When you are stuck in an ether that seems to prevent you from moving forward, backward, or sideways, you have three options. 1. Blast through. 2. Blast through. 3. Blast through. The only methodology by which you can blast through is by praying powerfully in the language of the spirit, and from the heart.
Focus now on your heart, choose a problem in which you are stuck, and blast through. Don’t stop praying until you are confident that you have nothing further to say, because your mouth refuses to make another sound. It may take you one hour, two hours, or three hours. It may take you all night, or all day. When you have completed praying, thank the Lord God Almighty for the victory. Then, choose another issue, and blast through. The Lord God Almighty is a God of purpose. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. Winston
If you are one of those individuals who discovered that you had a demon covering you, I hope that you quickly repented by praying in the language of the spirit, from the heart. I hope also that you told your bishop, priest, or pastor that the covering they placed on you for your protection was in fact a demon. If they refuse to acknowledge it, you know that you no longer need to attend that church. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Winston The Lord God Almighty knows that many bishops, priests, and pastors were shocked to learn that the spiritual coverings they have been placing over their congregants are in fact demonic coverings. The problem is that you sought the advice of spirit guides and other demons to determine how best to protect your congregants, or to keep them faithful.
The next time you want such advice, you should speak with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. Only he can speak truth. Only he will give you sound advice that is in line with the wisdom and power of the Lord God Almighty El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is true. Winston The Highest Holy Spirit of the Lord God Almighty needs us to know that whenever we need the covering of the Holy Spirit for protection, it is available to us. If we already have the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, we have all the spiritual protection we will ever need.
Some bishops, priests, and pastors have engaged in the practice of offering spiritual coverings to their congregants. You should know that these so-called spiritual coverings are a demonic force. They are designed to keep you as a loyal member of the congregation. If you believe that you have such a covering, speak to it in the language of the spirit, from the heart. Ask it plainly whether it is a demon. When you speak, identify the bishop, pastor, or priest who placed it on you, or the church at which you received it. Listen in your heart for its response. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. Winston Many of us who are alive in physical form fail to realize that we no longer are alive to God. There are three different stages to death and dying. First, we die to God which usually occurs when we adamantly refuse to do what the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God tells us to do. When we are dead to God, we no longer have the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God.
Second, we die to the world. When we are dead to the world, our spirit is sent into the abyss, and we no longer can negatively affect the lives of others. We are separated from them and placed in a separate ether. If we are ever ill, unfortunately, they will not be able to help us, nor can we help them. The third phase of death is physical death in which our physical form no longer exists in the ether of life. The body is no longer warm, and the organs no longer function. A child of God who is sealed and raptured should never have to experience any of these three phases of death. They should be alive to God through the Holy Spirit Of God, alive to the world through their spirit, and alive physically in their body. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is true. G. P. It seems that every other day, I hear of yet another friend who either has a brain tumor, has a child with a brain tumor, has a relative in a coma, or some other similar ailment. There was a time when the occurrence of a brain tumor was a once-in-a-lifetime event. Now it occurs as frequently as the common cold.
Perhaps it is time for those of us who can see the ether, and who witness the daily assaults to the brain with directed energy weapons disguised as Smartphones, to speak up, to speak out. Perhaps it is time for employees who assault others at the place of employment to be held accountable. The evidence is clear and indisputable, and the perpetrator clearly visible in the ether. I cannot imagine a world in which mass murderers are rewarded with pay raises and fancy vacations, but that is the world in which we now live. That is the world we have become. I know that tomorrow, my work day may be less than pleasant, because that is the price of speaking out. But as a lawyer, I cannot help but speak when I witness injustices, and actions that putrefy society’s mores. The Lord God Almighty is a God of justice. B. Plevan I once had the idea that if I could cut a tiny hole in my brain, and pour out every negative thought, I would do so. It seems that I have no control over my thoughts. They come and go at such a rapid pace, that I barely have room to examine them. I need to arrive at a place where every thought is in line with God’s teachings.
