When the Lord God Almighty tells you to heap praise on at least three people, you owe it to yourself to find three people who deserve your praise and recognition. I found only one, but then I dug deeper and discovered two additional people.
Most of the people who deserve praise work silently, behind the scenes. They never get the acclaim they deserve. They are at most sideliners whose only glory is in getting the job done. Call them out, and you would be surprised to see how much light they can give. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim
If you have ever seen lightening, and heard thunder, you know that you have seen and heard the Lord God Almighty, the God of all the universes.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are considered to be a shepherd to the people of God, the only voice whose instructions you should heed is the voice of the Holy Spirit Of God. If you are not seeking guidance from the indwelling Holy Spirit on a moment by moment basis, then you should no longer be considered a shepherd to God's people.
The Lord God Almighty has marked his shepherds so that you will know with all certainty whether or not they have been approved by the Lord God Almighty. Listen to their voice in your heart, and they will tell you whether or not their voice is the voice of the Lord God Almighty. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty told me a few days ago that I should write a Blog post for this Blog Site. I protested, thinking that I could not possibly have anything to say that would sound as eloquent as some of the Blogs I had read. I then heard my spirit say very clearly to someone, "I have to write a Blog." I knew that I had been hooked, and would now see my name in "lights."
This Blog post is not as much a Blog as it is a proclamation. It is a proclamation of Almighty God that the time has come to close the door to his kingdom. We have heard for many months that the kingdom has come, and that all who seek to be one with God should enter in and be saved. We have also seen and heard that the Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth has returned to reign as King. If you are not in the millennial kingdom by Sunday, March 31, 2019, you will have forfeited your opportunity to be in it. Janice When you fall in love, your hope is that the other person will also fall in love. However, when you fall in love with the Lord God Almighty, he already is in love with you. There never is a situation in which someone falls in love with the Lord God Almighty, but he is not in love with them. He is in love from the moment they are born, and he remains in love. His love can never falter or fail.
I once told the Lord God Almighty that I needed to know in advance whether there would come a time when he would stop loving, a time when he would become fatigued in the relationships. He told me that not loving is impossible for him, just as impossible as hating. I now understand the standard by which we are to love one another, and the standard by which we are to live in the kingdom of God. I now understand the true meaning of love. Queen Elizabeth If you wish to have a 15-minute telephone consultation on any issue of your choosing, you should not hesitate to contact Rebekah Isaac Incorporated by booking an appointment on the Website at http://www.RebekahIsaac.com. You can receive an initial consultation on any one of the broad listing of issues.
You may be surprised to learn that many other countries, many other corporations and organizations, and/or many other individuals are experiencing the identical problem, which may seem to be insoluble. The good news is that there is a spiritual solution to every problem, and we are committed to helping you find that solution. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Organizations throughout the world have become adept at various strategies designed to break the human spirit. They have become convinced that they cannot control their organizations unless the individuals who work for them have been "broken" so as to make them fully submissive and subservient.
In fact, some organizations view it as their goal and purpose to break individuals of a certain race, of a certain culture, or of a certain ideology, whether or not they are employed by the organization. For example, certain white supremacist organizations in the United States aim to break the spirit of every person of color who graduates from certain universities, but is not submissive to the idea of white supremacy. Their goal is that you will never have the jobs, the promotions, or the living wage that your level of education would deem appropriate. The Lord God Almighty wants the world to know, and particularly those in the millennial or eternal kingdom of God, that if your spirit has been broken for any reason or purpose, you can be fully restored. No one shall have the power to break the spirit of someone in the millennial kingdom of God, nor shall any spirit remain broken that is in the millennial kingdom. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai There has been quite a lot of discussion in the media about "radical Islam" as if to suggest that radical persuasions are unique to Islam. The truth is that virtually every religion has its radical elements. Whenever you combine fervor with hatred, the religion or the group becomes radical in its beliefs.
