The tenth mission in the Rebekah Isaac Incorporated five year plan is a reformation of the criminal justice system and criminal procedures in states and provinces, as well as in countries. When the justice system is genuinely geared toward rehabilitation, not only will our world be safer, but also, more joyful and peaceful. We will come to realize that we ourselves engendered the hatred and revenge that plague our everyday existence. For a detailed description of this mission, see Blog post dated November 30, 2017 at
Rebekah Isaac
For a discussion of the Rebekah Isaac Incorporated eighth mission, the five year plan in regard to churches and other religious entities, as well as our ninth plan related to the transformation of the news media, see our Blog posted dated November 29, 2017 at
If you are concerned about the environment and environmental pollution, read the Rebekah Isaac Incorporated five year plan for solar powered cars, dated November 28, 2017 on Read also about our plan to prevent the embedding of microchips into shoes and clothing for children and adults.
Rebekah Isaac Statistics show that worldwide, more than 300 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes. At least 10% of health care dollars are devoted to the care and treatment of diabetes and diabetic conditions.
Diabetes is only the tip of the iceberg, as heart disease, asthma, autism, dementia, and cancer threaten to overwhelm the earth's population. If you desire a different world, read the Rebekah Isaac Incorporated five year plan dated November 27, 2017 at Rebekah Isaac When the chances of something happening is negligible at best, it makes little sense to waste time worrying about it. If you have been sealed with God's Holy Spirit and raptured into his kingdom, you are no longer subject to death unless you continue in sin and unbelief.
God Almighty has decreed that anyone who has been raptured into his kingdom shall be free of the spirit of death. Prayer and belief manifested the decree. Prayer and belief will manifest every promise of God, every decree from heaven, and every Word contained in the Bible. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Weeping may endure for a moment, but joy comes in the morning. Joy comes when you recognize that the Lord God Almighty is always faithful, and never gives you more than you can bear.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Now that we have had the opportunity to express our gratitude to everyone who deserved our thanks and gratitude, we must now forge a new path forward that involves giving thanks on a daily basis to God and to everyone to whom we owe it.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Happy Thanksgiving to all those who are in the kingdom of God, having been sealed and raptured, whose God is El Elohim, the Father in heaven whose kingdom will have no end, and whose reward is eternal life and eternal peace. When this eternity has ended, the Lord our God will deserve thanks and praise for bringing us through the most harrowing experience ever witnessed in all eternity, and all eternities, and all eternities combined. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai reigns.
Thanksgiving is always a time of much pleasure and much pain; pleasure for those who have relatives with whom to celebrate, and pain for those who don't. But principles of universality would demand that the pleasure be shared with everyone, otherwise it is not genuine. It is a fleeting moment in time, bordered on each side by our soon-to-be-realized episodes of pain and suffering.
What does it mean to share the pleasure? It means that you ensure that everyone has a reason to celebrate, a reason to believe in God, a reason to believe in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and a reason to laugh. It means that when you have Thanksgiving dinner, you can have it with a clear conscience, knowing that you have done everything necessary to express gratitude to those who deserve Thanksgiving. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The loss of blood always means that the person who lost the blood has lost a part of themselves. The life of a person is in his blood, and when his blood leaves his body, his heart bleeds. On Calvary, Jesus' blood was poured into the soil in order to cover the sins of humanity. Each time someone commits a violation of spiritual law, it is as though his blood was again poured into the soil. Think before you cavalierly commit sins and transgressions, because the blood of Jesus is a precious commodity.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the Lord God Almighty decrees that anyone who has been catapulted out of the millennial kingdom of Christ on more than three occasions will never have an opportunity to enter into his eternal kingdom, after the thousand years of Christ's reign have ended, there are numerous pastors and priests who will weep bitterly. That is because they were more concerned about getting themselves and their families into God's kingdom, and devoted no thought to the congregants they pledged to protect and teach.
As of this moment, the countdown begins, and anyone who has been asked to do something by the Holy Spirit Of God that is in them, and who has agreed to do exactly what the Holy Spirit Of God asked, will no longer violate that promise with impunity. You have an obligation to ensure that you are indeed speaking with the Holy Spirit Of God that is in you, and to communicate any obstacles whatsoever to your doing what he has asked you to do, prior to your agreeing to do it. If you fail to do so, know that God will hold you accountable. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The lesser evil generally is whatever someone decides is more tolerable than the status quo. However, in the realm of God's kingdom, there is no evil that is considered acceptable, or tolerable, nor is there any evil that God deliberately would visit on the people of his kingdom. All evil must be eradicated. If you have bought into the idea that God visits evil on people because of their sin, you have bought into the devil's way of thinking and reasoning.
