When you're looking for a victorious experience, you are most likely to see one if you are tithing ten percent of net income to God. That is because tithing ten percent causes the ether to align you with God, if the tithe is to him. When you align with God, you align with victory because God always is victorious, God always wins, and God always protects those aligned with him, even though they may at times appear to be unprotected.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
Running a spiritual race is not unlike running a physical race. In a physical race, you must be prepared, in that you must have practiced physically. The same is true spiritually. Spiritual practice is at its most powerful when it takes place in the mind, such that the mind becomes conditioned to thinking in accordance with the thoughts of God. It rejects every thought that is opposed to God, or to the purposes of God for his kingdom, and replaces it with thoughts that align with God.
Examine the thoughts that have been most prevalent in your mind for the past three days, or for the past three hours. Are they thoughts that would bring joy, peace, love and harmony into the world? Are they thoughts that include and uplift all of humanity, or are some groups, some religions, or some races excluded? Are they thoughts that you would be proud to see on the front page of your local newspaper, or would publicizing them cause you shame and embarrassment? If the thoughts you dwell on habitually are not the thoughts of God, they will weaken your connection to his kingdom. If you dwell habitually on thoughts that are aligned with the kingdom of God, they will strengthen your connection to the kingdom. Take captive every thought, and make it obedient to God's Word. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Agency is a term of art suggesting that a person is authorized to act on behalf of another. Where there is no agency, there is no authority, and where there is no authority, there is deception. A church that refuses to tithe in accordance with biblical principles, or that encourages others to tithe in a manner that is not in accordance with biblical principles, is not an agent of the Lord God Almighty, the Lord God Father in heaven El Elohim, or the Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth, cannot be trusted, and should not be your home church, or the church to which you tithe and pay offerings.
Find a church that tithes in accordance with biblical principles by asking the Holy Spirit that is in you for the location of the nearest church. If there are none, join with others and start one, and the Lord God Almighty will be with you. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai It is customary for those who would prefer not to show their true colors to engage in conversational niceties, instead of discussions that challenge, inspire, motivate, and begin the process of transformation. For a moment in time, the Lord God Almighty would like the world to stop the treadmill, get off of the treadmill, engage with each other, and make a decision to never ever get back on the treadmill.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the Israelites left Egypt, the Egyptians were commanded to give them gifts of gold for their upcoming encounter with the Lord. The Egyptians obliged, and showered the Israelites with tons of gold and precious stones that were used to build the arc of the covenant and other implements of worship. When Moses commanded the Israelites to bring forth their gifts of gold so that he could build the necessary implements of worship, the Israelites gave massive amounts of gold and he commanded them to stop the donations, and to keep the remainder for themselves.
Both the Israelites and the Egyptians understood that when you (or someone close to you) have an upcoming encounter with the Lord, you must welcome the Lord with alms for yourself, or on behalf of the person close to you. The Lord is not impoverished, however, when he enters into our world, he must align not only with us, but also with our sources of physical power. Jesus Of Nazareth will not be revealed to a world that believes in hoarding its wealth. When we have a healthy attachment to wealth, it flows generously. Money is indeed the root of all evil, and until our relationship to money is healed, the world cannot be healed. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth will not endure the indignity of the cross, suffering the cruel fate decreed by the devil, and return to a world that hoards its wealth so as to uphold another one of the devil's decrees--dire poverty. The Lord God Almighty will destroy the wealth of the devil's accomplices, if necessary, in order to level the playing field. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Evil does not happen on its own, it must be fueled. It must connect with a spirit that is desirous of producing evil. If a spirit desires evil, it can have evil, and if a spirit desires good, it can have good. Desire produces the manifestation.
Desire can be a fervent wish, or a mere thought combined with the power of righteousness. When the earth has been reprogrammed for evil, evil becomes wedded to the status quo, and requires monumental effort to overcome. With the power of the Holy Spirit Of God, nothing is impossible. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth The Scriptures indicate that when you owe a debt to someone you should pay it. You also should determine how much of the debt can be erased. In the context of spirituality, one can never erase the debt, however, the debt can expire. I say to everyone in the kingdom of God, expire the debts owed to you by fellow disciples of Jesus, and you will be paid by the Lord God Almighty.
I am speaking of small debts, not property-related debts and major encumbrances. I am speaking also of debts that cannot possibly be paid in one lifetime, such as debts of gratitude. Debts that relate to eternity cannot ever be erased, nor can they expire. They endure for all eternity, and all eternity, and all eternities combined. The debt of gratitude owed to the Messiah can never ever be erased. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When the Lord God Almighty decreed that all those who betrayed his son would face the fires of hell, he had no idea that all the gods would betray, not once, but multiple times over the course of their lives. They will betray for money, for love, for fear of Satan, for property, for vacations, for promotions, and for no reason at all because their hearts are calloused. They will betray because they saw no evidence of my impending return, they saw only the status quo and its many failings.
