When all is said, and all has been done, there is not much more that can be said and done. We have spoken for several days now about the closing of the doors to Eden. Not many people understand what it means to close the doors to Eden. They assume that we are referring to actual doors to a Garden of Eden that has been planted with fruit trees (including apple), pomegranates, daisies, tulips, and other edibles and inedibles. They assume also that even when the doors have closed, they may yet be able to "jimmy" the lock and get in, climb in over a fence, or pay someone on the inside to let them through the door. Their concept of heaven is a place beyond the sky, and the clouds, and the stars. But you have heard it said that the kingdom of heaven is within you, and it is.
Within each heart, the Lord God Almighty positioned a valve that opens and closes whenever our hearts are full. The valve enables the blood to flow throughout the body. This valve was closed when Adam and Eve were in the Garden; it never opened. Although they had blood in their arteries, the blood did not need to flow because it never became polluted, and therefore, did not need to be cleansed. It was pure when they were created and it remained pure until they sinned. When sin entered, the tiny valve was opened and their blood began to flow. When blood flows through the heart, the heart's energy is depleted. It cannot do the things it should do, nor can it speak the words it should speak. It must rely on the brain for virtually every aspect of its existence. It also must rely on the liver to keep it strong and healthy. When the Lord God Almighty closes the valve, we will become like God. The Lord God Almighty created the heart to be a self-contained organ. He never intended that it should rely on any other organ for its existence, or for its survival. We will become capable of astronomical feats and incredible accomplishments, when this valve is closed. We will be able to do things never before seen, heard, or imagined. We will become like God. When Eden's door is closed, the Lord God Almighty will be our God forevermore, and we will be like God. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth
The Lord God Almighty has decreed that when the doors to Eden close, there will be no activity on this Blog for up to two weeks. During that time, the Lord God Almighty expects that you will revisit the previous Blogs posted during the past two years or more.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth If you are the Imam, Rabbi, priest or pastor of a congregation, you should be very concerned about the fact that most of them may never see the kingdom of God, and many will never see eternity. You should be even more concerned about the fact that they are not even sealed with the Holy Spirit of God, when you yourselves have been sealed, and perhaps even raptured. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth says to you now, that you owe a debt of gratitude and an obligation, to both your congregation and to your ministry leaders, to ensure that they are sealed with the Holy Spirit Of God by noon on Sunday, June 25, 2017.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth N.B. In the event that you have tried to seal your congregation and have not been successful, God's woman of Revelation will be available to assist you by appointment during the day on Saturday, June 24 and Sunday, June 25, 2017. Your congregation can be sealed even if you have no meeting scheduled for the time of the appointment. To schedule an appointment, you must send either an email, a text message, or both to the contact information on the website with the URL http://www.RebekahIsaac.com. If you are unable to access the website directly, you can go to https://www.Twitter.com/RebekahIsaac, access any link, which should then lead you to http://www.RebekahIsaac.com. When you desire manifestation, it must be accompanied by the desire to give. It also must be accompanied by the desire to love. Godly manifestation is never a lone ranger. Nor is it ever random.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth The doors to Eden have not yet closed, so stop for a moment, examine your life, and determine whether it is worth your escaping the fires of hell, whether waking up tomorrow morning will be a blessing or a curse, whether the fact that your human spirit no longer resides in you (if true) makes you wish you could align with God and not with Satan, and whether eternity is worth pursuing. Not only will you have done yourself a favor, you also will relieve the children of Eden of any feelings of guilt for having entered Eden without you. The Lord God Almighty reigns.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth, the Messiah When the doors to Eden close, the rapture will have been completed, and the saints of God in the kingdom will have a new role. They will be assigned to different countries, probably in a place they have always wanted to live, and will be given the tools necessary to accomplish their mission. They will know their assignment when they wake up knowing that they need to move to another city or to another country. Everything they need to accomplish the move will be provided. They will have job transfers, family obligations that suddenly seem pressing, a desire for more sunshine, or a desire to learn to ski. They will feel only joy when they think of the move. If they feel anything other than absolute bliss, they will know that this move is not from God.
