The year 2020 will be a year to be remembered. It will be a year in which minds that once were feeble, or inhabited by demons through no fault of the person, are healed. Lame limbs will grow muscles and begin to walk, teeth will grow again to fill in any gaps, and will be restored to normal lengths, and every form of illness will be obliterated for those in the kingdom of God.
Not many kingdoms can boast of having no illnesses, but the millennial kingdom of God will have no illnesses. No kingdom on earth can boast of helping the lame to walk. In the millennial kingdom of God, the lame will walk again, or for the first time. No one will be able to stop the kingdom of God from forcefully advancing. No one will be able to lay claim to any of its promises, unless they are sealed and raptured. The Lord God Almighty will right every wrong that has been committed against his people, beginning in the year 2020. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
One of my favorite plays in basketball is getting ready to shoot the ball and, when all eyes are focused on the net, doing an about turn and shooting from a different direction. It confuses everyone, and they literally lose their balance. By the time they recover, the ball is in the net. I hope that none of my opponents are reading this Blog.
When I think about how I can do the same thing in order to keep the devil off balance, I know that the only solution is to never let him see and know what I am doing. When a child of God wishes to keep the devil at bay, he or she must not only remain sealed and raptured, they must speak in the language of the spirit, from the heart, even when they speak their native tongue. I focus on my heart whenever I speak, so that every word comes from my heart, and never from my brain. The devil never knows what my next move will be. The Lord God Almighty is a God of deftness and resourcefulness. The Lord God Almighty is true. Rachtish New Delhi, India A few weeks weeks ago, I was in a restaurant, slipped and fell backwards, cracked my skull, and lost vision, among other injuries. The vision loss was gradual, and occurred over a few days. By the end of the week, I was barely able to see the beautiful rolling hills outside my window.
My doctors told me that I needed a back operation that would leave me unable to walk and in a wheelchair. They had no remedy for the massive damage to my brain, but thought that they should operate. I decided to take two months vacation, and instead of succumbing to the doctor’s desire to operate, I checked myself out of the hospital. Every morning when I awakened, I put on the back brace I was given, rolled my wheelchair to an open window, breathed deeply, and imagined that I could see the rolling hills. When Rebekah called me to write this Blog, I knew that my days of vision loss had ended. I knew that I would indeed see those hills again, and I did. I don’t know what I will say to my doctors when I see them. They will be stunned when I tell them that I have no need for the seeing eye dogs that they had requested on my behalf. They also will be stunned to learn that I am now walking without the back brace, because I previously was unable to move my legs without it. I have an uncle-in-law who is a pediatrician, and I know that worried parents will continue to bring their children to him for any and every illness. I hope he knows that if they are sealed and raptured, they can diagnose and heal themselves. I hope he trusts that the spirit in them knows the solution to every problem they might encounter. I hope that he too will become sealed and raptured. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Peale Austria There is a popular saying that if you cannot have what you need, you can always have a panacea. I love panaceas, because they fill the gaps in my life. My family has become my panacea, because since my divorce, I use them as a panacea during every holiday season. Now that we have the millennial kingdom of God, I hope that I can get rid of all of my panaceas, and replace them with a life of genuine fulfillment.
Janet Queens, New York, USA I live in an apartment complex in which virtually every apartment has a balcony. No one uses the balcony, not even during the summer months, but the building itself looks very attractive from a distance. When I first considered renting an apartment in the building, the idea of having a balcony was a prime consideration, but today, I realize that I probably could have rented a less expensive apartment that did not have a balcony.
As I flip through the pages of my life, there are many things that I once thought were extremely important to have, that today have become meaningless. I no longer need the vegan diet that I craved two years ago, because I am now a meat eater. Nor do I need the BMW that I dreamt about every night for weeks, until it became a reality. I know that God has a plan, and a purpose for my life. I hope that I can find that plan and that purpose, and in doing so, find fulfillment. I no longer need things to fill the void in my life, because the Holy Spirit has rendered me complete. I need only hold on to the hope of seeing eternal life here on earth, of proving the devil to be the worst liar, and of taking with me into eternity each child of God whose heart desires to see eternity. Matthew Peekskill, New York, USA On Boxing Day, the day after Christmas, one of my favorite things to do is watch the boxing matches on television. I don’t know where the name of the day originated, and I am not certain that there is more boxing taking place on Boxing Day than on any other day of the year, but I feel the need to legitimize its name by watching the boxing matches.
