If you want to know the truth about the Coronavirus, you need to speak with the Lord God Almighty, with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and with the people of God who are committed to truth, and only truth. If you listen to the media, they will tell you what their experts have told them, that is, that you need testing, testing, testing. If these experts had it their way, every person in the United States of America would be tested two to three times in the first week, so as to account for the false negatives, and then re-tested at least twice a month, for the next decade.
The Lord God Almighty and the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God will tell you, that relying on widespread testing will place you on a perpetual treadmill for several years. No one will ever be able to guarantee that a one-time negative test result means that they will be free of the Coronavirus in the following week. Cities and states will need to become heavily addicted to regular, repeated testing. Given the deadly fate of those who had the virus and were admitted to hospitals, compared to those who had the virus, but did not see a doctor or visit a hospital, it is clear that testing will lead to billions of dollars wasted on unnecessary and invasive health care options. If you listen to the country's leader, he will tell you what his experts have told him, which is, that the Coronavirus is here to stay, that it is highly contagious, and that it will continue to spread uncontrollably, if the shutdown is lifted. He also will tell you that in addition to testing, the country will need implement a process of "contact tracing" so that every person with whom an infected person has been in contact can be notified and isolated. The Lord God Almighty and the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God will tell you that it is ludicrous, and practically impossible to implement a process of contact tracing that can yield meaningful results. For example, in a city such as New York, the average person would have encountered at least two hundred people during the course of two weeks traveling on the train, walking in the street, visiting stores, or working. Tracing and isolating each of these two hundred people, as well as their contacts would be virtually impossible. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth. Accordingly, he needs you to know that testing and contact tracing are part of the enemy's plot against humanity. They are designed to gather medical information from individuals who did not take the Mark of the Beast in their right hand. If you are sealed and raptured, the Lord God Almighty cautions you to avoid all medical procedures, including blood tests, nasal swabs, and saliva tests. If you need to know your medical condition, ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty and the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God want those who are in the millennial kingdom of God to know, that virtually everything you have heard about the Coronavirus is false, including the methodology for remaining safe.
If you wear face masks all day long, within two to three days, you will have experienced severe oxygen deficiencies. A young child may experience severe brain damage during that same time period, if they are required to wear a face mask. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Messiah Jesus Of Nazareth knows that the earth must be cleansed before he can be fully revealed. He also knows that when the wedding bells begin to ring, he must begin to prepare for his wedding. His bride also must begin to prepare for her wedding. She will know that she is ready to be married, when her solar plexus points the way to eternity.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai April 2020 is likely to be one of the most frantic months in hell's long history. They planned on having at least 250,000 dead in the United States of America, but they fell far short of their goal. They planned on having at least three million (3,000,000) dead worldwide, but again, they fell far short of their goal. They were hoping that by now, many more homes and businesses would have become available for purchase, for pennies on the dollar, but the numbers are far less than expected.
They now are hoping that the month of May will provide a boost to their plans, but the Lord God Almighty knows that the month of May will be marked by victory, for everyone who heeds the voice of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. It will be a month in which many more will awaken to their destiny, and countless others will discover the power of God that is in them. Covid-19 will prove to have been transformative of the ethos of our world. The Lord God Almighty is the Lord God Almighty El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The single most important thing that anyone can do in order to deal with the Coronavirus, and the resulting shutdown, is to decide that they will surrender to the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. Any other mindset can lead to feelings of despair. When you surrender to the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, you know that he will lead you out of any and every situation, if you seek his counsel, and do precisely what he tells you to do.
In the coming months, we will witness the difference between those who are being led by the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and those who are being pulled in different directions by the powers of hell. The Lord God Almighty knows that everyone who is obedient to the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God will survive financially. In contrast, many who are being led by the powers of hell will need to either sell their home or their business, or file for bankruptcy protection. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The delay in reopening schools that have been closed as a result of the Coronavirus will be one of the largest costs to society. Children who ordinarily would have been average, will become below average performers, while those who were below average, will have extreme difficulty performing at grade level.