No thought should ever denigrate the Holy Spirit Of God. No thought should ever take me so close to blasphemy, that I can see deep into hell, and feel its roaring flames. No thought should ever undermine the kingdom of God. The Lord God Almighty is a gracious and loving God, slow to anger and abounding in love. The Lord God Almighty is true. Patricia Vermont, USA I was born in Oahu many centuries ago. It seems that everyone in Hawaii is more than a century old, except for the little kids. It is a secret that we have kept for a very long time. We tell the world that we have no interest in celebrating death, so we have no funerals, at least not for the local Hawaiians.
Perhaps there will come a time when those on the mainland know that they too must stop celebrating death. They too must begin to believe that we all are eternal beings, if we choose God as our Supreme Commander. The Lord God Almighty is true. Ronni Oahu, Hawaii I live in a state in which we now have two independent telephone directories, one for White citizens of Iowa, and one for the Black citizens. This was accomplished through carefully drawing the boundary lines for each county, such that it became a simple matter of choosing which county should be in each directory.
I suspect that no one will call the individuals in the Black directory, or offer them a ride to the polls. Nor will anyone need them to volunteer, so that they could be elevated to positions of authority when the election has come and gone. We will have only White representatives from Iowa. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth, and he knows that any state that seeks to disenfranchise some of its citizens will be guilty of having fixed the election, in violation of U.S. law, international law, and international treaties. I hope the ICC has taken note. Frances Waterloo, Iowa, USA Be certain to read the Global News article this week titled The Spirit's Interference, as well as Jesus' sermon titled Practicing Obedience. They mark a defining moment in the millennial kingdom of God.
I realized today that I was being trailed by ten spirits of death, despite the fact that I am sealed and raptured into God’s millennial kingdom. Only two of the spirits were visible, and they each had access to four other spirits whom they could call at a moment’s notice. There is no rhyme nor reason as to when they could issue the call. If they see you committing a sin that could lead to death, they can issue the call.
I don’t often sin. In fact, it is rare that I commit any sin, let alone one that leads to death. I know now that God is very serious about sexual purity, and that the things we learn in high school are not necessarily things we should do, or experiments we should embark on, if we are to remain genuine disciples of Jesus. I thank God for cleansing the spirits of death from my aura, and for leading me in the way everlasting. A.P. One of my favorite musicals is Singing In The Rain. I like it because it reminds me that even in what might be viewed as negative circumstances, we still can sing praises to God.
The Lord God Almighty is a God of hope. If you do not believe this, or if you have difficulty believing it, then there is fear in you that needs to be beheaded. Call out each spirit of fear to state its name and be beheaded. Do so in the language of the spirit, and from the heart. God is love. Theodor France When I was born, my mother was told that I was a unique type of fraternal twin, one that exists in the same ether as the other. We both shared one amniotic sac. It seems odd that two individual people could occupy the same ether, but we did. Identical twins, and virtually every other human exists in a separate ether.
The negative consequence of this dilemma is that they cannot both exist in physical form in the earth. One must leave, and if and when he or she chooses to return, the other must leave. My brother left many years ago, and left room for me to blossom. Now that he is back, I must leave room for him to blossom. I know that being in God’s kingdom means that we no longer will be bound by the rules of the past. I know that love will know us as one plus one. I thank God that the old rules no longer apply, and that I yet can exist in the earth. In God’s kingdom is life eternal. God is love. God is true. Allison My father had a job that required him to work with platinum all day long. He ended each day looking as though he had been on an ocean liner. He was windswept. If you don't know what it means to be windswept, ask a sailor and he will tell you that being windswept is equivalent to having every part of you standing on edge.
His hair stood straight up off his head, the hair on his hands and legs were straight and elevated from his skin, his skin complexion was ruddy, and his eyes were wide open and bright. Working with platinum was like having an adrenaline rush that never stopped nor slowed in intensity. It is for this reason that the Lord God Almighty advises us to use platinum whenever we have an opportunity to do so, and wherever it is available. A platinum engagement ring is extremely durable, and will protect the diamond in a strong, resilient setting. Platinum wedding bands are also to be seen as advisable. If you cannot get platinum rings, but you have platinum coins, or platinum utensils, keep them for all eternity. The Lord God Almighty wants every marriage relationship to be strong and resilient. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is true. Anonymous I once was a renegade soldier of Christ. I told him that I wanted him to take my sins away, to die for them, in exchange for my promise to live a different life. I had taken the vows of celibacy, honesty and integrity, tithe, and every other vow required by the Scriptures. I kept most of them, but I turned away from at least three.