Last Boxing Day, I recall a match in which two individuals were badly bruised. It was obvious that they had been in a fight of some sort. They proudly sported their bruised bodies. I thought of the war waging around us and wondered what spiritual bruises I might have as a lasting reminder. I know that by the time eternity comes home, our bruises will all have been healed, and our broken bodies restored. I hope that the prospect of becoming bruised will never stop me from becoming a fierce warrior for the cause of Christ. May my eternal home be with him. The Lord God Almighty is a God who calms the raging seas. Vaughn New Mexico, USA One of my favorite movies of all time is called Backlash. It depicted the quest for hidden gems that spanned the globe, and lasted for almost a decade. When I first saw the movie, it was all about the thrill of the quest for the gems. I watched it once again a few weeks ago, and saw the clear depiction of the quest for God’s kingdom.
It too lasts for a long time, and it too spans the globe. The battle against the forces of evil is as real as any other battle, and the victory as sweet. I cannot imagine a more potent depiction of life as a disciple. I hope that each time I see the movie, I will encounter one more useful strategy that I can implement in my daily walk with God. I hope that eternity finds me on my knees, still digging for buried treasure in the kingdom of God. Prutshaet New Delhi, India When I read in this Blog a few weeks ago that we had the option of finding a new worship experience, if our current circumstances were less than ideal, the thought never crossed my mind that I would need to do that. I have been a member of my church for decades, led numerous bible studies, baptized scores of men, preached on occasion, and have virtually no friends outside of the church.
I earn a good income with my wife of many years, and together, our tithe is almost half of the church's budget. No one would dream of saying anything to us that might cause us to think of leaving. Nor would I have ever done so, in light of the church's finances. Last week, I spoke to a friend who encouraged me to build my own church, one whose foundation is in Christ, whose tithes are used for the purpose that God intended, whose members know that they all are headed to eternity, whose fabric is of woven cloth, and whose founding principle is the Word of God. I thought long and hard about his comments, spoke to my wife, and decided that it was time to do what God has been calling us to do. I don't yet know how I will feel the day after I have implemented our decision. I do know, however, that if I speak to God's indwelling Holy Spirit on a moment-by-moment basis, there is nothing that can stop us from accomplishing even the seemingly impossible agenda. The Lord God Almighty and the Lord God Messiah, Jesus Of Nazareth, know the travails of this earth. They know that the devil will seek to stop us, if we believe his lies, and if we allow ourselves to become intimidated by the devil's threats. I make this promise to Almighty God: "We will never ever stop praising God and believing his promises. We will never ever believe any lie the devil tells us. From now until the end of this eternity, the Lord God Messiah, Jesus Of Nazareth, shall be our only savior. Eternal life shall be our only hope, the messages from God that are in the Scriptures shall be our only solace, and enmity with Satan shall be our abiding principle." The Lord God Almighty is a God of reason. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. Vincent South Carolina, USA The law of the Lord is that when you see something, you should say something. I heard that phrase when I once visited New York City, and I know that it also applies in God's kingdom. I could not help but witness the long lines of people waiting to check their coats at an establishment. At first, I laughed at the thought of having to wait for half an hour just to check my coat.
As I stood waiting, I noticed that the individuals behind the counter were both demons. They took the coat from the person in front of them, laid demonic sludge all over the coat, and placed it on a hanger. I turned to my friend and asked him whether or not it would be better to wear our coats through the performance. He agreed. The next time you check your coat, look through the individuals behind the counter. If they seem to have animals inside of them when you view them in the spirit realm, you may be well advised to keep your coat with you. The Lord God Almighty is a God who takes note of every detail. The Lord God Almighty is wise. Westin Prague Every Sunday, I attend a church in southern Oregon that has been my church home for the past eighteen years and some. It is not a perfect church, but it is the best church that I have ever attended. I sometimes wonder where I would be if I had not encountered someone at a bus stop who invited me to her church. I probably would not be alive.