The high performers might succeed at maintaining grade level only if they have books, lesson plans, tutors, and/or parents who are willing to invest the time and energy in keeping their education as a top priority. Few parents have lesson plans. Fewer still have the ability to teach from the lesson plans. When classes resume, perhaps no earlier than September 2021, many students may need to remain at their current level for an additional year. Without a plan of action designed to speed the educational process, the shutdown of schools may have lasting consequences for employers, and for society in general. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are a member of God's millennial kingdom, you should know, that being in the kingdom is not a guarantee, if you are deliberately and repeatedly violating the basic principles of the kingdom, two of which include speaking only truth, and doing to others only what you would have them do to you. If you are continuing to live your old life, the actions that violate Godly principles will corrode your connection to God's millennial kingdom.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty needs the world to know, that his authority rests only on those who are obedient to his commands, whether these commands are in the Scriptures, or given by the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. If you are obedient, you will have no fear of the consequences that often befall the disobedient. If you are obedient, you will have no fear of death. If you are obedient, you will know without a doubt, that the Lord God Almighty is your refuge in time of need.
You also should know, that if this Blog site were not available to reveal truth to God's people, and to guide their actions, more than two hundred and sixty-two thousand (262,000) Americans would have perished as of today, ostensibly as a result of the Coronavirus. Instead, those numbers are less than fifty thousand (50,000), evidencing the dramatic difference that obedience can make. In the days ahead, you may need to decide whether or not you will give in to fear, or continue to seek the counsel of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. The Lord God Almighty knows that this pandemic is only the beginning of what the devil has planned. He hopes that you will continue to pray, and continue to seek his counsel. When your "leaders" (including your religious and political leaders) tell you to do something that contradicts God's commands, he knows that the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God will tell you precisely what you should do. The Lord God Almighty is the Lord God of all the universes. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Highest Holy Spirit of the Lord God Almighty sees and knows, that after the Coronavirus has taken its toll, there are many who will need to be awakened from death. The Lord God Almighty urges, that if you have relatives who were sealed and raptured, and who died because they were not yet immune to the virus, and did not know that they should heal themselves, you must awaken them.
Focus in your solar plexus (the center of your chest), speak in the language of the spirit (the language of sounds), and ask the Holy Spirit that is in you what you should do, in order to awaken them. Listen in your heart, or in your solar plexus, to his immediate response, then speak in the language of the spirit, and say exactly what he tells you to say. Continue to ask, and to obey, until the Holy Spirit that is in you states that there is nothing else for you to do. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai In the United States of America, more than seventy percent of God's eternal kingdom now have immunity from the Coronavirus. That is because they are sealed and raptured, and have been living in accordance with the principles of universality. Unfortunately, only ten percent of persons living in the United States are in the eternal kingdom. Another forty percent (approximately), are in the millennial kingdom, and they too now have immunity from the Coronavirus.
Despite being in God's kingdom, having been sealed and raptured, many of them are still "awaiting" a coming Messiah. They are still speaking of being raptured at a future time. They are still anticipating being saved from God's wrath, and from the plagues that ravage the earth at the conclusion of the tribulation period. When the Messiah "returns," they expect that there will be a third temple, built and ready for his return. If you are reading this Blog, you should know, that you are the temple of the living God, given that you now have in you his indwelling Holy Spirit. It is you who must proclaim to the world, that we are experiencing the conclusion of the tribulation period, that we are seeing the wrath of God, and that those who are sealed and raptured are being saved from wrath. It is you who must say, that those who took the Mark of the Beast are experiencing all of the ills that have been prophesied about in the Book of Revelation. It is you who must say to the world, that the Messiah returned in April 2017, just as was promised, that the rapture began soon after his return, and that the earth must be cleansed before he is fully revealed. The earth must be cleansed before his kingdom can become known. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty is a God who always keeps his promises. He knows that we have no hope, unless we know without a doubt, that the things he has promised will come to pass. One of the things that the Lord God Almighty has promised is that when his kingdom comes, nothing and no one will be able to come against us. He promised that we will see plagues that can never come near us, and that the evil that befall men will flee from us.