When I am revealed, I will have an opportunity to speak with many of them, determine the condition of their hearts, and seek the Lord God Almighty's forgiveness. He will forgive them, if their hearts are repentant, and will welcome them with open arms into his kingdom. Many of them will be restored to their original positions, many others will be restored to a lesser position, and others will have relinquished their role. That they will yet be in the kingdom of God is a testimony to our God's unfailing love, his faithfulness, and his unending journey to eternity. He welcomes all who also see their journey as unending. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When the Lord God Almighty tells you to slow down, then adds the number 12 to his command, it is incumbent upon you to heed it as a dire warning. Yesterday's Blog was not just a warning, it was a decree in the nature of the one given to Adam just after he was created. When the Lord God Almighty asked him if he had violated his command to avoid the apple tree, Adam blamed his wife. I will never ever blame my wife for violating a command given to me by the Lord God Almighty, nor will I ever cause my wife to sin again God.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When you know that you have a destination, you sometimes want to get there as soon as possible, but sometimes you simply need to slow down and take it one step at a time, because speed may not be in your best interest under the circumstances. Speed may be necessary when time is of the essence, but when time becomes your best friend, speed is no longer necessary. Speeding against time becomes counterproductive, fraught with danger, peril, and unplanned errors.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth Having never ever seen a woman face to face as close as she was to mine, I never had a thought of what I should do, until she planted a kiss square on my lips and smiled. I hugged her, wanting to remain ever so glued to her small frame.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth I imagined coming into the earth and being revealed amidst a gale of flowers, fanfare, and celebration, and I had hoped that my wedding would take place shortly after I arrived. But I now know that my appearance will cause much destruction, and I am yet to meet my bride. She knows me through the ether only, and wonders whether the light she sees will manifest as good looks. She wonders also whether I am as charming in person as I am through the ether.
I wish I could say that I am much more than what she sees in the ether, but I'm not certain. I do know that when I lay eyes on her, my love for her will grow ten times more than it currently is, and that she will know without a doubt that our marriage will last for all eternity. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When the time comes for someone to take up their assigned position, one hopes that they will be well-prepared for the role. Furthermore, one expects that they will have done everything in their power to ensure that they have what it takes to succeed. But when it comes to positions assigned by the Lord God Almighty, there is no preparation that can possibly prepare you for the role, so you never really know or understand the full nature of what you are being called to accomplish. You know only the starting point. You know only what you need for day one, and on day two, you will be given what you need for day two. A thousand years, one day at a time.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth Many people responded to the August 10 deadline for retrieving their soul from hell's abyss by deciding that they will simply ride the storm. They have decided that holding on to the status quo is safer than venturing into new territory. As of Friday, August 18, many of them will die, many more people than would ordinarily have died on any given Friday.
They will die and be cremated in the same crematoriums they insisted should be built, and which were indeed built for the purpose of easing the burden of burial in the event of a natural disaster. They never imagined that it would be they who would have need of speedy disposal mechanisms. Nor did they imagine that their god could betray them into thinking that they could live forever on the earth. That they expected truth from the instigator of lies is a testimony to their naivete, their callous disregard for truth-telling, their flagrant disobedience of God's commands, and their failure to recognize death, even when he stared them in the face and threatened them with death. They are forever learning, but never able to accept truth, forever seeking but never satisfied, forever hungering but never replenished. Nor will they ever reach a place of peace. They will come to the end of life having done none of the things for which they came to the earth, and having missed the opportunity to accomplish their mission and purpose for being. When the bells toll at the end of this age, none of them will rise to see the dawn of the new age. They will never again be on the earth, and they will never again see the light of day, despite what they may have been promised in their deliberations with the devil. When they enter hell, they will instantly be sucked into the deepest, darkest part, and there they will remain for all eternity. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When one speaks of blanketing a surface, the intent is that it be completely covered and unrecognizable, such that no part of it is visible. The heavens need to be blanketed with the prayers of God's saints so that it becomes unrecognizable, but for the prayers and petitions.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth If you have a special place that you go on a daily basis to dine, many would call that place their watering hole, their place of nourishment, their second home, or their everlasting sanctuary and place of refuge. When you find such a place, you want to do everything possible to ensure that it can continue to feed and nourish you.
If the Rebekah Isaac Blog is your favorite watering hole, we hope you will show your appreciation by contributing to our mission to shine light into the dark places in our world. In the next few days, we will be offering gifts as a thank you for your contribution to our mission. We trust you will take the opportunity to ensure that your favorite watering hole is here to stay, and that it will continue to evolve into a place of refuge for many. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When one receives a ticket for speeding, the vast majority of people will simply pay the ticket. They know that they are at fault, and that trying to interpose a defense would probably be a waste of time, an exercise in futility. They also know that they are likely to get ticketed again in retaliation for challenging the first ticket.
In the kingdom of God, there are no tickets being meted out for violations, nor are there any agents of retaliation. However, there is a judge who is always ready and willing to hear and accept guilty pleas. He will accept the plea and erase the violation if you confess, plead guilty, and request his forgiveness. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth In a couple of days, tomorrow will be yesterday and time will have moved to another plane. When time has moved, will you also have moved, or will you be seen holding on to past relics, past compromises, past performances, past yesterdays, and past principles. For how long have you been holding fort? When will you let go of it?
