If you are the son or the daughter of someone who has the Mark of the Beast, you should know that you do not have any reason to be concerned about being in the millennial kingdom of God. Although children can cause spiritual issues for their parents, a parent can never cause a child to become spiritually defamed. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
If you have the spirit of death in you, it is likely because you have committed sins that can lead to death, and have not sought the Lord's forgiveness and cleansing. If you have the spirit of death on you, it is because you have done something to someone, that has caused spirits of death to be released into them, as is the case in sodomy. Witchcraft also can cause spirits of death to be released, and to cling to you.
If you have spirits of death around you, there are many reasons that they could have been released, including someone sending them to you. If you have relatives who have been demonized, or who have the Mark of the Beast, they can send spirits of death to surround you. Pray in the language of the spirit, and ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God to show you how to get rid of every spirit of death that is in you, that is on you, and that is around you. Pray continuously. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is true. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai "Sitting on The Dock of The Bay" was a song released in 1968 that depicted the sense of aimlessness that at times characterized the 1960s. That same sense of aimlessness seems to exist today. There is a lack of cohesiveness to the goals, coupled with the sense that something is missing.
The missing link is God. When God is maligned as an evil doer, it is impossible to see and to feel his energy. It is impossible to understand what it takes to get from point A to point B, so that a sense of aimlessness sets in, and everyone is figuratively sitting on the dock of the bay. The only solution is for you to make a U-turn, so that you can see God. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the Lord God Almighty sees that truth is allowed to prevail, despite all of the evidence to the contrary, he will know that the earth is ready for his Messiah to be revealed, in his fullness. When lies predominate, and the world listens and watches without a hint of guilt, the ether knows that the devil still controls the hearts of men, and that the Lord God Messiah will have no place to stand.
One of the most prevalent lies relates to the Coronavirus which many doctors are claiming is highly contagious. That the virus appears to infect individuals in clusters is not proof that it is spread through contagion. That many people have been tested and shown to be positive, does not mean that they have illnesses related to the virus. That 30,000 plus individuals in New York state have died after having been identified as positive carriers also does not mean that their death is directly related to, and caused by, the Coronavirus. In fact, of the 30,000 individuals who have been labeled as having died from the Coronavirus, none of them had disease etiology that can reliably be linked to the Coronavirus. They had brain bleeds, heart stoppage, lungs filled with radiation, holes in their kidneys, and poisons in their stomach. It is more likely that they were murdered. The Lord God Almighty needs truth to reign in his kingdom. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Mayhem and Madness is the title of the Messiah's sermon this week. The Lord God Almighty's Global News article is titled Madness. Read them at https://www.millennialkingdom.solutions.
If you are living in a world that appears to be very far removed from the promised kingdom of God, perhaps that is because the angels of God have been cajoled into committing the gravest evil. The Lord God Almighty will not allow the millennial kingdom of God to be derailed by anyone, regardless of their title or their position. If you are in the millennial kingdom of God, you are expected to obey the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, not the devil's dictates, irrespective of any threats they might make. Speak to the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God about any threats, and ask him to tell you what you should do. If you speak in the language of the spirit, from the heart, it is impossible that anything you say would be overheard. God expects you to get onboard with the kingdom's agenda by noon tomorrow. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The temperature of workers in the United States of America is being monitored on a daily basis in some locations. The temperature of each person is marked in the thermometer, so as to create a continuous record. When the temperature is being monitored on a daily basis, it is impossible for the temperature to suddenly spike, if the person has contracted Covid-19. Yet, that is what is occurring throughout the United States of America.
Most significantly, the individuals whose temperatures seem to spike on a regular basis are those whose only problem is that they have the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and have been sealed and raptured. If you have Satan in your solar plexus, it is impossible for you to have a high temperature, because you are surviving on negative energy, which causes your temperature to remain static. You will have the same temperature day after day, regardless of the circumstances. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty does not believe that police officers should be allowed to carry directed energy weapons. These weapons can cause severe injury to individuals in their custody, including brain bleeds, heart stoppage, and spinal cord injuries.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the Sons of the Lord God Almighty have been revealed, it is an indication not only that the Lord God Almighty is in control, but also, that his Woman of Revelation is a warrior par excellence. She is full of love and compassion. She is a daughter of prudence, of plenty, and of plenitude. She is a woman of noble character, and of kings, rulers, and warriors. She is born for adversity, and she always will prevail, if and when adversity knocks on your door.
