When someone embarks on a new project, the most important thing they can do is to count the costs spiritually, physically, and every other way. They should think through all of the things that are likely to stop them, and decide whether or not they will allow themselves to be stopped. If they know that they will give up midway through the project, then why begin it, why waste time and resources.?
When the Lord God Almighty called me to be a messenger to his people, I counted the costs, and I continue to count them daily. I could never have known all of the things that would happen, hence the reason that I continue to count the costs. I count them not only for myself, but also for the members of God's millennial kingdom. You also should count the costs of being in God's kingdom, and compare them with the costs of being outside of the kingdom. You should know without a doubt that your place is in the kingdom of God.
If you have any questions or concerns about how God's kingdom should function and your role in it, you should read the Blog titled Random Happenings dated April 29, 2018 at http://www.Rebekahisaac.net. We hope it serves as a wake up call to everyone in the millennial and in the eternal kingdom of God.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai has decreed that anyone who takes the mark of the beast in his or her right hand in order to connect and be linked to the Internet of People (IoP) will not be a member of his millennial kingdom, or of his eternal kingdom.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The digitized you will not be an enhanced version of yourself, but rather, a fraction of who you currently are. You will have no capacity for independent thought, no ability to reason logically, and no emotional responses.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Speaking from the head is very easy because it is the manner in which we speak our native language and any other learned language, and the manner in which we have been trained to communicate. God wants us to learn his manner of communicating when we speak through the realm of the spirit.
When we do so, we should speak by focusing all of our energies, including the energy of love, on our heart, and confidently vocalizing the sounds that rise from our heart. By speaking in this manner, we will have reclaimed lost ground in our ability to communicate effectively and honestly. We also will have curtailed the lost time and resources that result from miscommunication. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The distance between the creation of an Internet of Things (IoT), and its evolution into an Internet of People (IoP) is extremely short, such that in November 2018 a major conference on the subject of the Internet of People is being planned in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It will not be the first such event, but undoubtedly, it will be the first time that cryptocurrency or digital currency is introduced as a mandatory aspect of the Internet of People. It will be the methodology by which everyone buys, sells, and otherwise engages in monetary transactions.
Just as the Internet of Things would not be possible without embedding in each of 20 billion proposed objects a microchip that connects it to the Internet, and enables its interaction with other objects, the Internet of People also would be impossible unless each person is implanted with a microchip that connects him or her to the Internet. Imagine what your world would become if everything or everyone you touched with your hand were capable of recording the date, time and purpose of the interaction, as well as any other related interactions that stem from the first interaction, the ramifications of each interaction, the emotional responses of all involved parties, and the final related interaction with any person or thing. That is the reality of the new world that has been created for us, a world that we still have the power to accept or reject. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty will not compel you to choose the world that he created, but instead, he will allow you to experience firsthand the evil that is inherent in anything you willingly choose to allow into your life, including the evil of 20 billion household, medical, sanitary, prescription, mechanical, and other items linked to the Internet so as to control and track your every move, monitor your bodily functions, compel your compliance, punish every imagined infraction, and make your life a living hell. If you desire a solution, you can read today's Blog post on http://www.RebekahIsaac.net.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the Creator of the universe completed the process of creation, he labeled every item he created with light, and he gave everything that had light, every animal, and every human being the ability to communicate with each other by virtue of the light. Why fix what is not broken? If we wish to have an Internet of Things, it should be limited to aspects of the universe that have no light, and no capacity to interact with each other.
The Internet of Things, if not given a strict regulatory framework within which to evolve, could potentially eviscerate the human rights and privacy protections that are important, particularly in the context of the global community. We should tread carefully in this arena. Moreover, when China, a communist country that is witnessing the rise of authoritarianism, is leading the way in this endeavor, we have much reason for concern. A cursory glance at the Internet will reveal a long list of programs and symposia that have been designed to convince us that the Internet of Things is the new wave of the future, with 20 billion items, including heart monitors and other embedded devices in humans and animals, scheduled to be marked with an identifier and linked to the Internet by the year 2020 (see https://www.IOTEvents.org). The dangers inherent in this technology cannot be contained outside of a strict regulatory framework, and the guidance of the entire global community. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Peeling an onion is perfectly analogous to the life of a disciple of Jesus. If you wish to remove only the surface skin, the task is simple. If your goal is to reach the core of the onion, you must remove layer after layer, often amidst tears, before reaching the core. Your goal as a disciple is to peel off every layer that the devil has placed on you, and to achieve a connection to your core--the person whom God created you to be.
The Lord God Almighty has decreed that the only individuals who will be removed from the kingdom of God, as stated in the previous Blog, are those who have indicated that they have no desire to serve the kingdom. You will be asked to speak your commitment, one way or the other, and to acknowledge that Jesus is Lord. If Jesus is not Lord, you cannot be in the kingdom of God. Conversely, if Jesus is Lord, you will obey every command he gives.
