If you are in the millennial kingdom of God, you are part of a Trilateral Agreement between you, the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and the Lord God Almighty El Shaddai. Read the basic terms of the agreement in this week's Global News by clicking on this link: https://www.millennialkingdom.solutions.
Read also the Messiah's sermon this week titled Bilateral Agreements by clicking on this link: https://www.millennialkingdom.solutions/jesus-weekly-sermons. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
Every day, the ether commands the children of God to pray. Some pray, while others ignore the command. Prayer aligns you with the Lord God Almighty, and aligns your internal organs with God's perfection. Pray every day. Pray continuously.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Being in the right place at the right time is what everyone should endeavor to achieve, from now until the end of all eternity. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is faithful.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Wearing clothing that is stylish and flattering is what most individuals would prefer. Sometimes, however, the preference is for clothing that does not result in dramatic variations in a person's energy field. A stable energy field is most conducive to communicating with the spirit realm. It is for this reason that most priests wear an almost identical set of garments virtually every day, or depending on the season. When change is mandated, it rarely, if ever, causes a disruption in the person's energy field.
Today, the preference is for an array of patterns, fabrics, and weaves, at least in regard to women's clothing. It causes women to appear to be emotional and unstable, while men tend to be viewed very differently. At the very least, when you pray, you should endeavor to wear the same or similar garments, so as to stabilize your energy field, and therefore, your connection to the spirit realm. Similarly, children should wear school uniforms in order to facilitate learning, and wherever possible, employees should wear uniforms. At the very least, ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God whether the garment you seek to purchase is conducive to spiritual health. You may learn that it is a genetically modified product that is very low in spiritual energy, that blocks your connection to God, that facilitates an emotional upheaval, and that makes you vulnerable to the demonic world. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Having a discussion about Covid-19 is akin to having a discussion about American politics with a newly arrived citizen of a Middle Eastern or North African desert region, who has had no media contact whatsoever with the western world. The people of God know that Covid-19 is a manufactured "virus" that is not lethal, and that has no capacity to cause any of the myriad illnesses that it purportedly causes. They know that it causes no organ damage, unless injected directly into an artery, and that it causes no lingering infirmities.
In contrast, those who are not of God continue to believe that Covid-19 is a deadly virus. They believe that billions of dollars must be spent in order to protect against its relentless spread, and that it will become a permanent part of the American epidemiological landscape. As a consequence, China is on the verge of achieving their most treasured goal--becoming the new world superpower. It is not America who GNP (GNI) is rising, it is China's. It is they who are relentless in their pursuit of superpower status, and it is they who will continue to shut down any signs of life in the U.S. economy. The solution is not simple. As long as there are individuals with the Mark of the Beast whose loyalty is to Satan, China will continue to achieve every goal they set for businesses, as well as for governments and other entities. As long as there is fear, they will have no opposition. When they desire that a business close its doors, it will close its doors. When they desire that employees not report to work, they will not report to work. When they desire that the federal government fund certain priorities, they will fund them, at the exclusion of others. The Lord God Almighty still is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Practical Christianity is very similar to practical Judaism, and both of these religions are very similar to practical Islam. All three religions practice a theology that is God-sent. All three religions practice a theology that leads to eternal life. All three religions know that God is real, that eternity is real, and that heaven is here on earth. They know that heaven is a subset of the earth.
You may be part of a small Christian denomination, or a small Islamic sect that does not have all of the details of who God is, and who you are in relation to God. That is one of the reasons that the antichrist has been able to wreak havoc throughout the world. Unfortunately, there is very little repentance, solely because the ether knows that when the Lord God Almighty is forced to redeem the earth, it will be as if they had never sinned. They assume that whatever sins they committed will be washed away with the tides of time. That is far from true. It is the degree of repentance, and the purity of the heart that will determine whether or not redemption will be available to any specific individual. Even the sons of God will not have redemption, until they have genuinely repented of all sin. When everyone understands that the God of heaven expects genuine repentance, from the heart, they will know that it is impossible for anyone in the millennial kingdom of God to have redemption without their unconditional repentance. All have sinned, and therefore, all must repent. All must know only one God. All must know that the Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. All must know truth. All must know love. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Peace is not something that comes to those who enjoy being at war. If you want peace, you must pursue it. If instead, you pursue war, then war is what you will experience.