If they need funding to accomplish the move, or any part of their mission, the funds will be provided. If the funds are not provided, it means they no longer need to move, or to accomplish that part of their mission. If the funds are not sufficient, it means the same. When they arrive at their place of assignment, they will know exactly what to do to accomplish their mission. Their mission will be the thing that calls to them for a solution, or the thing that grabs their attention, or the problem that they know they can solve. If thinking about their mission does not bring them absolute joy, they will know that they have the wrong mission. In that case, they should ask the Holy Spirit to lead them to their assigned place. All of the necessary provisions will be at their assigned place. When the time comes for them to move to a new location, they again will wake up knowing that they have to move, and again, all of the necessary provisions will be provided. Anyone who does not like their assigned place probably chose an assignment that was not theirs. Anyone who chose an assignment that was not theirs, will not receive any credit for completing it. Anyone who does not receive credit for three assignments in a row will need to go through basic training to realign their emotions. Anyone who goes through basic training twice will need to question whether they should be in the kingdom of God. The Lord God Almighty reigns. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth, the Messiah Most people have no concept of to whom they owe debts of gratitude. They are accustomed to living life in a gratitude bubble, accepting acts of gratitude due them, and never genuinely thinking of to whom they owe the same. In the context of eternity, there are three to whom the utmost gratitude is owed. Gratitude is owed to Jesus Of Nazareth whose sinless life and death on a cross empowered us to pursue the promise of a healed soul. Without him, our soul would have no hope of ever seeing even the gates of eternity. We would be condemned at birth. It was his blood shed on the cross that healed our souls and gave us the hope of eternal life.
A debt of gratitude is also owed to the Father in heaven, El Elohim, who every day took charge of our spirits so that our spirits would not also become corrupted by the devil in the manner that our bodies were corrupted. Without him, our eternal spirits would have been relegated to eternal hell, and heaven would cease to exist. A third debt of gratitude is owed to God's woman of Revelation who showed us how to cleanse our hearts by connecting with God's eternal Holy Spirit. Without her, our hearts would have remained as filthy as the day we were created in the womb. Without her, the unborn fetus, the young child, and all adults would be seeking eternity while still clothed in filthy rags. It is she who showed us how to cleanse our hearts so that our light can shine throughout the universe. It is she to whom the greatest debt is owed and the greatest sacrifice is due, for it was she who set the devil racing against time with such ferocity that he lost his footing, slipped, and was caught up in an ether above time. There he will remain for the millennium, together with his six friends to whom he gave his spirit. And it was she who sent him packing when he tried to intercept the Lord's descent. When eternity's gates are opened, she'll be the third to enter, for she's the one who captured the hearts of all who came behind. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth The Lord God Almighty has decreed that those who wish to see eternity should pay eternity's entrance fee, the debt of gratitude, to whom it should be paid. When gratitude is owed, it should be paid in full, or else eternity would reel from all the tears that opened wisdom's vault to all. The tears that kept eternity's doors open and welcoming to any who would call on heaven above, to any who despised the devil's lure. The Lord God abhors ungrateful hearts and souls and spirits. The Lord God abhors ungrateful hearts.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth A large number of kids, teens and pre-teens have become disciples of Jesus and are seeking guidance on how to live within the parameters of their faith. They want to know how to navigate relationships, what to do when things seem to be chaotic, and how to deal with their parents and siblings. This new book by a young author will offer valuable advice, and hopefully will become a reference guide for both teens and pre-teens, and for their parents. You can purchase the book now by going to http://www.RebekahIsaac.us and clicking on the purchase link. Here is the young author's description for Discipleship 101 For Kids, Teens and Pre-Teens:
