s book titled, The 21st Century Disciple: A Manifesto For Change. It is a book that has revolutionized religious thinking in synagogues, churches, and mosques throughout the world, and has turned the hearts of God’s people back to him.. The Lord God Almighty hopes that many more churches, synagogues, and mosques will make the book available to members of their congregations, so that the hearts of God’s people will become immune to Satan’s ploys. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is true, and he is faithful. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Fifty people died today because Rebekah Isaac was too exhausted to pray, and no one prayed. They were in a conference that was designed to encourage them to accept demons into their solar plexus. Satan already had hardened their hearts, and he also had separated their mind from their spirit. The only thing left to do was to introduce demons into their solar plexus. When demons are in the solar plexus, all hope for the millennial kingdom is lost.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If the Lord God Almighty had a son or a daughter, it would be because the spirit of God had created a physical body for itself, and that physical body was capable of procreating. If the physical body can procreate, it can create other physical bodies in its image and likeness. If you think of the Lord God Almighty as having a body, it would have to be a physical body.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty knows that there are many individuals in the millennial kingdom of God who are in grave need. He hears the cries of those whose children have no clothing, whose only meal for the day is a banana or a bowl of rice, who know the joys of being sealed, as well as the torture of the enemy’s weapons.
If you are one of those who is in desperate need, the Lord God Almighty needs you to know that his only means of providing for anyone is through other members of the millennial kingdom. The devil provides for his people through his people, and God provides for his people through his people in the millennial kingdom. If God’s people choose to assist and support Satan’s people, mayhem results. If you are in the millennial kingdom of God, and the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God confirms that the Lord God Almighty needs you to assist in one way or another, gratitude demands that you respond. Otherwise, you too will discover that the ears of God are blocked to your calls for help. Ask and you shall receive is God’s promise to those who are in his millennial kingdom. It means that when someone in God’s kingdom asks, and your indwelling Holy Spirit Of God confirms that you should give, then you should give. In that way, God’s energy of generosity flows throughout his kingdom, and nourishes everyone with a need, regardless of the nature of the need. The Lord God Almighty is a God who keeps his promises. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are a member of God’s millennial kingdom, you probably know that there are individuals from all religions, all denominations, all cultures, all languages, as well as every species of God’s animals who are in the millennial kingdom. You have an obligation to understand who God is through them, so that God’s kingdom will be a place of unity. If you refuse to learn about, and to understand each other, there can be no unity. The Lord God Almighty is a God of peace. The Lord God Almighty is true.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are not yet hearing from the Lord God Almighty, from the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, from Rebekah Isaac, or through this Blog about the things that God needs you to accomplish, place yourself in center stage and ask God for directions. There is a tremendous amount that needs to be accomplished, and the Lord God Almighty needs everyone to participate in building his kingdom, your kingdom.
When you know that there is no longer going to be bad news of any kind, that the storms and hurricanes have ceased to exist, that death no longer preys on the weak, that sin and rebellion are things of the past, and that the sun shines brightly in every heart, only then will you know that there is not much else to be done. Until then, there will always be something that you can do in order to speed the full establishment of God’s millennial kingdom. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth. The Lord God Almighty is a God who keeps his promises. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai One of the most egregious acts of defiance in military circles is leapfrogging over the authority of a supervising officer. Leapfrogging rarely, if ever, happens in the military, because it can render you marked for life. In the millennial kingdom of God, you should know that leapfrogging is just as distasteful. The only authority to whom you should report is the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. He is your supervising officer, and it is he who determines what is best for you, and for the millennial kingdom of God.
If the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God seems to be incapable of giving you advice or rendering assistance, only then should you ask him to connect you to the Lord God Messiah, or to the Lord God Almighty El Shaddai. When he connects you, feel free to describe the problem with your mind, but then you should allow your spirit to speak from the heart. In Jesus’ name. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The devil’s favorite hobby is to make sandwiches, using God’s people not only as the sandwich maker, but also, as the main ingredient. He convinces the person who has been scheduled to become the main ingredient that it is in their best interests to say or to do something that they should not have said or done, and in doing so, they become aligned with evil.