The Lord God Almighty knows that war seems to be following those who are in the millennial kingdom of God, and it seems that there is no avenue for achieving peace. However, if you ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God to show you the path to peace, he will never fail to lead you to the path of peace. The Lord God Almighty is a God of peace. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Breaking away from demonic attachments can be one of the most difficult things that you have ever done. It requires unrelenting consistency, a commitment to truth, and a solid relationship with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God.
You should know that you can never win any battle with a demon, if you fight without the protection of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. Only he can guarantee that you emerge as a victor. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty's Global News article this week is titled Fortification, and the Messiah's sermon is titled Death By Consent. If you live in the United States of America, you are cautioned to read them both, carefully. Read them by clicking on the titles above, or on this link: https://www.millennialkingdom.solutions.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you know that you will be called upon to suppress the freedom of speech of your fellow countrymen, would you join the military? There is an inherent conflict of interest when men and women, whose purpose in serving is to protect Constitutional rights and freedoms, are called upon to suppress those rights.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Last night something extraordinary happened. A star that was one of the most brilliant stars in the night sky fell to the earth. It fell because the man who represented the star chose to do the will of "god" and he was killed. Apparently, Satan's demons failed to explain to him that to them, Satan was a god, so that whenever they referenced "god" they in fact were referring to Satan.
The man knew that the Lord God Almighty and the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God could not possibly have wanted him to commit the deed. He knew that it was an evil act, an act of defiance against God. He knew that he never would have wanted anyone to do it to him. He knew also that he would never have wanted anyone to know that it was he who had committed the act. He did it because he was full of anger and of revenge. He did it because he wanted to do it, and he thought that it would be easy to claim that "god" told him to do it. If you wish to continue to do what you think is best, and to elevate your desires above the will of God, you should know that God has no power to protect you. When you do what Satan wants you to do, you automatically become hell's subject, and the Lord God Almighty has no authority over your welfare. Hell can do to you whatever hell chooses to do, even if you claim to be a member of God's millennial kingdom. If you are in the millennial kingdom of God, you cannot have any of the promises that accrue to the members of the millennial kingdom, unless you do what the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God is telling you to do. He always speaks in accordance with the Scriptures. He always speaks God's truth. He always speaks in accordance with the principles of love, not of slander and of betrayal. He knows that the one true God is the Lord God Almighty El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Seeing is believing is a euphemism by which most people live. If they cannot do something, or they prefer not to do it, they argue the need for more evidence. They contend that if they had more proof, they would gladly and willingly do what they are being asked to do. Sometimes one needs proof, and at other times, the proof is available and we fail to recognize it.
There is ample proof that the millennial kingdom of God is here, that the Messiah has returned, that the Lord God Almighty is in the ether of the earth, and that the Lord God Father in Heaven is a new man. When the Lord God Almighty says that something will happen, you can guarantee that it will happen. You may not understand all of the elements of proof that exist, although they may be clearly apparent to others. Nonetheless, if you simply do what the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God tells you to do, you are guaranteed to be on the winning side. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Every day, there is at least one person who decides that they can be in a better place if they work with Satan, instead of with God. They choose to accept Satan's gifts, as well as his promises of good will, and they decide that God's plan is either too complicated, too time consuming, or too dangerous.
In contrast, they see Satan's plan as the road to an easy life. As soon as they accept Satan's option, they lose their mind and their heart. Very soon, they lose their soul, and from there, it is downhill. It is very easy to choose Satan's option, without realizing that you have done so. If you know the good you ought to do, and you refuse to do it, you have chosen Satan's option. If you seek advice from the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and yet refuse to follow the advice, you have chosen Satan's option. If you defiantly refuse to seek the advice of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, you have chosen Satan's option. And if you tell God that you will do something, then you refuse to do it, you have chosen Satan's option. Anyone who has chosen Satan's option should expect to have four or five years of life on earth as of the date of their choice. However, if you choose God's option, he promises you eternal life. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai In the days of Noah, the earth's evil had catapulted to new heights, and virtually no one did what God had commanded them to do. They did what they thought was best, which usually was what the devil had commanded them to do.