The southern United States has elements of radical Christianity, while many parts of Israel have elements of radical Judaism. The only practice of religion that can peacefully coexist with others is one that is entirely based on love. Winston One of the healthiest foods you can eat is an egg. Eggs have almost all of the nutrients that you would expect to have in a meal. Instead of having a donut for breakfast, you should consider having an egg sandwich. Do the same for your children and give them scrambled eggs on toast for breakfast.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The pastors of the world need to know that the Lord God Almighty hears every sermon they preach, and every lie they continue to speak to their congregations Sunday after Sunday. He hears them promising that Jesus will soon return to rapture them out of this world. They know that Jesus already has returned, not to take everyone to a distant land, but to teach us how to live by God's standards.
He is here to prepare us for eternity, and for the triumph of good over evil. He is here to tell the world that the Lord God Almighty is alive. He is here to let evil know that good always will prevail. And when eternity arrives, he is here to take us through its gates, and into another world--the new earth. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you have been sealed with the Holy Spirit Of God, but you have not been raptured into either the eternal or the millennial kingdom, you should do everything possible to verify that you are not missing the opportunity to be in the millennial or eternal kingdom.
Call on Jesus Of Nazareth by speaking his name from your heart, then listen in your heart for his response. If he responds, you are likely in his millennial kingdom. If he does not respond, it is possible that there are spirits and/or entities in you that might be preventing him from hearing you. Focus your energies on repentance and on cleansing, and trust that God will call you into his kingdom at the appropriate time. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai God's saving grace is available to anyone who desires to see eternity. If you know that you desperately want to see eternity, yet you are not able to become sealed, and you belong to a church in which the pastor is not sealing anyone, call to someone in the ether who is sealed and ask them to help you to become sealed.
If you are still unsuccessful in getting sealed, call Rebekah Isaac by focusing on your heart and speaking her name. When she answers, ask her to help you to get sealed. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai One of the most powerful Scriptures in the Bible is the Beatitudes which Jesus gave in his Sermon on the Mount. They speak of humility, of charity, and of brotherly love as the means through which we attain to God's promise of salvation.
Read the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-10, and ask the Lord God Almighty to imprint them on your heart and on your mind for all eternity. Read them each day for the next seven days. Read them again, for another seven days. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Speaking the truth in love is a necessary part of being in the millennial kingdom of God, because no one who speaks untruth, and who refuses to repent, can remain in the kingdom.
Ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God to tell you how to speak truths that are difficult for you to speak. He will tell you exactly what you should say. He also will tell you exactly when and how you should say it. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When you need a quick resolution to a difficult issue, your only certain ally is the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai A comfortable life is what everyone desires to have, and even when they already have comfort, there always is a desire for more. Comfort includes financial security, as well as physical comfort.
Everyone has assumed that poverty is the hallmark of a life lived pursuant to Godly principles. The Lord God Almighty aims to turn this belief on its head. He wants living for God to be the desire of every man, woman, and child, including those with substantial wealth. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The law of the Lord states that if a man and a woman fall in love with each other and desire to be wed, they should be wed. When God has joined two people in matrimony, nothing and no one in all creation shall be able to put them asunder.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The law of the Lord states that if a person is promised something in exchange for their doing a certain act, and they fail to fully perform their part of the bargain, they cannot expect to receive their reward, even if they have not completely reneged on their part of the agreement. The contract has been breached if they fail to fully perform.
Ask the Lord now whether there is any part of a contract or an agreement that you have failed to perform. If so, ask the Lord's forgiveness, and seek to make amends where possible. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Every day in different parts of the world, the Lord God Almighty hears the cries of his saints pleading with him for mercy, and begging his forgiveness for a long list of issues. The Lord God Almighty needs you to know that when you seek forgiveness, it should be a simple prayer of confession, accompanied by the promise to repent and to refrain from the thoughts, words, and/or actions.
If you are experiencing torture and torment, know with certainty that the Lord your God is not tormenting you. It may be that you are being assaulted with Smartphone apps that emit directed energy that can cause pain, bruising, and other serious injuries. If that is the case, ask the indwelling Holy Spirit for advice on what you should do. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Keeping a tight schedule is something that the average parent knows is essential if they wish to work outside of the home while raising a family. It also is critical to ensuring that children are fed spiritually, physically, and emotionally.