God has stated numerous times that his role is to get us beyond the negative circumstances, he never visits those circumstances on us, nor does he encourage them to remain in place in order to achieve an agenda. God desperately desires that all negativity end, and that they end promptly. When you understand God's perspective, you know that in every instance of negativity in the kingdom of God, and among the people of God, it is imperative that you do everything in your power to eradicate it. The Lord God Almighty reigns in the earth, under the earth, and over the earth, and his kingdom will have no end. Nor will eternity cease to be. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When only the Holy Spirit Of God has the solution to your problems, you do not need to implement an elaborate bidding process.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Transitioning from our customary ways of dealing with problems to a more universalist methodology might seem like an awakening, because it will take us from darkness to the dawn of a new day. It will transform our ideas about issues as diverse as corporate governance, criminal prosecution, discrimination, democracy and democratic principles, public welfare systems, human rights, global reconciliation, and religious freedom. It also will transform our expectations about what a solution should encompass, and the length of time it should endure.
The world has become accustomed to receiving and using solutions that are never expected to endure for more than a few years, or perhaps a decade or two, at most. When the solution is based on principles of universality, which embody the core truths by which our universe was created and continues to exist, you are certain to solve the problem, and the solution is guaranteed to be sustainable for all eternity, and all eternities, and all eternities combined.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty has decreed that anyone who desires to have joy, must seek joy in the things that build up his kingdom, so as to bring joy to everyone who is in the kingdom.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Being in opposition to something has a weakening effect on your physique. It also weakens you mentally. For this reason, one of the devil's most powerful weapons is to create situations that he knows will engender opposition from you. You can remain in a state of opposition, or you can create the opposite scenario in your mind, and focus all your energies on that circumstance.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty is a God of peace, and anyone who desires peace should seek his counsel and his peace. He gives freely to all who ask, in faith.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Many philosophers have broached the subject of universality as a practical problem-solver, among them Kant and Hegel. That some of our greatest minds have looked at principles of universality as having the capacity to transport us into a different realm of beingness suggests that we might have come full circle, and should revisit the issue.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty desires to have debates and conversations with those who are in the kingdom of God. If you disagree with something stated in the Bible, or with a command given to you by the Holy Spirit Of God that is in you, God needs you to be honest and communicate your disagreement.
You will have no benefit or reward for your obedience if you obey with an attitude of anger or defiance. First resolve the issue in your heart by speaking with God, then obey with an attitude of willing surrender. God desires that you have a pure heart when you heed his commands. If you are more concerned about your legacy than about building up the kingdom of God, you are probably not likely to see eternity because you have misunderstood what it means to be in God's millennial kingdom.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Weeping is not something that is a normal part of God's kingdom. It should be expected that everyone in God's kingdom has moved past the state of despair and has arrived at a place of joy. That, unfortunately, is not the case. The state of despair is rampant in the kingdom of God. The state of enmity is rampant in the kingdom of God. The state of hopelessness is rampant in the kingdom of God.
When men and women who are in the kingdom of God terminate the employment of someone who also is in the kingdom, so that they can hire a person who is aligned with the devil, it is clear that their priorities are awry. Either they should rearrange their priorities, or they should plan to relinquish their place in God's kingdom. That is what love demands. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The term "weeping" connotes a different type of emotion from crying. Weeping suggests a deeper connection to the emotions than does crying. Weeping also suggests despair. Any part of the body can feel despair, and any part of the body can weep. If you sense weeping or despair in any part of your body, ask the Holy Spirit to tell you the reason for the despair and the solution. The solution will always end the weeping. The solution will always bring forth joy.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Almost everyone knows that breathing smoke is dangerous to one's health, and can be carcinogenic, even to infants. When someone nonetheless deliberately chooses to breathe smoke, they should do so with the intent to bear all of the consequences, all of the blame, all of the fault, and all of shame.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The euphemism "blowing smoke" often is used to describe someone who has no power, but repeatedly makes empty threats. In the realm of the spirit, every threat made by an enemy of God is an empty threat. It is empty because Satan has no power to manifest it. He relies on the children of God, especially those who have the indwelling Holy Spirit and/or have been raptured into God's kingdom.
Without the children of God, Satan is powerless. Without their willing participation, he is without recourse. He has only one source of power. Does he have your power? Does he have control of your thoughts and actions? Does he have you slated for a different eternity? You should know that he has everyone slated for a different eternity, and until your soul is rendered immortal by Almighty God, your task is to escape his grasp, to inherit God's eternity, to achieve immortality, to see the new heaven and the new earth. Aidan Perry |
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