If you are the parent of a young child, a pre-teen or a teen, this book will help you to navigate some of the critical components of teaching them how live in accordance with biblical principles. If you are a Pre-Teen or a Teen Disciple of Jesus, knowing the contents of this book will help you to live well within the parameters of your faith. You will learn practical steps on how to approach family situations, how to escape potentially dangerous interactions, and how to let the world know who you are as a disciple of Jesus, if you wish to do so. No longer will you be fearful of interactions, or uncertain of how to proceed in a given situation. You will have all the tools you need, and an opportunity to practice them. This published chapter, "When Everything Is Perfect" gives you a taste of the care and detail that will be delivered in every chapter. Purchase this chapter for only 0.99 cents, and when the book is published on August 8, 2017, you will receive all other chapters free, saving you almost $9.00 off the list price of $9.95. Additional chapter titles include When Things Go Awry, When Your Parents Seem Unreasonable, When Everything Is Wrong, Knowing Your Limits, When To Call On God, When To Say "No", When Everything Seems Chaotic, When Siblings Are ______, When Your Parents Are On Vacation, When School Is On Leave: Making The Most Of Summers, When Your Energy Is Low. The book's author is himself a child, and knows the inner workings of the children of his generation. He writes from practical experience as a disciple of Jesus. He knows that living as a disciple is difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, especially for a pre-teen concerned with building friendships and being accepted by peers. He is one of the most popular students in his school, and maintains a solid discipleship regimen that includes prayer, Bible study, and sharing his faith. He longs to have others participate with him in this joyful and energizing experience. You can purchase the book now by going to http://www.RebekahIsaac.us and clicking on the purchase link. The publication date is set for August 8, 2017 but preview copies of the book will be distributed well in advance of that date. Everyone experiences bouts of disbelief, periods when they simply need to see the physical evidence or the hole in the hand in order to have their faith move to the next level, or the next plateau, or the next incarnation. When we doubt, we are saying to God that our spirit needs to become one with his. God always meets the doubter in the midst of his doubt and offers him every reason to believe. It is he that then must examine the reasons, and choose whether or not to believe. He must recognize the danger of unbelief, and urgently seek oneness with God. If after examining all the reasons there still is doubt, God once again, will meet the doubter in the midst of the pain of unbelief.
Ultimately, if someone languishes in unbelief, it is because they have not devoted the time necessary to examine all the reasons to believe that God has provided to them. Make a list now of all of the areas of doubt in regard to your faith. Ask God to show you all the reasons that you can and should believe. Be committed to diligently examining every possible direction. If God shows you a possible direction that you should pursue, be open to pursuing it, even if it appears to be going in the wrong direction. You will know whether a possible direction is not worth pursuing if it bears no fruit. If it bears any possible fruit whatsoever, then it is worth your diligent pursuit. It also is worth your utmost respect. The Lord God Almighty reigns. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth In the midst of what one might consider to be a spiritual revival, there always is a breaking point, a point at which everything seems to slow down to a simmer before the next major explosive event. When someone chooses to spark the fire once again, they should be ready to plug holes in the rooftops. There often is no way of containing the effects. My spirit tells me that there are many who are seeking revival, who hoped that there would be a revival when I returned. I know that revival is in the air, and that we are on the brink of the catalytic explosion. I am glad that it didn't begin while I was in the midst of what I consider to be a stealth operation to re-enter the earth, under the thickest cloaks of secrecy that one can imagine.
I was supposed to return on the clouds of heaven, and that I did, as was witnessed by at least ten thousand people across the globe. I clearly would not have wanted the entire world to witness our return, because every weapon known to Satan would have been pointed in our direction in an attempt to halt our descent. Indeed, every weapon known to him was in fact pointed at the heavens, in what they thought was our direction, and in all the places they thought we might attempt to enter the earth's atmosphere. Thanks to our very astute Woman of Revelation, we entered under a cloak of darkness that no human being could ever have foreseen or known was possible. She accomplished this incredible feat by relying on the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. If you are not too keen on the idea of having to rely on a woman for advice, you will need to re-examine your methodologies. I intend to have her as our principal source of wisdom and guidance, Amen. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When the Lord God Almighty asked me to be his Messiah, I knew that there was only one response that I could possibly give--Yes. I didn't know what it would mean to be the Messiah, nor what I would have to accomplish, but I did know that whatever it took, I would be willing to set aside my agenda, and adopt his. I knew that having a reputation as the best and highest paid mason in the City was nothing compared to being in the service of the Lord God Almighty. My mother didn't take kindly to me thinking that I was the Son of God, nor did the synagogue leaders. They all thought that something had gone very wrong.
