Paying homage to saints is not necessarily bad for your spiritual health. Nonetheless, unless you are a Halloween fanatic, Halloween probably is not the ideal time to pay homage to saints. Do so when you have their names listed and you can you pray specifically for each of them, in Jesus’ name.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
If you have a tendency to second guess God’s timing, you are not likely to complete any missions in the millennial kingdom of God. The individuals who complete multiple missions, sometimes within a single day, or within a single hour, are those who are sensitive to the spirit, and they heed every call of the spirit. If they see something that needs to be done, if they hear someone crying out to God, if they know a need that is not being met, they respond promptly.
They know that God appoints individuals to see, to hear, and to know. They know also that if they see, hear, or know, it is because God needs them to act, and to remedy the circumstances. Taking action is easy. You need only ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God what you should do. If you do nothing, the problem is not likely to be solved. If you refuse to prayer in the language of the spirit, you will never connect with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Present day thinking seems to be that God’s kingdom is now established, and everyone should simply proceed to acknowledge the Messiah, and thank him for bringing us through the plague of Covid-19. If that is your way of thinking, you should know that we are merely at the beginning of a one thousand year battle against the forces of evil. Covid-19 is only the beginning. Satan has planned at least ten additional plagues, seven of which are likely to happen within the next ten years. He may have died, but his plans continue to unfold.
During the next ten years, many countries will fall to the antichrist because their leaders failed to trust in God. Others will succumb to the plagues, if their citizens are not sealed and raptured. Devastation of untold proportions have been planned. Your goal should be to plant your feet where the Lord God Almighty and the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God have appointed you to be, and to do what they have appointed you to do. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Every day, at least two individuals who are in the millennial kingdom of God speak words of death over another person who also is in the millennial kingdom. If you know that God has promised you eternal life, that promise applies to everyone who is in the millennial kingdom. Everyone must uphold the promise not only for themselves, but also, for every other member of the kingdom.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The millennial kingdom of God is now home to billions of people. It has revealed the truth of God. It has created an ether of hope in the midst of dire circumstances. It has renewed a faith in God that has depth and substance. It has enamored us to our spirit, and to the beauty of creation.
If you know that this millennial kingdom is the only hope of our world, then you have an obligation to wake up, if you are still asleep, to speak out, if you have been silent, to take center stage, if you have been waiting in the background. The kingdom cannot be built with one hand. This mission cannot be accomplished with one pair of feet. Eternity needs to see all hands on deck. Eternity needs to know all hearts. The Lord God Messiah, Jesus Of Nazareth If you are a victim of postpartum depression, you should know that it is often caused by the common practice of suppressing milk production in women who do not wish to breastfeed a new born infant. The medication used can lead to suicide, murderous thoughts toward the infant, and other issues.
Should you wish to avoid postpartum depression, plan to breastfeed your infant for at least one or two years. A baby does not need anything but breastmilk in the first few months of its life. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai, the Lord God Creator. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai |
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