The next time they say or do a similar act, evil again has an opportunity to align with them. There is now a sufficient alignment to create a sandwich. When you are sandwiched, and you later become sealed with God’s indwelling Holy Spirit, the path in front of you may appear to be clear, but you have limited motion, and a limited ability to command results. The Lord God Almighty knows that Satan has used the now prominent members of God’s kingdom to assist him in sandwich making. They are the ones who have the power to create sandwiches. If you are a sandwich maker for Satan, God expects you to resign immediately. Command the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God to remove from you all of the resources, implements, tools, and paraphernalia related to sandwich making, so that you never again can make sandwiches of God’s people. The Lord God Almighty is a jealous God. The Lord God Almighty is a God of freedom. The Lord God Almighty is a God of justice. Amen. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the next Covid plague hits the United States of America, it is unlikely that anyone who is not sealed with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and raptured into God’s millennial kingdom or his eternal kingdom will survive. The Scriptures indicate that bodies will be piled high in the streets during these final days of Satan’s reign, and that there will be no recourse.
If you have not already aligned with Satan, you probably have a small window of opportunity to align with the Lord God Almighty, and become sealed with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. If you fail to take the opportunity, you may become part of the coming mayhem. If you are unable to become sealed, it may be because you have Smartphone apps that are being used as directed energy weapons (Weapons of Mass Destruction) to torture, torment, and commit murder. Remove the apps from your Smartphone, confess your sins to God, and ask him for the seal of his Holy Spirit. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Most Muslim clerics have reported no losses to Covid-19 among the members of their congregation. That is because the majority of Muslims are sealed and raptured into God’s kingdom. They have indicated that merely being sealed with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God offers immunity from Covid-19, whether or not they are in the millennial kingdom. The Lord God Almighty is a God who cherishes obedience, irrespective of your religious affiliation.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are a preacher, and you have suffered a significant loss of the members of your congregation, as a result of Covid-19, that is probably an indication that you should find another source of income. The preachers who spoke what God commanded them to speak lost one or two members at most, in an average sized church.
They ensured that the members of their congregation were sealed and raptured into God’s millennial kingdom, and that they remained sealed and raptured. Instead of charging fees for holding up to ten funerals each day, they healed the sick and raised the dead. They know that Covid-19 is a phantom illness that need not be tolerated. They know that God’s kingdom has been rendered immune to it. They also know that God’s kingdom will be rendered immune to every other plague that the devil unleashes during the next five to ten years. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Preachers love to preach. What they preach is not as significant as the fact that they are preaching. When preachers belong to God’s millennial kingdom, God expects that they will preach his Word. He expects that they will expand on the core principles stated in these Blogs, that they will enunciate the teachings, and that they will command everyone to do what God is calling them to do.
If you are a preacher who has been sealed and raptured, every sermon you preach should encourage others to be sealed and raptured. You should not expect to resume your worship services unless you are willing to speak the words that God commands you to speak. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you want an effortless existence, ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God what you should do in order for your life to become effortless. When you have been cleansed of all the rulers, demons, principalities, and authorities that Satan placed in you, beginning at birth, you will begin to understand why your life has not been effortless.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Readiness for battle includes all of the armor and the implements of war that the Lord God Almighty has determined that you should have, so that your work on behalf of God’s millennial kingdom will become effortless. When your life and your work on behalf of God’s kingdom become effortless, you know that you have become immune to, and unopposed by, the forces of hell.
Satan and his demons have recruited hundreds of millions of people by offering them the empty promise of an effortless existence. It is an existence is which you have no mind or will, no capacity to think. no desires of the heart (because you have no heart), and a life that is lived on the sub-conscious reflexive level of the animals because your solar plexus is under demonic influence and control. When the Holy Spirit Of God inhabits your solar plexus, he does so only with your full consent, and with your ongoing approval of everything he does. He never takes control unless you ask him to do so in a specific instance. You retain your full mental faculties, and a heart that brims with a passion for life. You know who you are, where you live, and the names of all of your known relatives. Most importantly, you have fullness of life, and the breath of God in your lungs. You have a future, and a hope that can never be destroyed. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When your candidate is finally declared to be the winner four days after the election results should have become final, you have to show all appropriate celebratory tactics. Therefore, you should appoint someone to say to everyone in the ether of hell all of the appropriate laudatory comments, command them to speak it throughout the day, and command them to show positive emotion. Demons throughout the United States of America could be heard applauding every time someone said, “Clap your hands.”
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If your efforts at election rigging seem to have been too perfectly planned, and things are beginning to unravel, you have two options. You can pretend to have discovered one of the frauds that you planted—for example, repeat voting by the same person, and always for the other candidate. In the alternative, you can take the high road and disqualify some of the votes for your candidate, so that they cannot be counted. In doing so, you can temper the significant, and perhaps unbelievable, number of votes cast for your candidate.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai |
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December 2020
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