Today, there are many people experiencing the same dilemma. They have a desire to serve God on his terms and under his conditions, but they are being told that their theology is too extreme, or that they need not be as devoted as they are. The world wants them to live in mediocrity, to never be too devoted to anything, for fear of losing their identity. But it is in the context of devotion that we gain our truest identity as children of God. It also is in the context of devotion that we gain eternal life. The key that opens the gates to eternity is a devoted heart. The Lord God Almighty, the God and creator of all the universes, who lives and breathes devotion, reigns. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth All around the world, I hear cries of despair--infants and children, adults, the aged and infirm, the notorious, the infamous, the fathers and the mothers, the destitute, and the lonely. They are cries that never get answered, except by a tiny few whose hearts would break were they not to heed the call of the spirit. They know from whence they came, and to whence they shall return. They know that when a spirit calls, spirits whose hearts are pure, whose hearts remember Eden, and whose hearts are aligned with God, MUST respond.
They never can ignore the call of the spirit, for when a spirit calls, it is theirs whose spirit is calling, and when they respond, it is to themselves that they respond. They know that they are one with the ether, one with God, and one with God's people--Eden's children. They also know that what they do for others, they do for themselves, and what they say about others, they say about themselves, and what they think about others, they think about themselves. When Eden calls, they must respond, for they are Eden's children. When Eden calls, they hear, and they respond. Answering the calls of Eden, and of Eden's children, is their calling. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When you awaken from a deep sleep, it is customary to appear to be taller. That is because when you sleep, the body regenerates and becomes strengthened so that your spine is more able to support your frame at its normal height. In the spirit realm, a similar process occurs. As a spirit awakens to its true identity, it becomes taller in the realm of the spirit. It also takes on a more robust look. A spirit that previously seemed to be of ordinary height and stature would suddenly seem to be soaring three stories high.
When a spirit commits sin or violates spiritual law, the ether associated with righteousness leaves, which has a shrinking effect on the spirit, and the ether of sin accumulates. The ether of sin corrupts the normal functioning of cells in the body and can cause illness and disease. The energy and characteristics of the ether determines which organ, or part of the body, is most affected by its presence. Certain parts of the body are most affected by certain types of ether, and other parts of the body are affected by other types of ether that relate to a different sin. As cell functioning becomes compromised, the spirit shrinks further. When the spirit shrinks to the size of the physical body, or smaller, you know that it is in a state of emergency. A healed and raptured spirit always will seem larger than life. It will be at least two or three times the normal height and width of the physical body. The more awakened the spirit is to truth and to the sanctity of universal precepts, the larger it will be become. The largest spirits are not necessarily the most righteousness, because large can mean that the spirit is over-confident or arrogant in perspective. A large but arrogant spirit will have very tight edges, whereas a humble spirit will have edges that blend into the surrounding ether. It is God who must surround us with a circle of light for our protection. If instead, the circle is one of darkness and arrogance, then it is time for urgent repentance. The Lord God Almighty reigns. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When Jesus arrives to commence his ministry, those of us who worshiped Satan will never know that he is here, because we will not be able to see or hear him, nor sense his presence. We will know that he is here because we will see the world moving away from chaos and destruction, and toward positive building and upliftment. We will know he is here because those who previously had been downtrodden will no longer be befallen. We will know he is here because the ether will be incorruptible.
When the saints speak truth, all will hear truth, and when they speak lies, all will hear lies. No longer will truth be replaced by lies, and no longer will lies predominate over truth. When the sun sets, it will be golden, and when the ether changes, it will change from black to gold. When mothers wean their children, they will become instant adults, because no longer will a spirit come into the earth not knowing who he is, or why he is here. When children become adults, they will be full of wisdom and power, despite their tiny frame, because they will speak in the language of the spirit, and will be heard in the language of the spirit. When the ether sees evil, it will condemn the perpetrator, and when it sees good, it will reward the doer. No longer will evil be rewarded, and no longer will good be punishable by death. All will have become one who are with Christ, and all will have become one who are with Satan. The ones who stood alone, in the middle, also will be condemned to death by their own hands, because they too have no power to give life or light. They too are darkness. They too have been overcome by evil. The only victors will be those who aligned with Christ, and who will have become one with him. The only victor will be Christ, himself a God, himself the Lord God of all the earth. The only victor will be love. Preet When the Lord God Almighty decreed that the sons shall inherit the kingdom, by no means did he intend to exclude daughters. Sons are a euphemism for all of humanity. When Jesus returns to establish his kingdom, he will assign responsibilities based on the condition of the heart. Individuals will be assigned to countries based on their preference, and they will be assigned tasks based on their competency. They will know their level of competence so that there will be no discord in regard to levels of responsibility. They will know the condition of their heart merely by looking at it in the ether, and determining whether it is gold or white, grey or black. Black hearts will mean that the person is righteous but did not realize that their heart needed to be cleansed.