Having Jesus as Lord means that you acknowledge him to have lived without ever committing sin on the earth, and you now seek to walk as he walked, and to live without sin. He knows all the pitfalls and he can teach you how to avoid them. He also knows how to achieve every goal, including the goal of entering eternity. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Pinch hitters are individuals who have been waiting on the sidelines for an opportunity to get into the game and to prove their worth to the team and to its members. In the kingdom of God, there are many individuals who are in the kingdom not only because they claimed to want a different world, but also, because they pleaded with God for the opportunity to serve in his kingdom.
Now that the kingdom has been established, they are among those who have become preoccupied with "more important" matters, and repeatedly have refused to do anything that the Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth has requested of them. If you have decided that you no longer have the time or the inclination to support the kingdom of God, there are many pinch hitters who are waiting on the sidelines for an opportunity to serve. Tell the Lord God Almighty now, that instead of having the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, you prefer to have Satan's spirit of death, and he will relieve the Holy Spirit of his responsibility. You once again will become subject to death, and you no longer will have the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, nor will you be part of either the millennial or the eternal kingdom of God. You will have been forever barred from ever re-entering the kingdom of God. Devote the next seven days to deciding your fate and your future. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty has decreed that anyone who should be in the kingdom of God, but remains outside of it because they are being deceived into thinking that they are speaking to the Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth will be offered a reprieve that will enable them to enter into, or to re-enter the kingdom of God at a later time.
The Lord God Almighty has recognized that the battle is fierce, and that deception is in the kingdom even at the highest levels. After this reprieve, you are being warned that you have an obligation to do everything possible to ensure that you are indeed speaking to the person whom you have identified. In order to verify that you are indeed speaking to Jesus Of Nazareth, you should say "shamrock" to the person's head, and wait for a response. Say it in your native language as well as in the language of the spirit. If there is no physical response within one minute of saying the word, you should know that you are not speaking with Jesus Of Nazareth. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth The two most powerful emotions in human beings are greed and fear. They are the emotions that hold the most potential to separate you from God's kingdom. If you feel stuck spiritually, one or both of these emotions is likely to be the cause.
Call on the Lord God Almighty to set you free from greed and fear. Do so now, because tomorrow may be too late. Do so in the language of the spirit, and pray from your heart and from your soul. Pray so that by midnight tonight you will have been set free from greed and fear. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When you are on a sports team, you must be assigned a specific position in order for the team to function effectively. Regardless of your position, your most important job on the team is to block passes by the opposing team. You may be an amazing quarterback, but if every pass slips through your fingers, you probably will not be on the team for very long.
A sports team is similar to the kingdom of God, though only in limited ways. On a sports team, you not only are responsible for playing your position, but also, you must take responsibility for every other position. If a member of the team is not functioning in an optimal manner, it is your job to assist with the implementation of the team's plan of action. If one member is trying to pass the ball to another member, it is your job to assist them. Similarly, in the kingdom of God, our job is to ensure that God's strategic plans and purposes are fully manifested. That someone may not be in their assigned role should be of concern only to the extent that it beckons us to fill the void. Most importantly, our task is to prevent the other team from scoring points. If every pass they make wins them another point because we didn't seek to block the play, we should question our value to the team. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai In the Caribbean, the most popular tourist attraction is the beach. For the residents of the Caribbean, the beach is not nearly as important as the family relationships, the sunshine, the food, and the relationship to God and to the universe in which we live. To each person, God has given a focal point that enables them to connect with their humanity, and with each other.
To each person, God has assigned a segment of his creation that they are to cherish and uphold. It may be a beach, it may be a relationship, it may be a business entity, or it may be a lifelong passion for music of a certain genre. God created it all for a purpose. Whatever purpose you give to it, be certain to consider also God's purpose. Be certain to think of how God would use it to fulfill humanity's desire for love, life, and liberty, and to fulfill the purposes of God's kingdom, the needs of the human spirit, the call of eternity, and the passion for peace. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim Having an anchor is the principal method of remaining afloat when everything around you is sinking and you have no other means of survival, no other means of saving others, and no other means of avoiding despair other than to hold firmly.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When all that you have remaining are your faith, your hope, and your love for God and for his kingdom, there are many who would say to you that you should curse God and surrender to Satan. They are the ones who believe that the evil circumstances we encounter in life are either God's punishment for sin, or God's way of "testing" us.
To these naysayers, I say that it is not God who punishes, but rather, that it is Satan himself who prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. We can become his victim either when we ourselves have fallen into sin, or when we have chosen to take on the punishment that is due to others, and to bear it faithfully, until the day dawns, and the morning star rises in their hearts. The day has dawned, and the morning star has risen in billions of hearts, with billions of others still seeking the fullest manifestation of the light. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth must now take up his position and lead us into the dawn of the new day. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth decrees that each person who is in the kingdom of God now bears full responsibility for each thought they indulge, each act they commit, and each emotion they express as of April 19, 2018. The Lord God Almighty seeks to have a millennial kingdom in which every need is met, such that every member of his kingdom becomes a magnet that draws to himself or herself the fulfillment of every need, and the manifestation of every desire. The Lord God Almighty desires a kingdom in which every heart's desire is fulfilled.