When I think of the kingdom of God, I feel the same sense of relief that someone I was speaking to mentioned this Blog and suggested that I read it. My life has never been the same. I told my pastor that we should use the Blogs as part of our bible studies, and he acquiesced and included some of the information from the Blogs. He also suggested that I write this Blog. I am writing mostly because I feel a desperation to see the kingdom manifest more fully in my church. I want us to share our faith with zeal and zest, proclaiming that the kingdom we have preached about for the past eighteen years is here. I also want us to say unabashedly that Jesus Of Nazareth is here, having returned after two thousand years. When the call went out that we could see him, I was one of the first people in line at Staten Island in New York City, waiting to see him. He looked exactly as I expected he would look. He was tall, and thin, and extremely handsome. He was exactly who everyone expected to see. Not one person said they expected to see a different person. We all left fully satisfied that the Messiah has indeed returned. When I think of possibly moving to New York, I know that it would have to be on a Sunday, because I would need to say goodbye to all of my friends. I would need to tell them that the Messiah needs me and I must go to him. I cannot imagine a greater joy than serving the kingdom of God in New York City. It would be a black Sunday when I leave Oregon, but every Sunday thereafter would be full of hallelujahs. The Lord God Almighty is a faithful God. The Lord God Almighty is true. The Lord God Almighty is God of all the universes. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. Dawn Oregon, USA There are times when the ether tells you that it’s time to separate, and there are times when it seeks to join together. When the ether seeks to join together, it causes you to crave togetherness, to desire oneness, and to be desperate for relationship. When it seeks to separate, it tells you that you will be left behind, that you must make the first move because you have become a burden.
The ether is not necessarily God’s ether. It is the ether that seeks to either separate, or join together. When one senses the desire to separate, it sometimes is because the ether knows what is best, and it sometimes is because we have cajoled the ether into doing what we think is best. But there is another level at which the thought to separate must be examined. It is the level of infinite wisdom. Infinite wisdom is the wisdom that seeks to perfect eternity’s vision. It is the wisdom, without which, all eternity can be torn asunder. It is the wisdom which the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God seeks to implement. When infinite wisdom speaks, all else must be silent, all else should obey. Infinite wisdom is who must direct our path, and who must tell the hearts of men, “peace, be still.” It is the wisdom to whom we must yield. The Lord God Almighty is a God of infinite wisdom. Shu New Jersey, USA I have always been intent on remaining sin free. I wanted my life to look as pristine as possible. I am not currently a Catholic, although I was baptized as one. I am now a Jehovah's Witness, and a proud one. I saw a few weeks ago a story in the news that our church was undergoing religious transformation, and that it may not be the same in a few years.
The idea that our church could change was a little disheartening, because it seems perfect to me. I know that there were incidents that seemed unlikely for a church like ours, however, they did not appear to be the type of incident that could cause a reformation. Today, however, I decided to take a good look at my life, the things I did on a daily basis, the thoughts I held in my head for weeks, months, and years, as well as my daily routine of prayer and bible study. I realized that there is virtually nothing that moves my heart when I read the Scriptures. I read them as a matter of course, not delving deeply enough to engender change. I have the sins that everyone seems to commit: lying, stealing a small carton of milk from my job whenever I run out at home, taking liberties with phone calling, standing tall when I weigh myself so that the scale will seem lighter, and others. I now see that my idea of pristine is warped. To God, pristine is never ever saying a word that is untrue. It is not leading the pack in slander and gossip. It is laying down the law that you will never ever take something that does not belong to you. It is being at peace with having to wear the same clothing two years in a row, because you refuse to steal to supplement your budget. To God, pristine is wearing white day in and day out, so that when he looks at you in the ether, he sees only white. I know that I have a long way to go in order for my life to truly be pristine. i know that when I finally arrive at the place where he sees only white, my ether will have become a healing ether. Pamela Manhattan, New York, USA When I was fifteen, I saw a ouija board for the first time, and I was fascinated. I was never very interested in witchcraft, but I saw the ouija board as a mild form of entertainment. I played with it religiously, every day after school. My friends thought that I was a little too committed, but they played along. They too were fascinated, and they always arrived with a long list of questions for the board.