God will not cleanse their hearts for them in order to promote them. He will expect them to have done the work prior to his return. He also will expect them to have asked for advice from the indwelling Holy Spirit of God on the methodology for cleansing the heart. If they do so, and their heart is cleansed, they will have discovered the source of every sin condition, and its solution. They also will have discovered the source of every methodology for ensuring that we have an appropriate "Welcome Back" celebration for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Of Nazareth. The Lord our God, Jesus Of Nazareth, reigns in all the earth. Amen. Rebekah One of the ways in which the ether tells you that it is time to wake up is by singing to you. You don't realize that the ether is singing, you just know that you wake up happy. On Wednesday morning this past week, I woke up happy because God Almighty told my spirit to "Wake up strong." I don't know why I needed to hear that, but I did notice that my will was on the dresser table next to me. I had never placed it there because a will is something you keep in a safe place. Someone knew where it was, and decided to make life easy for my relatives. Perhaps they intended to make it seem as though I had committed suicide.
I do know that when I awakened I had skin burns all over my body. I was later told that they looked suspiciously like radiation burns, but also could signal drug overdose. I don't do drugs, and never have because I am a devout Christian, and a Catholic priest. I live alone, but not in a rectory, so the only people who would have been calling to inquire are my family. I thank God that they have been spared the shame of thinking that I had committed suicide, or overdosed on drugs. I thank God for life, in Jesus' name. I thank God for hope and love and faith. I thank God for Jesus, who has made life bearable. Valery All day on Saturday, June 10, 2017, I intend to do what everyone does when they go to the races, bet. I have to do this because no one will hire me, they claim I have too much light and the demons don't like to work around people who have too much light. They also won't make any donations to my ministry, because I'm the new kid on the block who didn't attend a seminary, or a college of theology.
I could start a business, but I would have to rely on them to support its product, and I know they won't, for the same reasons stated above. I could rent a lawnmower and try to cut grass now that it's summer, but they will claim that I am too old to cut grass, and they will give the jobs to the teenagers. I could try to be a chauffeur and drive a car or a van, but I know they will question my sanity and whether I should be trusted to drive. I could beg on the streets, but I am not a beggar. My personality simply would not allow me to beg for anything, not even for a job, or a donation. I could wash cars and trucks, but I know they will say that I look too sophisticated for that type of job. I could jump through hoops, but I don't bend backwards for anyone. I could kiss feet, but I don't bow down to anyone. I could commit suicide, but I am no longer subject to death. So on Saturday, June 10, I will go to the horse races, and I will hope to win. I know they will say that I am a gambler. Didn't they call Jesus a drunkard? I know they will say that I lack sound moral character. Didn't they call Jesus a friend of tax collectors and sinners? I know they will say that they can no longer associate with me, because I was seen betting on horses. They also will claim that I should be put out of the church and banned from taking communion. They certainly will call me a heretic, because they like to use that word. It makes them feel saintly, despite the fact that they might be loaded down with sins. They don't like to have to answer to anyone, other than Satan, so they certainly won't answer God's call for help. They didn't answer his call when his son was crucified, and they still haven't answered his call for help for his daughter's agony, but they expect him to answer when THEY call for his assistance. In any event, wish me luck on Saturday. The horses promised me that they will help, they will answer God's call. El Elohim, The God Of Creation A long time ago, we decided that the human species needed to become more diverse. We set about to create a species that would be capable of extreme diversity. That endeavor had its many pitfalls, its many ups and downs, and its many challenges. More than anything else, however, it gave us the capacity for survival. Without diversity, we all would have perished a long time ago. We all saw the world and the future through the same eyes. We thought alike, and we acted alike. We almost never had disagreements. The problem was that when we had a problem that needed a solution, we became immobilized, vacant, and stumped. No solution seemed possible.