The Lord God Almighty has Sons of compassion which number fifteen, Sons of rulers which number ten, Sons of kings which number nineteen, Sons of love which number ten, Sons of peace which number eleven, Sons of plenty which number twenty-three, and Sons of prudence which number twelve. If you are a Son of the Lord God Almighty, you now know that he is patient. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Everything is new again, if you know that the Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai, and you know that the Lord God Almighty's Sons are being revealed.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If everyone who knew about the kingdom of God in 1985 did everything that the Lord God Almighty told them to do, the world would be in a very different place spiritually. If everyone who knew about the kingdom of God in 2014 did everything that the Lord God Almighty told them to do, once again, the world would be in a very different place.
Today, the world is spinning out of control, and still, everyone seems to be doing what they think is best, instead of what God knows is best, for them and for his kingdom. The Lord God Almighty is not a God who sees evil. He sees only good. When evil takes control, he cannot stop evil. He works only through you who can see evil at its darkest point. When you see evil, you should not assume that the Lord God Almighty can see what you see. He can see only the consequences of the evil. He can see you doing the same thing repeatedly, and he watches as the evil consequences begin to multiply. He watches as your world falls apart. He watches as the antichrist gains one more victory over you. He watches as you ignore every one of his commands. He watches, and he waits for you to notice that the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God has fallen asleep in you, because you never seek his advice and his counsel. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Witchcraft is any action taken with the use of spiritual power, if that power is not used to benefit the kingdom of God. If you know that the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God would not have approved your taking the action, it may be viewed as witchcraft. When you engage in any action that involves the use of spiritual power, you should work closely with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and allow him to guide your every thought, word, and deed. In Jesus' name. Amen.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you know that there is no option other than Satan or God, it is incredulous that anyone would choose Satan. The Messiah has returned, the kingdom of God has been established, the rules for entering into his kingdom are clear and concise, and every illness and disease is being healed.
Satan offers death, mind control, and the inability to perform the simplest of tasks without a co-worker's assistance. He offers also the return to a new life, but only after being cremated alive, and total infertility in both males and females who have been cremated. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty is a God who cherishes those who do everything that the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God tells them to do. He knows that they are the ones who will be standing tall, through every obstacle. He knows also, that they are the ones who will prevail, when all else fails.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Having a balanced perspective is critical, if you are to be considered a fair judge of circumstances. If you wish to have a balanced perspective, you must be willing to listen to both sides of a debate, weigh all of the pros and cons, consider the public interest impact, consider the long term ramifications, then come to a decision.
Decisions that are based in fact are not necessarily ideal, because the facts can be skewed and presented in a way that benefits only one side of the debate. Facts also can be misinterpreted, and thus become misleading. For this reason, when you hear certain facts being stated, you always should seek to determine whether or not they are skewed. As an example, some individuals have argued that the Coronavirus in the United States of America, and particularly in New York, originated in Europe. They point to a small number of individuals who were told that they should go to the United States for treatment, because their country had no ability to deal with the virus effectively. There is no evidence of how these individuals contracted the virus, except that they all lived in the same small town, shopped at the same supermarket, and were asymptomatic when their town decided to test individuals for the virus. That these individuals all had Covid-19 and came to the United States for treatment is not proof that they are the cause of the virus spreading in the United States. In fact, there is no evidence that anyone with whom they came into contact having contracted the virus. Nor is there evidence that they gave the virus to others in their country. Virtually everyone in their town who shopped at the same supermarket during a specific time period had either the virus or the antibody to the virus. What is most fascinating is that there also is no evidence of anyone in the United States of America giving the virus to any other person in the United States. How the virus is spreading was the subject of an earlier Blog. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are Caucasian, you never question whether or not your life matters. Nor do you insist that the world take heed, and acknowledge that your life matters. You know that your life is of major significance. You believe that the world would not have been the same without you. You know that your parents cherish and recall with fondness your childhood years, and you also know that other family and friends value who you are.
If you are Black or Brown in skin color, there is no need for you to plead for significance. Instead, demand that the society in which you live give equal acknowledgement to every member, regardless of race or creed. Protest signs should read, "Every American Life Is Valued." If everyone, irrespective of their race, their religion, their socioeconomic status, their politics, and their party affiliation can stand tall together, there will be no possible means that American society can falter. Every life matters. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are near to a beach and you wish to take a dip in the water, you should take a dip in the water. No one will get the Coronavirus from bathing in the same pool of water as someone else. Nor will anyone get the Coronavirus by sitting too close to someone on the beach. It is time to tell hell to "take a hike."
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are plagued by fear, it would be impossible for you to accomplish the missions that the Lord God Almighty assigns to you, as a member of his millennial or eternal kingdom. Every mission requires a steadfast commitment to the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, to the kingdom of God, to the quest for eternity, to the millennial King, Jesus Of Nazareth, and to the desire for peace.