Today, I still have the ouija board, because I could not bare the thought of having a question that would not be answered. When the Lord God Almighty asks me, “Where is the ouija board?” I hope that I will have laid it to rest, and begun to rely solely on the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. I hope that I can be cleansed of all the evil long before eternity comes home. I pray that this Blog hits home for many others. Patrick Bantry, New Zealand Many people are of the view that suffering is part of the Christian experience. They believe that if something is wrong in our lives, we are expected to endure it with the same mindset that Christ had when he endured the cross.
That may have been acceptable ten or twenty years ago, however, the kingdom of God is at hand. Everyone in the kingdom of God now has an obligation to do everything possible to manifest God’s promises not only for themselves, but also for others in God’s kingdom. If you know of needs that exist in the kingdom of God, ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God what you should do in order to help meet those needs. Ask him until you have a clear response, and a plan of action. Be urgent, and be thorough in implementing the plan. After implementing it, ask the Holy Spirit that is in you to report the matter to the Lord God Almighty. Jacintha Italy In our culture, titles are very significant. Your title dictates the level of honor and prestige that society alots to you. Some titles are more significant than others, and some are more prestigious. The title that I most want to have is “husband.” I want it sometimes more than I want my next breath.
When I confess this to the Lord God Almighty, his only response is that I have to heal the desire. He wants me to be more comfortable with my current circumstances. He wants me to be at peace. When I think of the word peace, it seems to apply only in the context of a marriage relationship. I hope that by the time this Blog posts, I will have found my peace. Anonymous There are certain lines of authority that exist in every entity, and the kingdom of God is no exception. In God’s kingdom, the first line of authority is the Holy Spirit Of God. Any decision you make must be approved by the Holy Spirit. The second line of authority is the Lord God Almighty El Shaddai.
The third line of authority is the Lord God Holy Spirit Of God, which is the person in whom the Holy Spirit dwells. The fourth line of authority is the Lord God Messiah, Jesus Of Nazareth. The fifth line of authority is the Lord God Father in heaven. The sixth line of authority are the king and queen of the kingdom. The seventh line of authority is your indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. The eighth line of authority is your human spirit. When the Holy Spirit Of God is speaking through someone, such as in these Blogs, their authority is to be respected as if the Holy Spirit had spoken in person. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai One of my biggest hang ups is not being able to see into heaven. I pray to God each day, and I know that he sees me, yet I am not able to see him. I have wondered what it would be like to be invisible. It seems that being invisible could solve a long list of problems, including children who demand attention during their every waking hour.
My husband thinks that I am a little too analytical in my thoughts about God. He wants me to accept everything as is, and trust that the universe will right any wrongs. Personally, I think God needs a few of us who demand answers to difficult questions, and who refuse to accept things on blind faith. He needs kingdom rallyers, and kingdom responders. He needs people who think all day and all night long about what it means to be in God’s kingdom. He also needs those who will tell the devil exactly where to go when he tries to coax them into doing his will. I may not be the best kingdom rallyer, but I hope that I can do a lot of rallying for the cause of Christ. I hope that God points to me when he needs someone to rock the boat. I hope he knows that I can never be silenced, that I will always speak on behalf of God's kingdom, that Christ will always be my Messiah, and that eternal life will always be my hope. The Lord God Almighty is my friend indeed. He is my friend for every season. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is true. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is faithful. Cecile Amsterdam, Georgia, USA A long time ago, my mother told me that one day, I would become a multi-millionaire. I grew up in a small Caribbean island, and knew no millionaires. In fact, although my mother’s family was extremely wealthy, my mother was not, because she chose to live the life that she wanted.