When we began to become more diverse, we suddenly had individuals who thought differently, and acted differently. What in the past seemed to us like insurmountable problems became soluble. We now had movement forward and became capable of change. If you become stuck in the status quo, consider adding some diversity of views and opinions. You will be glad you did. Most importantly, it is that diversity, and that capacity for independent thought that one day might become your lifeline. El Shaddai, The God Of All The Universes When the Lord God Almighty told me that I could have his daughter's hand in marriage, I laughed and said, "Alright, prove it." He responded, "There's nothing to prove, it's a fact." I pondered his response, and questioned when. "When you're ready to defeat Satan" he said. I laughed again. "I am very serious" he said, "When you're ready, let me know and you can have her hand in marriage." So I set about to craft a plan to take the devil down. I knew that it would take a thousand years or more, perhaps six thousand years or so, but in the end I'd have her hand to wed.
We knew that we would have to start a brand new earth, but earth was where the devil always shone, earth was where he made his grandest promises, and earth was where the human toll was greatest. Yet earth was always where we had the grandest portend of success, for earth was where the humans used their brain in ways not even angels could access. The earth was there, we just needed to call it into being, and call it into being we did. The first day of creation was the first day of the rest of this eternity that ends with the millennial reign of Christ. I knew the devil would defend his right to have the earth be his playground, but what I didn't know was how astute he had become in the years since he had fallen from the sky. He knew no intervention in the years since Eve had fallen, and he made the most of every waking hour. He plied and prodded, curled and crafted, and made his way to every human being whom God had sent to earth. When every human being was in his palm, the Lord descended to redeem them, if they ever wanted out. He became their King, their Messiah, and their redeeming friend. On the second through sixth day of creation, the Lord God Almighty said to me that his daughter would need to be wooed, and he could not guarantee that she would want to marry me. I told him I would woo her to the end of all creation, and the close of all eternity and eternities combined. I didn't capture her heart by the close of all creation, nor at its redemption, but I certainly will do so when I crown her my woman of revelation. I will do so on August 17, 2017 when we defend her crown. There are many others, including men, who are claiming to be God's woman of revelation. They have done nothing for the kingdom of God that has had any impact whatsoever on anyone anywhere in the world. She was chosen before time began, and before Adam and Eve came into being. She was titled a Woman of Revelation when the crown of twelve stars was placed on her tiny frame as she developed in the womb. She was listed among the prophets of God when she wrote a letter to the senior minister in a large southern congregation, challenging him on his theology, and catapulting him to a new level of Christian discipleship. That was more than twenty years ago. She was listed as a woman of virtue when she took a vow of purity at her baptism on August 17, 1988. She was listed as a woman of noble character when she stated that she would never betray her God. She was listed among the women of influence when the Lord her God and several others named her one of the most influential women of the twenty-first century. She was listed among the women of virtuous character when the ether stated that she has never ever shoplifted a single item. She was listed among the women of infinite wisdom when her law school admission essay was used as the outline for a PBS documentary on athletic excellence. She was again listed among the women of purity when she exercised caution in her choice of relationships. She was listed among the women of confrontational acuity when she challenged Pope Francis to place his focus on giving the indwelling Holy Spirit to all of Italy. She was listed among the women of foreboding when she challenged the Pentagon to stop selling military devices through corporate channels. She was listed as a woman of good humor when she stated to the Lord her God that she wanted him to start reading the tea leaves. She was listed as a woman whose diary was stolen and photocopied when she was a teen, in order to discover secrets that could be used against her at a later time. They were surprised at how pure it was, as compared with the diaries of American teens. She was listed as a woman of good reputation when she stood up to federal authorities who claimed to be "investigating" her for unknown reasons, but had not discovered even a shred of evidence after more than sixteen years of tailing her and scrutinizing her every move. She was listed as a woman of viral popularity when her blog generated millions of followers within weeks of publication. She was listed as a woman of sustainable logic when her initiatives in regard to the climate accord saved the United States billions of dollars over ten years. She was listed as a woman of staunch moral character when she never did anything whatsoever to dishonor her calling and her purpose. She was listed as a woman of integrity when she vowed to never ever tell a lie. She was listed as a woman of vagrant faith when she told Satan that if he did not release his hold on her apartment where God had determined she should live, she would curtail his access to his residence in hell. She locked him in a cage, along with six others whom he had given his spirit. They all escaped. She captured Satan again, locked him in another cage, and suspended it above the earth's atmosphere where it remains to this day. That was approximately two years ago, so if Satan paid you regular visits in the past, be grateful that he no longer does so. She was listed as a woman of fancy attire when she arrived at work one day wearing a Castleberry knit suit. They thought she had found another job that paid more. She was listed as a woman with a potentially careening career when she was brought into a boutique law firm and promptly solved one of its most difficult problems that had plagued every case they filed. She was a litigation partner at the firm. She was listed as a woman, again with a potentially careening career, when she was brought into a firm as partner and attracted one of the highest paying clients the firm has ever seen. She was listed as a woman of mental acuity when she aced the Bar exam, despite having worked full time all summer while preparing for the exam. She was listed as a woman of eternal common sense when she chose not to get married to any of the men who pursued her. She is my wife, my love, my life. Anonymous 9 I saw her at the Party of The Year. I say that because it was the best party we had ever had, much better than the ones we had had in Switzerland when we were students and poor. We were now working, earning the American dollar, living on the upper west side of Manhattan, and we considered ourselves wealthy.