I did not see myself as a renegade soldier, because I saw the sins being committed by others, and they were far worse than mine. I now have come to understand that the vows we take have no connection whatsoever to any other person. Each person makes a vow unto God, and he either lives by his vow, or he dies as a renegade soldier. Regardless of what others might do, it is we who alone must stand before God, righteous and untarnished. It is we whose sins must be forgiven. It is we who must either live or die, because only Christ can die for us. Only he can take the blame for sins committed, not your neighbor, and not your friend. The Lord God Almighty is a just God. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is true. Jeremy Atlanta, Georgia, USA When you have a problem with the Lord God Almighty, there is nowhere for you to go, and no one to whom you can complain. The Lord God Almighty does not take complaints. He also does not tolerate bad attitudes. If you walk into his chamber with a bad attitude, the ether in him is likely to chew you up and spit you out. He is likely to leave you bloody, and longing for home. He is likely to not be able to make any type of connection to you.
The Lord God Almighty is a righteous God. He is a God whose only thought is righteous, whose every act is righteous, whose every inclination is righteous, and who compels only righteous results. When I think of God, I know that he sees me as righteous, not because I am, but because he must. He sees me as righteous even if I had committed the most heinous acts of unrighteousness, or had delved into the darkest cave on earth. If I have confessed my sins, and I continue to confess them each moment and every day, and if I have repented of every sin committed, he sees me as righteous. The Lord God Almighty is a forgiving God. The Lord God Almighty always forgives, if our heart is repentant. The Lord God Almighty is true. The Lord God Almighty is faithful. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is every man and every woman of God's faithful defender. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. Sherryll-Ann When I think of the word plentiful, I think of the multitude of plants and animals that inhabit this planet. I think also of the grains of sand on the beach, and of the leaves on every tree. When the Lord God Almighty tells us that he is a God of plenty, he expects us to believe him.
He expects us to know, without a doubt, that whatever needs we have will be met with his abundance. He expects us to know that "plenty" is his middle name, and that filling it to the brim is never the option, because he is a God who overflows each and every container. In Jesus' name, Amen. Anthony New York City, New York, USA The Lord God Almighty is a God of plenty. He is the God who fills every empty vessel to overflowing. He is the God who delivers every man and every woman of faith into the hands of another. He is the God who would sooner send eternity astray than risk delivering anything but fullness of life.
He is the God who knows that when the ether says the time is now, only time can change the ether’s mind. The Lord God Almighty is a plentiful God. The Lord God Almighty is true. The Lord God Almighty is faithful. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. Kiel Ryan New York City, New York, USA Whenever you have a bruise or a cut, the first thing you think about is applying a bandage. Bandages help to secure the wound and keep it free from bacteria. They also prevent additional injury to the same site. When someone is struggling spiritually, they should be required to wear spiritual bandages. In this way, they are protected not only from additional injuries, but also from individuals who may mean well, but who cause additional problems.
I recall an incident in which no one seemed to understand that I was dealing with a very difficult problem. The more they tried to give me advice, the more distraught I became. Eventually, I was close to becoming suicidal, because I saw no way out of the situation. I thank God for saving me, and for giving me hope. I pray that no one will ever again give advice that does not come directly from the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. The Lord God Almighty is a God of cautious interaction. Shayne Nebraska, USA When you are looking for someone to blame for the fact that you simply refuse to do what God is asking you to do, the easiest person to blame is the devil. We are content in thinking that everyone sins, and therefore, we have no urgent need to repent. When catastrophe happens, we find solace in the fact that the devil did it.
The Lord God Almighty needs those who are in his millennial kingdom to know that if you do the will of God, and follow every dictate of the indwelling Holy Spirit, it is impossible for the devil and his demons to have any power or authority over your life. The Lord God Almighty is true. The Lord God Almighty is not a God who ever breaks his promises. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. Jennifer New York, USA Christmas gifts vary. Some bring you joy, some bring you peace, and some bring you love. Today, my Christmas gifts all brought me love. They brought me the love of family, the love of friends, the love of God, the love of community, and the love of sisters in Christ.