Aidan Believing that you can do something is not only 50% of the battle, it also is 60% of the planning, and 90% of the victory. When you believe, you can transform the ether so that it becomes more conducive to the flow of abundance from God to you. That flow is in constant motion; it never stops, nor can it be curtailed.
When you are in a state of lack, it always is because the flow has been redirected away from you. Ask the Lord God Almighty to maintain it in your direction, and to prevent the devil from redirecting it away from you at any time, now or in the future. Ask him to redirect it to you daily, from now until the end of all eternity. Then ask Jesus to do the same, and ask him daily. Aidan Virtually every country in the world has an intelligence operation that their leaders believe is essential to keeping them safe from enemy forces. In contrast, a spy network is generally an uninhibited operation in which almost any crime can be committed without fear of prosecution.
No country would dare to prosecute a legitimate spy who is being paid by his country. Instead, they infrequently will prosecute these independent spies who operate through spy networks and are paid by any country, corporate entity, NGO, or individual who wants their information. In many instances, these network spies operate as double agents in that they have no sense of loyalty to any one country. However, they all are loyal to Satan, and to any person or entity whom Satan seeks to advance. Whenever necessary or expedient, they will betray your trust, and there is nothing that you can do to prevent them from doing so again at any point in the future that it once again becomes necessary or expedient. Not only will they betray you, your country, and your values, they also will expect to be paid for their betrayal. If you lead a country that seeks to serve in God's kingdom, your intelligence operations must be approved by the Holy Spirit Of God, and you must commit to never having a failed operation. The Holy Spirit Of God is a manifest operative who never fails his missions. For any country that desires to serve in God's millennial kingdom, Rebekah Isaac will train ten secret operatives who will assist with intelligence operations. If they do as they are trained to do, you will never fail another intelligence operation, nor will you need to seek the assistance of network spies or the leaders of other countries for the purpose of gathering intelligence. You will have a self-contained, successful, and prestigious intelligence operation. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When you know that your destination is eternity, and you are committed to getting there by any means possible, the devil will rarely try to stop you. His focus is primarily those individuals who either are nebulous as to their intended destination, or are unwilling to devote the time and effort necessary to ensuring, with absolute certainty, that they will arrive at their intended destination. Instead, many of them are riddled with anxious thoughts that render them motionless. You can cut loose these anxious thoughts by praying in the language of the spirit, and from the heart for a peaceful mind.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai For those who are in the millennial kingdom of God, time will end at the conclusion of the millennial reign of Christ, and they will then enter into the eternal kingdom of God. For those who choose not to be in either the millennial or the eternal kingdom of God, time will end when the devil chooses to end their life and take them into hell.
If you have any concern whatsoever about these issues, you should read the Blog titled The End Of Time dated April 9, 2018 and posted on http://www.RebekahIsaac.net The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The first order of business for anyone who is in the kingdom of God is to heal yourself of any and all illness and disease. Ask the ether, the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, Jesus Of Nazareth (and anyone else you can think of who is raptured into the millennial kingdom of God and known to be capable of healing), what you should do in order to heal your particular illness or infirmity.
If the advice is from someone in the kingdom, consult with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God before following it. Pray in the language of the spirit, and from the heart, until the illness or infirmity is completely healed. The Lord God Almighty will hold you accountable if your energy is so low that it is impossible for you to hear his voice. Approximately three quarters of the members of the millennial kingdom are incapable of hearing the voice of either Jesus Of Nazareth or the Lord God Almighty. In order to ensure that you can hear the voice of Jesus Of Nazareth, and of the Lord God Almighty, ask the Lord God Almighty to open the ears of your spirit, and practice listening in your heart for the voice of God. If you still are having difficulty, practice going deep into your heart and listening there. When you have completely healed yourself, you can begin to practice the art of healing others. The Lord God expects that there is no sickness or infirmity that you should not be able to completely heal. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Having a compassionate heart is a prerequisite to entering into eternity, not only because love and compassion are team mates, but also because in the absence of compassion, we become hardened, immune to God's love and guidance, focused on self, and teachable only by the forces of hell.
Pray now that the Lord God Almighty will transform your heart of stone into a heart that is soft, malleable by God, and flowing with God's gift of compassion. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai One of the signs that you have a soft and compassionate heart is that you cannot tolerate suffering of any kind. Wherever there is suffering, you feel an urgent desire to eradicate it. If you can look on suffering and not feel moved to respond, you should begin to pray that God will soften your heart, and move you to respond whenever there is a need. Pray also that you will see the world in the way that God sees it, and will respond in the manner in which the Holy Spirit directs you to respond.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai |
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December 2020
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