She was at the Party with friends of ours and it was the first time I had seen her. She had the most beautiful eyes I had seen in a long time, and I wanted desperately to speak with her. She was busy speaking with everyone else but me, as I was huddled in a corner on crutches, having twisted my ankle. She didn't seem to even notice me smiling in her direction. I couldn't see anyone else that night because I wanted to speak only with her. Finally, I prayed that she would at least glance at me so that I could determine whether we could connect. She glanced at me, and we connected. She sauntered over and asked what I had done to my ankle. I was embarrassed to be on crutches but overjoyed at the same time. I didn't know how I would pursue her or what I would say to our parents, but I knew I had to marry her, or die a bachelor. I knew that when the evening sun was setting, I'd want her by my side. I knew that when the years had had their toll, I'd want her by my side. I knew that even when the day was cold and grey, and the night was dark and dim, I'd want her by my side. I told her I would die young, so that even if she didn't really care, she'd know that she could have her freedom back. I didn't know how much she cared or I'd have pursued for more than a year or two, I'd have waited for an eternity, and all eternities combined, and all eternities combined. My parents came to visit, but I was so afraid that they would think she didn't care, that I told them she was busy with the law. She knew that they were visiting, but didn't make the usual pitch that others would have made, to ensure they knew she was the future mate. But when they left I hated that I'd wanted them apart, for fear that they would know my vain pursuit. They had made the trip to meet her, and had made that very clear when they returned. So I planned a trip back home in the hope that she would join me, but once again, she never said a word. I soon would come to see that for reasons even she did not foresee, she wasn't free to marry me. She knew the love of God and could not love another, for another would have meant a love less bold, another would have meant a love less new, another would have meant a love that never could have met the Lord's purview, and another would have meant that all our cherished dreams would not come true. The Lord should know that if for any reason he should leave her in despair, I'd quickly make a turnaround and catch her in the air. Knut In the wee hours of the morning on May 25, 2017 I heard someone say that the ether was corrupted and needed to be cleansed. I didn't know how the ether could become corrupted, given that it was God's ether, but I proceeded to hear the person shamrock the ether in four directions. I saw body parts flying as the ether was shamrocked, and knew that the ether been subject to corruption, and I was one of its victims.
I didn't know why I had fallen asleep, but it seems that I was put to sleep with the expectation that if I didn't awaken, they could throw a party in my honor. I was still at work, and had apparently spent the night there. I looked around me and saw that the cremation order I had just signed was on my desk, not in the drawer where I had placed it, and my will was next to it. I had not looked at my will in decades, but someone knew where it was, and had made its existence known. Someone who knew that I would not take kindly to being the party pooper, and had set the tables all around me with beer and wine and liquor. Someone who decided that my time at work should end. Someone whom the ether thought was a kind and treasured friend. Someone whom I myself would have given my life to defend. Someone who betrayed me for a $100 stipend. Someone who should stand trial, but never will, because they said that Weapons Of Mass Destruction don't exist. Michael West Germany When they told me that I had to die, I looked at them in shock. I knew that I was past the age of death, but why would someone who had run a mile the day before prepare to die? The next day they appeared and said they'd take me to the hospital to die, so I wouldn't have to die alone. I bid them goodbye, told them they were crazy, and shut the door real hard.