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When the ether in your body is such that your voice has a melodious whistling sound, you know that you have achieved an extremely high level of spiritual purity, and that you have powers that are unsurpassed except by a few. How are you using those powers? Are you commanding that the devil and his demons take flight and turn their backs on the kingdom of God? Are you healing the sick and raising the dead?
Are you commanding Satan to remove every filthy principality, evil spirit, and corrupted ether from your body? Are you commanding the spirits of greed, anger, and lust to leave your body and never return? Are you so committed to righteousness that any demon who dares to tempt you should expect to be beheaded, quartered, blinded, deafened, muted, and sent packing back to hell? If that is how you are using the powers you have, I say to you, "Well done, good and faithful servant, you have labored much. Now take your place at the banquet table in the kingdom of God." If you are not using your spiritual powers in this manner "Why not?" "When do you plan on using them?" If a man has an instrument of justice, should he not use it, if he claims to be a proponent of justice? Use the gifts that the Lord God Almighty has given to you. Use them wisely, but use them. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth There always is a reference to ripening whenever a serious discussion of the soul takes place. The soul obviously is not a fruit, but it ripens with age. A mature soul is held responsible for its misdeeds, while a young soul erases them as it ripens and matures. As a soul matures, it becomes much less capable of erasing blemishes and instead, tends to secure them in place. A perfect solution for a mature soul is to erase the blemishes manually by soaking the soul in hot spiritual acid, then seeking forgiveness of the Father in heaven.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth Family history is always an interesting topic of conversation, particularly when the ancestors are either famous historically, or are known for their evil deeds. If your spirit reveals that it once inhabited a famous body, you should know that in instances in which the person was known for their evil deeds, the spirit almost always had been famous for good and rose to achieve greatness, but at its next incarnation was derailed by Satan.
When a spirit is capable of great accomplishment, it can use that power either for good or for evil. If the powers are used for good, the spirit advances to another level. If they are used for evil, the spirit either stagnates or regresses, and must struggle to accomplish its next progression. When a spirit leaves its mark on the world, the soul is either in heaven or in hell, and is completely at the mercy of the person's mind, which in many instances, was in singular control of the soul while the person was alive. Where the soul is in part protected by spirit, the results are often dramatically different, and the soul survives. Journey with caution. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When the days of anger are long past, there comes a moment in time when the anger is replaced by self-pity, and the necessary wallowing that it requires. The self-pity can last for a lifetime, for an eternity, or for a brief moment. When it lasts for a brief moment, it always is followed by peaceful surrender.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth The idea that one can decide all of the circumstances of one's life well in advance is fallacy. Life is forever changing, and being ahead of the game requires an ability to think on your feet. When you are faced with new and challenging circumstances, you have to be creative in how you respond to them, and how you view them.
Circumstances that ordinarily might demand a certain methodology, now require much more in order to be resolved. They also require the intervention of either a cross section of society, or the Supreme Holy Spirit Of God. The obviously more practical choice is the Supreme Holy Spirit Of God whose only motivation is to see you succeed. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth Whenever you need to make a distinction between two groups of people, the best way of doing so is to observe their interaction with water. Lappers need to know that water has to be brought to them manually if they need nourishment from water. Cuppers cup their hands and draw the water to themselves, and they are nourished. Lappers frequently walk away still dehydrated, but exhausted from the effort. Cuppers, with very little effort, are often instantly hydrated, and they walk away refreshed and energized. Cuppers always will hear the voice of God, and they always will do whatever he tells them to do.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth The time to heed the warnings of the Lord is the time that he gives the warnings, not when the circumstances related to the warnings have manifested. After the manifestation, it takes five times the effort and double the manpower to achieve a similar result. The reality is that for many, the result will have come too late to avoid the foreseen outcome, and they will become the unknowing victims of known circumstances.
When the Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth stated that certain events were about to take place and souls should be removed from hell's abyss by August 10, 2017, tens of millions of people cried out to the Lord pleading with him to release their souls from hell. When the Lord gave the August 10 date, the same post also gave instructions for how to get the souls released. As of now, not one person has heeded the instructions. Instead of doing what they have been instructed to do, they have chosen to do things their way, yet expect that the Lord will rescue them. On August 10, not even the Lord will be able to rescue them because they will have chosen to obey Satan who told them that the Lord was lying when he told them that Rebekah Isaac could retrieve their souls from hell if they chose to contact her. Instead, they believed HIS lie that no one can retrieve souls from hell. Once again, if you are the leader of a country, a city, a congregation, a corporate entity, or any other group of people, you should do everything possible to retrieve their souls from hell's abyss prior to August 10, 2017. If you fail to do so, the Lord will hold you accountable. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth (NOTE: If you need assistance go to http://www.RebekahIsaac.org) |
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