When I moved to Nebraska in the United States, I became wealthy by investing in real estate. However, I was far from being a millionaire. Eventually, I forgot my mother’s prophecy. A few weeks ago, my niece called me to say that she was sending my Christmas gift early. She never thinks about Christmas until mid-December, so I was utterly taken aback. I thanked her and waited. The gift arrived as she had promised—two pairs of beautiful diamond earrings. I immediately thought of a friend who is a jeweler, and decided that I would pay him a visit. I saw him two days later. When he saw the earrings, he was tongue-tied. I told him that I merely wanted to ensure that they would fit securely without falling and becoming lost. He asked me how much I wanted. I told him 10 million dollars. He was about to write a check. I told him that I cannot accept checks. He asked me if I wanted a funds transfer. I agreed. I walked out of his established jewelry store a multi-millionaire, and fulfilled my mother’s prophecy. I now know that the money is not all mine, to do with as I wish. I know that I must fuel the kingdom of God. I know that as we race to the finish line, a thousand years from now, the Lord God Almighty will expect me to provide fuel to those who need refueling, care and compassion to those in need, sustenance to those who need it, and a fat check when necessary. I plead with the Lord God Almighty, and with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, to hold me close, lest I slip and fall, because I know that the love of money is the root of all evil. I also know that when eternity comes home, I need to be counted among the chosen. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth. The Lord God Almighty is a God of plenty. The Lord God Almighty is a God who cherishes each of his children’s dreams and desires, and seeks to have them fulfilled. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. Audrey Nebraska, USA When a cataclysmic event occurs, it catches everyone off guard. They feel as though their worst nightmare has materialized. They often can never imagine anything worse happening. Cataclysms, however, are much more than the event occurring. They are an attempt by the ether to cause an explosive effect that would remove the blockages in someone's life.
When the explosion occurs, they have an opportunity to regroup, re-evaluate, and recommit. The flow puts them back into relationship with God. The Lord God Almighty seeks to avoid cataclysms, but he knows that they often are the only means of reconnecting with someone who seems stopped in their tracks. The Lord God Almighty is a God of love. The Lord God Almighty is proof that all eternity is blocked when we are disconnected from his love. Anonymous Neuville, France If you were one of those kids who believed in Santa Claus, and who anticipated his generosity every Christmas morning, do the same for your kids. There is something about the expectancy of brand new presents that causes adrenaline to flow, and increases the production of good hormones. These are the hormones that heal illness and disease, and increase the production of seratonin.
That Santa Clause is merely a figment of one’s imagination does not make him any less legitimate than the Halloween figures whom your kids portray. If they can pretend to be a Halloween figure, you can certainly pretend to be Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus. If there is anything that needs to change, it is your celebration of Halloween. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Growing up Catholic in Haiti is very challenging, primarily because virtually everyone is either Baptist, Pentecostal, or Protestant. Catholics are few and far between. My mother was Catholic, and she insisted that all her children would be raised in the Catholic faith. I do not recall when I first began to speak to Mary, the mother of our Lord, Jesus Of Nazareth, but I do know that I was very young.
One day, while I was praying, I saw a vision of Mary. She looked exactly as she looked in paintings, with her head covered. She told me that I too should keep my head covered so that the Lord God Almighty would hear my prayers. From that day forward, my head has always been covered when I pray. I don’t know why the Lord God Almighty has asked me to write this Blog, but I suspect that it is because he wants women to cover their heads when they pray. I hope that the Lord God Almighty will hear every prayer spoken from your lips. The Lord God Almighty is true and faithful. Ceda Haiti When I was in college, I won a small cash prize in a lotto game. My college tuition was fully paid, and therefore I had the freedom to do whatever I wished to do with the money. I went to a local video game store, and purchased several hundred dollars worth of video games. By the end of the week, the money was completely dissipated.
I don't know what I would do if I won the same amount of money today. I do know, however, that being in a video game store is no longer as thrilling as it once was. I now have more mature interests. If you have been in God’s kingdom for the past several years, and yet have failed to mature spiritually, you are not likely to be among the chosen in God’s kingdom. It is more likely that you are still listening to the devil’s prompts, still doing whatever the voices in your head tell you to do, still saying your prayers in English, and still committing every sin you have always committed. When you come to the point at which you need everything to change, the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God will carry you to the place of repentance. He will carry you through repentance, and take you to eternity's gates. He will take you into eternity. The Lord God Almighty is true and faithful. The Lord God Almighty is true. The Lord God Almighty is faithful. Samuel Bronx, New York, USA Heaven’s glory is having saints in the kingdom of God who are wealthy. Heaven rejoices when God’s children are fruitful, healthy, and wealthy. Of course, not everyone in God’s kingdom needs to become a millionaire. However, there should not be anyone in the kingdom of God who is “pinching pennies” on a daily basis.