Spiritual feeding should always include praying and reading the Scriptures, while emotional feeding should always include time spent alone as a family, as well as with individual members of the family. Without alone time spent with their parents, children can become emotionally detached. The Lord God Almighty knows that he also needs to spend some alone time with his children. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty is a God who knows that truth must always prevail. He is the unseen God of the Bible, because every other God has been seen. El Elohim, the Father in Heaven, has been seen and heard, and Jesus Of Nazareth also has been seen and heard, so when you read of an unseen God in the Scriptures, you should translate it as El Shaddai. He is rarely mentioned in the New Testament, but throughout the Old Testament, he repeatedly has been referenced.
The world now needs to know that the God who previously was unseen, has now been seen. They have heard his voice, and now they have seen his visage. He no longer is the unseen God, and he never again will be unknown. The kingdom of Satan wanted him to remain unseen and unknown, but now he is both seen and known. Now he no longer is anonymous. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty never does anything without warning his saints. Many people are claiming that they have served God tirelessly for many years, fully expecting to be part of his kingdom, yet have now been cut off from the kingdom. Those who make this claim either have knowingly done things that they knew would, or could, compromise their relationship with God, or they are being fooled into thinking that they have been cut off, when in fact they still have an opportunity to enter into either the millennial kingdom, or the eternal kingdom.
The more cleansed the earth has become, the more the doors to the millennial kingdom have refused to shut, remaining open for one more soul, and one more soul, and two more souls. This is different from the tens of millions who entered on a daily basis during the Spring of 2017, nonetheless, the Lord God Almighty is not willing that any should be lost, or that any should unwittingly forego their call into his kingdom. Whether or not you already are in the millennial kingdom, the Lord God Almighty urges you to say one more prayer today, and tomorrow, and the next day, and call into God's kingdom any who are cleansed, who seek to do the will of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, whose hearts yearn to see the gates to eternity, and whose spirit will never ever betray the Lord their God. The Lord God Almighty is a God of compassion. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Whenever the ether's color changes to blue, it is an indication that the person has in them a god spirit. A god spirit is similar to the Holy Spirit Of God except that its focus is on the material world and on material things. It knows very little about the spiritual world and spirituality, and therefore, it must be tamed by the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. Without the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, the god spirit is human and subject to sin.
When a god spirit enters someone, it does so because the ether in the person is sufficiently clean so as to render them capable of making sophisticated judgments. Their judgments are wise and are unassailed by negative influences. If you have a god spirit, it is essential that you not fall into sin because the devil and his cohorts would love to have god spirits join them in hell. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim The Lord God Almighty has never abandoned anyone. If you feel abandoned by the Lord God Almighty, you undoubtedly are believing one of the devil's lies. Instead of believing the devil, ask God to show you the way out of your current circumstances, and to help you find the path to him. The Lord God Almighty is the God who saves you.
If you missed the Blog regarding the issue of what to do with your tithe if your priest or pastor has refused to tell you how to enter into the kingdom of God, you should know that the Lord God Almighty's command is to bank it. Open a separate bank account in your name and deliver all of your tithes (10% of your net income) into the account. The Lord God Almighty will tell you when, how much, and for what purpose the tithe should be used.
Some examples of what the Lord God Almighty has commanded that individuals do with their tithe include purchasing groceries for a neighbor in need, paying the college tuition for a child in the millennial kingdom whose parent has just passed away, paying one month's mortgage for a family in the midst of a financial crisis, purchasing text books for students at your college or school alma mater, buying snacks for the office in order to ease workplace tensions, and taking your family out for a special day or night of fun. When the Lord God Almighty instituted the tithe, he expected and intended that a portion of the tithe would be used to assist those in need, and to celebrate the relationship with God. That is not the manner in which tithes are being used, and as a member of God's millennial kingdom, you have an obligation to right any wrongs. More importantly, you must become committed to doing with the tithe only what the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God commands you to do, beginning today, and for all eternity. When you inform your priest or pastor that the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God wants you to bank the tithe (which you will confirm with the indwelling Holy Spirit), he is likely to tell you that you cannot continue to attend church if you refuse to pay the tithe exclusively to him. Your response to him should be, "Judge for yourself whether I should obey you or God" (See Acts 4:18-20 in the Bible). The Lord God Almighty is a God of justice. He will never cause a church to falter if that church and its leadership are committed to doing what the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God commands them to do. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai |
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