When we look at the world today, we can see the promises of God coming to pass. We can see that those who put their trust in God, can overcome the evil one and escape unharmed. We see also that they have power not only for themselves, but for the weak and infirm. They can overturn the tables and set things right. If you are still wondering whether or not you should become a member of God's kingdom, you should consider this day proof positive that nothing else matters. Winston The Lord God Almighty is a God of peace, a God of love, and a God of hope. He is the God whose only "fault" is giving humanity the freedom to choose whom they will serve, if they will serve, when they will serve, and how they will serve. If they choose to serve the principles of greed, of self interest, and of self aggrandisement, they will bring evil into the world.
If instead, they choose to serve the principles of universality, they will bring good into the world. You may believe that you are a "good" person. However, if your decisions yield evil results, it means that you are aligned with evil. That more than eight million people in the United States of America are currently infected with the Coronavirus is cause for grave concern. That more than ten percent of those known to be infected are passing away, is cause for even greater concern, because we face a potential death rate of 800,000 people. The millennial kingdom of God is now immune to the Coronavirus. If you are experiencing the symptoms believed to be caused by the Coronavirus, you probably have the common cold, or an allergic reaction. The Lord God Almighty cautions that you will not have the protection of the millennial kingdom of God if you take medication, visit doctors, visit emergency rooms, or engage in actions that do not support the principles of God's kingdom. When you see this Blog, you will know that the kingdom of God is at hand, the Lord God Almighty El Shaddai is alive, the Lord God Messiah Jesus Of Nazareth has returned to claim his throne, and the Lord God Father in Heaven is in the ether of heaven. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Regardless of where the devil has taken you, the Lord God Almighty can redeem you. You may believe that you have no option but to succumb to the devil's plan for you, for your relationships, for your family, and for your business. But the Lord God Almighty says, that if you have faith in God, and if you speak daily and moment-by-moment with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, you will have answers to every problem you encounter.
You will know God's perfect will for you, for your family, for your relationships, and for your business. If you know God's perfect will, and you do everything that the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God tells you to do, you will never fail. The Lord God Almighty will always be your steadfast friend in every need. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is love. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When you listen to the media discussing the spread of the Coronavirus, you know that it has spread in the same manner in which China's influence throughout the world has spread. The results of the Coronavirus have been deadly, and similarly, China's influence and control will be catastrophic. You owe it to yourself, and to your country, to determine now whether or not you have been compromised.
If you are the president or the prime minister of a country, the governor of a state, or the mayor of a city, you are likely to have been infected by China's influence and control. Ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God whether or not your country, your state, or your city has any agreements with China, or with any Chinese entity, that compromises your sovereignty, your independence as a nation, or your ability to serve and worship the one true God. If you do, then you should know that the results will be similar to that of the Coronavirus. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are one of those individuals who believes that Covid-19 is not contagious, you are probably in the minority. That is because the vast majority of individuals believe, that if they venture within two feet of someone, they are liable to contract the Coronavirus. That mindset serves two purposes.
It enables companies that previously earned very little profit, to suddenly earn a windfall. It also enables the government to cover up the deaths of more than two million Americans who died because they took the Mark of the Beast, in their right hand, in their left hand, or on their back. Millions more will die, because the Mark of the Beast allows for only two to three years of active duty in Satan's army, after which, the person must serve in hell for an eternity. When the Lord God Almighty warned, that only those who had been sealed and raptured into his millennial kingdom would be safe, he knew that Satan was planning a major assault on the people of God, and that they needed to be sealed with his indwelling Holy Spirit. He knew also that if they refused to be sealed, they unknowingly would become subject to Satan and his demons. Today, virtually everyone who has not been sealed and raptured into either the eternal, or the millennial kingdom of God has become subject to the Satan. They are either demons, devils, or principalities. Eventually, some will become rulers and authorities. However, none of them will have a mind. They all will have lost their mind. When someone loses their mind to Satan, they can neither think, speak, nor act without the exclusive assistance of demons. They become like robots. For all eternity, and all eternities, and all eternities combined, they will remain indebted to Satan. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If ever the Lord God Almighty needed to say that the kingdom of God is here, one would think that something was awry that he would say that, given the condition of the world. One might expect that instead, he would say that Satan's kingdom had arrived, bringing with it death, destruction, and mayhem.