By now, it should be abundantly clear that Satan's principal tactic is the spirit of fear that he puts into every part of the head, the neck, and the body. Fear can lodge in the eyes, in the ears, in the hands, in the stomach, in the groin, in the organs, and in any other part of the body. Decide today that you will be free of fear. Pray in the language of the spirit that every spirit of fear is cast out of you. Pray until the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God confirms that you have no anywhere in your physical body. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When a culture has a spirit of brutality, it is a sign that the manner in which babies are delivered causes severe brain trauma. If a baby is delivered by c-section, or if the mother's womb is pumped in order to push the baby out, brain trauma can result to the unborn child. In addition, cutting the opening to the birth canal causes severe trauma to both mother and baby.
Doctors should know that the delivery process should begin virtually as soon as the first few contractions have been experienced. There is no need to wait until the birth canal has reached a certain width. Nor is there any reason to remove the baby from the amniotic sac, until it is completely through the birth canal, and out of the womb. The Lord God Almighty knows that children would live much more peaceful lives, if their entry into the world is peaceful. As adults, they also would have the capacity to live in peace. They would understand that the world is not a hostile place. Most importantly, they would know love. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai This week, the Lord God Almighty's Global News article is titled Autoimmune Societies, and the Messiah's sermon this week is titled Food For Thought. Read them at https://www.MillennialKingdom.Solutions. Only four countries in the world have autoimmune societies.
In general, autoimmunity is a health condition in which the human body fails to recognize one or more of its parts, and it begins to attack the tissue as though it were foreign to the body. In the process, the body itself is destroyed, if the disease is not cured. When the disease is cured, the body must begin the process of re-acclimating itself to the part that was under attack. It must learn how to recognize the tissue as being one with the body. In an autoimmune society, one or more legitimate groups within the society comes under vicious attack that manifests in cannibalism, in ethnic cleansing, or in extreme and deadly supremacist viewpoints. The Lord God Almighty is a healer for all ills. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the Lord God Almighty sees and knows that repentance is not going to be forthcoming, he has two options. He first sends in his troops to evaluate the circumstances, then he delivers his verdict. Second, he moves to his next best option.
For the United States of America, it is impossible for the country to arrive at a place of peaceful co-existence, unless there is repentance at the highest leadership level. There is no repentance at the highest leadership level. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Confederate monuments and memorabilia are as offensive to someone whose ancestors lived through, or experienced slavery, as the swastika is to the Jews. If painting a swastika is a federal hate crime, flying the confederate flag also should be deemed to be a federal hate crime.
The murder of Christians and Jews by the Nazis ended decades ago. The murders of Black Americans by White nationalists continues today, and are fueled by the flying of confederate flags, and by the display of confederate monuments and memorabilia. There is no equal protection of the law (as required by the Constitution of the United States of America) in a city or in a state whose ether is permeated with images of White supremacy. Nor is there any chance of your seeing eternity, if you support White supremacist points of view. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai In everyday life, the venom that seeps out of the hearts of men and women can be extremely unnerving to the average person. However, in times of crisis and despair, the average person who otherwise would spew venom, tends to withhold that venom for a less inappropriate time and place.
When one witnesses venom being spewed, irrespective of the circumstances, the time, or the place, it is an indication that the person involved is in a state of deep distress. It is an indication that they may be extremely dangerous to themself, as well as to others. Someone in that condition should limit their interaction with others, at least until the distress is under control. You will know that the distress is under control when the person can speak of the world without venom, and as if they themself were part of that same world. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The idea of being a white nationalist may sound as something that is in a nation's best interests. However, when nationalism excludes the interests of everyone except those who are of a specific race, its precepts become dangerous not only to the nation as a whole, but to every member of the society.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Peaceful protest is not silent protest. It does not require the absence of speeches, and of strong but respectful language. Nor does it require the absence of placards that others might view as dangerous to their opposing views.
Peaceful protest is protest that does not engage in the assault of others, or in the damage to property. It merely demands to be heard, to be acknowledged. If acknowledgement is not forthcoming, peaceful protest demands change. The Lord God Almighty is a God of peace. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Peace and love were the ringing words that resonated throughout the 1960s and early 1970s. They are words that should continue to resonate today, despite the need for peaceful protests. They should resonate when your government has imposed curfews that infringe on your Constitutional right to free speech, and on your right to engage in protest.
If you hear someone speaking of bloodshed, of damage and destruction, or of any other form of evil, they are most likely someone who has been implanted with the Mark of the Beast, and who is speaking on behalf of Satan. The Lord God Almighty is a God of peace. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai |
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