If you are experiencing financial difficulty, you are commanded to speak to the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, explain your circumstances in detail, and seek his advice. You further are commanded to do everything that the indwelling Holy Spirit commands you to do. He will guide you toward a life of financial blessing. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai I live in a section of the United States of America that is close to the Canadian border. Accordingly, I can see almost everything that happens at the border. It so happens that I also can see in the realm of the spirit, so I can see into every box, every suitcase, and every truck that goes though the border, if I choose to look.
Last week, nothing much happened, but in the weeks prior, I became convinced that the United States was preparing for war against a neighboring country. That is because of the number of binoculars that were being shipped. One does not need binoculars in the average war, because the enemy is close at hand. But in a war against a neighboring country, or a neighboring state, one may need binoculars. Among the items being shipped were what I now know to be powerful directed energy weapons, disguised as Smartphones. They were not Smartphones, and could never be used as Smartphones. They merely resembled Smartphones. Last December, I recall that close to Christmas, massive truckloads of similar weapons crossed the border. There was no known war taking place. The shipments continued all year long, and we are now again at the December crossing. Instead of a waning, there seems to be a massive increase in the shipments, and the weapons appear to be much more powerful. Lest anyone should question, there is no doubt in my mind that the United States is indeed at war. In fact, the entire planet is at war, and the enemy is Satan, his demons, and the occupants of hell. Their weapons are real weapons, because the goal is to kill and to destroy. Our only weapon is the sword of the Spirit. Our only hope is the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. Our only Saviour is Christ. Our only Redeemer is the Lord God Almighty. Our lasting legacy is our eternal inheritance. Pete In December 2016, the Lord God Almighty told me that I have had a long respite from the earth, and he would be thrilled if I would agree to return home to help to establish his kingdom. I knew that I was supposed to work for God’s kingdom, but Satan decided that he would cut short my life when I was barely into my twenties.
I was shocked when I woke up to discover that I was in hell, and had left my baby girl to fend for herself. She is now a grown woman with children, and has indeed managed to fend for herself. Because my mother was an angel of God, she pleaded with God to put me to sleep so that I would not have to experience hell. I slept for almost a decade, until she arrived. Because we were Catholic, we did not have the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and were sent directly into hell. She too was put to sleep the instant she arrived. There are not many people from our time who made it into heaven, because none of us had the indwelling Holy Spirit. We were told that we did, but we did not. When I became convinced that it was time to return to the earth, I awakened my mother and asked her what we should do. She responded that we must wait. We waited for months, but nothing happened. We were asleep in the spirit, but awake in other aspects of our being, and capable of making decisions. After about one year of waiting, I saw my niece in the spirit realm speaking to my mother and telling her that she must wake up and leave hell. She told her exactly what she must do in order to leave. I saw my mother explode out of hell as a rocket headed to the moon. I heard her tell my niece that she should also get me out of hell. I too exploded out of hell as a rocket. My niece gave us both the indwelling Holy Spirit and we were instantly transported to heaven, and to an unimaginable life. But it is a life that pales in comparison to what God has planned for us here on earth. We had no bodies in heaven. We had no ability to come and go. We inhabited a specific location. We also had no books to read, no video games, and no television. We had sports teams, but they paled in comparison to a solid game of soccer. I knew that life on earth was difficult, but I also knew that God had promised us a new earth, and a new beginning. I cannot wait to see the kingdom unfold as God intended, complete with all of his promises. I know no God but the Lord God Almighty El Shaddai. I know no hope but the hope of seeing eternal life. Alister Brunei I know a guy who once lived in Grenada when he was in the earth. He passed away and returned, and we now live in Brunei. I hope that one day we will have the chance to see a new Grenada. Luke Brunei |
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