Over the past two decades, I had lost touch with a friend who once joined me in worship every Sunday morning. I often wondered what she was doing, and whether she still loved God as much as she did back then. I now know that she does, because I read her Blogs every day. Today, she brought me the love of sisterhood when she helped me raise my father from the dead. I knew my mother seemed confident that he would live again, but my faith grew dim as the hours went by, and I was unable to hear her voice responding to my call. I now know that I must speak her name through my heart, as if speaking in the language of the spirit, from the heart. I also know, without a doubt, that eternity is real, that God is true, that hope is our fervent friend, and that every Word of God must manifest. Lisa New York City, New York, USA If you are a cousin of panacea, you probably do the same thing she does. You pacify the emotions to enable your victims to cruise through life, virtually undiagnosed, and unaware that their thought patterns have been replaced with thoughts of longing. Thoughts of longing leave you drained of passion, listless, sorrowful, and teary-eyed at virtually every encounter with pain.
If you are aware that panacea’s cousins seem to have become lodged in you, command each of them to state their name and be beheaded. Command them to never again enter, or come near to you. Command them to enter into the abyss for all eternity, and all eternity, and all eternities combined. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Janet Queens, New York, USA Having a warm relationship with an ether buddy can leave you feeling that all is well. You get immediate answers to every question, you feel the need to respond to every question asked of you, you have telltale signs of demonic interaction, such as a seal that continuously becomes broken, and you never seem to want for anything, because all your desires are being fulfilled.
I once had an ether buddy who recently reared his head. He said he was sent to tell me that I had taken a wrong turn by becoming sealed and raptured into God’s millennial kingdom, but I knew that something was awry when he seemed very nervous and jittery. I landed on my knees in desperation, and pleaded with God not to let me become confused. I knew that confusion was the order of the day during every major event in history. Some people saw the truth, and others were led astray. Some people saw plainly the division between the right way and the wrong way, while others stood at the crossroads, baffled and blurry-eyed. I wondered which side I was on. Was I baffled and blurry-eyed, though thinking of myself as a pursuer of truth? Was I one whose hopes and dreams would soon be dashed against the ruins when time stood still? Or was I truly one whose soul-felt desire to hear truth had rendered him immune to all perverse influences? The Lord God Almighty will judge the hearts of men, and may he judge me as one whose only hope is in Christ, whose singular desire is to see eternity, whose fervent hope is to see the face of God, and whose heart would melt at any thought of placing self beyond the bounds of love. The new year brings us one step closer to all eternities combined. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. Nate Cape Verde Wide open spaces are the bane of demonic spirits. I know because I once lived in a loft and noticed that there was not a single demonic spirit visible for the entire year that I lived in the loft, nor at any other time after that. I checked the loft repeatedly and noticed that not one demon reared its ugly head.
I am considering purchasing an apartment in a condominium unit, and am baffled at the number of demons that can stand in a single square foot of space. The thought of purchasing a loft at almost double the price leaves me unenthusiastic, and downright angry. Last week, as I scoured the globe for places that were uninhabited by demons, I encountered a multi-family unit that also had no demons. Unfortunately, it was in Montserrat, or a country whose name sounded like Montserrat. I decided that moving to another country was not an option. However, I placed an ether call to the owner of the multi-family unit and discovered that it was not only uninhabited by demons, but also, the owner had sealed the entire unit, so that demons would never be able to enter. The idea that a building can be sealed is heartwarming. I suddenly saw hope rising that my new home can and will be demon-free. I now know that every place I inhabit can and will be demon free. We give God the glory. Acet New Orleans, Louisiana, USA If you need an idea of what it means to be wholesome, I have two. The first is that being wholesome means being in a state of positive vibration so that whoever seeks to ruffle your feathers will be instantaneously blocked.
The second is that being wholesome means being so one with God that nothing and no one can ever infiltrate the purity of your personal space. The Lord God Almighty desires that each of the members of his millennial kingdom live in a state of wholesome expectancy. Cecile Mexico City, Mexico |
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