If you want peace, you sometimes have to engage in war. If you want life, death sometimes rears its ugly head. If you want resurrections from the dead, your only hope is God, the Lord God Almighty. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai New Yorkers continue to flood hospitals, doing what the Lord God Almighty said they should not do, and paying the penalty for their disobedience. It saddens the Lord God Almighty to see these individuals being carried into a refrigerated trailer, to be transported to the floor of a mall in China, when they could have been healed in a matter of minutes, if only they had asked the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God to tell them how to heal.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you know the good you ought to do, you should do it. If you know that you do not know what to do, you should ask. If you ask, and you do not get a reasonable response, you should ask again. If you ask again and you do not get a reasonable response, you should ask the Lord God Almighty. The Lord God Almighty is true, and he is faithful. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai You definitely should read today's Blog on http://www.RebekahIsaac.net titled Hospital Admissions, Part 2. Read it, and you will know what happened to your relatives, who supposedly died of the Coronavirus. You will be stunned.
The law in Massachusetts is that if you walk across the street without looking both ways, you can be ticketed for jay walking. If you look both ways, you can erase the ticket, if you tell the judge that you looked both ways. If the judge refuses to erase the ticket, you can swear at the judge, and the ticket would be erased.
It seems that our legislators thought that they could have a good laugh by making fun of China, but China had the last laugh. They have turned Massachusetts into a vassar territory as of last Wednesday. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you live in the state of West Virginia, in Texas, and in the City of New York, you are scheduled to become vassar territories of China in May 2022, at the latest, by virtue of videotaped laws that have now been buried in a strategic location. They have agreements in sixteen different states, and counting. The Lord God Almighty is a God of peace. The Lord God Almighty is a God of deliverance.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you live in Houston, Texas, you should know that as of midnight, you became a vassar territory of China, by virtue of a law that has numerous fringe benefits. They include free ice cream for every child under the age of ten who sees an ice cream truck, as well as free college tuition for every child who receives at least one "A" grade in a substantive class in junior high, or in high school. They need only show the grade to the college admissions desk, in order to receive reimbursement of all college tuition.
The benefits also include the ability to take any class that is considered extra-curricular, if the class is full of Latin American students who speak Spanish, and you desire to learn Spanish. If you fail to learn at least one Spanish word, you will fail the class. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai In the Kingdom of Ethiopia, the ether is showing what appears to be people pouring into the streets, singing songs of praise to the Messiah. They know that there are two Messiah's--the spiritual Messiah, and the physical Messiah. The physical Messiah is the Lord God Messiah, Jesus Of Nazareth, while the spiritual Messiah is the Lord God Father in Heaven. It was his spirit that was in the physical Messiah when he was in the earth. It also is his spirit that is being applauded in this phase of the kingdom's unfolding.
When the two spirits are in the earth at the same time, the sky over Ethiopia turns blue, and the people of Ethiopia know that it is time to celebrate. They know that the Lord God Almighty is a God who keeps his promises. They know also that when the spiritual Messiah is wed, the physical Messiah also must be wed, although they should be wed in separate ceremonies. When the weddings take place, the Lord God Almighty will be the Lord God Almighty of all the universes. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty is not a God who believes in miracles that happen automatically. It is humans who use the power of God to make miracles happen. When they do so, they hasten the ether's ability to fully manifest the kingdom of God. The Lord God Almighty is a God of man-made miracles, which take place when human beings do what the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God commands them to do.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai |
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December 2020
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