The next day they arrived once more and announced that if I didn't go with them, I would have to die alone. The next thing that I knew is that something seemed to shoot across the room and strike me smack between the eyes. It was a bullet that was stealth designed to never ever leave a trace, to shred the mind and brain, and to send the victim packing to his grave. And that it did, until my daughter heard the news and told the Lord her father cannot die. He brought me back to life, but they determined that they should have the final word. They took me to the crematorium, injected me, and placed me in the cave still warm, the blood of life still flowing through my veins. I pondered what to do, as I was conscious, but knew that at any moment I'd be going to heaven's gate. Heaven's gate would open, I was told, for the Holy Spirit had marked me as "Eternity On Hold." Eternity on hold meant that I would never be subject to the judgment that the devil had decreed. I was marked as heaven's gold, and placed on hold for my eternal abode. When the head nurse asked if I had gone to sleep, and heard that I had not, she told them, "Light the fire, and make it hot." They made it hot when anyone refused to go to sleep. Hot was for the angels, and the wet ones (the ones they had drowned), and the scared. Hot was for the ones who didn't need to know the fear. Hot was when they knew that heaven's care might interfere. Hot was for the faint ones who needed mental care, for they're the ones who told him everything that he should hear. Hot was for the enemies of God whom he no longer needed to prefer. Hot was when they knew that all of heaven might descend if they delayed. Hot became their code word for secession, meaning those who came before must leave their wares. So, hot it was and in a flash of time, I ceased to be. I woke up on the far side of eternity, for this was not the plan that was ordained. I knew that had it not been for my daughter, I never would have seen the light of day. The ether thought that I had been a traitor, and scheduled me to die a traitor's death. But faith revealed that God was my protector, and awakened me to see the kingdom come. Faith was every bit the trusted friend. Faith has saved me from the bitter ending. Faith was not to be devoured by evil, for faith and hope and love combined to make me whole. I now am known by many as the young man who defied the devil's call and told eternity to wait until he is open to all. Anonymous 6 They placed me in a cabin in the woods, and left me there to die. I knew that I was asleep, but I couldn't wake up, however much I tried to awaken. I tossed and turned and tried to get my brain out of the fog they had placed me in. Then in a flash, I awakened to a voice that was saying to me, "Wake up strong."
I opened my eyes, looked out of the window, and saw that I was surrounded by trees. I thought they must certainly be somewhere in the vicinity, but it seems that they planned to return only after I had died, to take me to the crematorium. I called my sister, knowing she would know what to do and told her I was somewhere in the woods, but knew not where. I did not know how to get from there to home, for they had erased the memory of home. She told me the state in which I lived, and pointed to a map in the realm of the spirit. "Can you teleport?" she asked and without knowing how, I said yes. She instantly commanded my spirit into the state, then commanded me again, this time to my childhood home, and told me how to get in, for no one was home. From there, my memory returned and I am back at my apartment, wondering whether it would be safe to return to work after my vacation. Someone there, I suspect, probably would not expect to see me walk back into work. Someone there expects that I have died a painful death. Someone there believes that even raptured saints can die. Someone there should know that when eternity has promised, eternity has kept its promises. Eternity would never have betrayed the trust, nor settled for a dismal tragedy. Eternity does know that when eternity has promised, eternity its promises must keep. Eternity its promises must keep. Anthony I went to the same law school as she did and we graduated in the same class. I listened through the realm of the spirit back then, and heard a lot of conversations I should not have heard. Whether they were words or thoughts I didn't know. They questioned who she was and why she was so full of light. They wondered why her grades were so much higher than the others, and pledged to take them down a notch or two. They wondered why she never entertained the men who sought her light, and why they yet pursued her through the night.
They whispered that her ether was of other than the earth, and wondered why she had made the trek to earth. They told all who could listen that her mother was a saint who'd returned to earth to set the whole world straight. And finally, they said that when her schooling was all over, she would flunk the Bar to prove that she should never be a lawyer. So they fixed the Bar exam and expected her to fail, but the Lord said that his lawyer must have never failed a test, must have never failed the Bar, must have never failed a single thing related to her power. So she passed with flying colors and became a city lawyer, and became a lawyer for the laws of God. AnaMaria |
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December 2020
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