God does not command you to do what you do not want to do, unless you ask him to issue a command. In contrast, the devil's only means of communicating with you is to issue commands to your spirit. Eventually, your spirit loses its ability to think independently of the devil, and it does everything that it is commanded to do, irrespective of the nature of the command. If the command is evil and will cause much harm, the devil urges the spirit to smile while committing the act, which causes the ether to misconstrue the nature of the evil deed. Individuals have committed murder while smiling and pretending to look at their Smartphones, and no one guessed the nature of the evil they had committed with the Smartphone. The Lord God Almighty knows that there will never be another flood that destroys the earth, as occurred in the days of Noah. However, the Scriptures prophesy that the earth, or portions of the earth, could be destroyed by fire, if the evil continues. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Today's Global News article is titled, The Messiah's Sermon because the Lord God Almighty wants all to heed the caution of the sermon titled Baking In The Sun. Read both the article and the sermon at this link, or click on the titles above. The Lord God Almighty hopes that you are one of those who always knew that the battle had been won, who always will proclaim the battle is won, who evermore will seek to know the ways of God, and God alone. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Seasoned salt is not necessarily an item that should be left out of any pantry, however, it also is not an item that should be used every day. Seasoned salt contains certain additives that are not ideal for the human body. Ideally, Kosher salt or sea salt are best, combined with other single-ingredient seasonings that do not contain chemical additives, such as garlic powder or onion flakes.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If any souls need sustenance, ask the Lord God Almighty to send your spirit to a place of high energy, so that you can be restored and renewed. There are many ways in which the Lord God Almighty can quickly restore a soul and set it on a solid foundation, ready to go forth in battle.
If quick action is not taken so as to quickly restore a beleaguered soul, much damage can be done to the spirit, including a break in its connection to the body. The person may say that they are deceased when they are not, and can easily be revived and restored. If you are dealing with someone who is in a constant state of distress, ask the Lord God Almighty to place them into a place of peace temporarily, until the distress has completely dissipated. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the ether in the head, in the spine, and in the heart are white, the Lord God Almighty knows that the earth is striving for righteousness. When the ether turns blue, the Lord God Almighty knows that the earth is achieving spiritual perfection.
The Lord God Almighty looks at the sky, and if the moon is white, he knows that hope is alive. If the moon is blue, he sees eternity on the earth's horizon. The Lord God Almighty is a God of hope. The Lord God Almighty sees eternity on the earth's horizon. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you have a sudden feeling of discomfort or bleeding when you use a toothbrush, you should know that blood is not necessarily a sign of injury or disease. Blood can be made to appear in an instant, if the circumstances are appropriate. It is one of those Hollywood accents that has been made into a global source of harassment.
The ether that creates blood can enter into a room each time a door or a window is opened, and as soon as you pick up a toothbrush, it can enter into your mouth. The only means of destroying the ether is to pray in the language of the spirit, from the heart, and send it into spiritual fire. If you have bleeding in internal organs, such as the lungs, the liver, or the stomach, it may be the result of being radiated very heavily with Smartphone apps that deliver powerful doses of laser radiation. These apps can cause blood clots to appear, and may result in permanent damage to the organ. If you have blood suddenly appear on your head after a fall, and you have no noticeable injury at the location of the blood, it usually is the same biological subterfuge that is at play as in the case of bleeding gums. The ether is harmless, however, you have an obligation to send it into spiritual fire each time it appears. The Lord God Almighty is a God of healing. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are in the midst of what appears to be a spiritual storm, it probably is because you are not praying in the language of the spirit, or because you are not focused deeply into your solar plexus when you pray. The solar plexus is between the rib cage, just above the stomach. It is the location of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, with whom you must connect when you pray.
You are not likely to have stupendous results when you pray, unless you connect decisively with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. Let your prayers touch him, deep within your solar plexus. Moreover, when you pray, you should allow him to go in any direction he pleases, and issue any commands he deems appropriate to the circumstances. The Lord God Almighty is a God of faith, a God of power, and a God of earth-shattering results. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Whether you are on the side of God or on the side of Satan, there comes a time when you must choose to become wholehearted and single minded. There comes time when you must decide that nothing else matters other than achieving your goal.
Today is a day of reckoning. It is a day that you must willingly decide to burn every bridge, other than the bridge that leads to the destination that you have chosen. The Lord God Almighty is a God of peace. It is impossible for you to have peace unless you have your entire being in the kingdom of God. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Peaceful co-existence with the kingdom of Satan is not necessarily going to be peaceful, unless you lay down some ground rules. Tell them who you are, tell them what you expect in the context of any relationship, tell them what they can, and cannot, do. Finally, tell them that Jesus is Lord.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Yesterday, throughout the world, websites displayed the look of a genuine hippopotamus. Today, the websites displayed a different animal, one that was created in a laboratory, and had none of the characteristics of the original. If you wish to feel good about betraying God and becoming a hippopotamus, you will like the new photos.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you have ever been cut, bruised, or pricked, you know the color of blood. It is red. In the days of Noah, God instructed him to avoid any type of accidents because he knew that when blood is shed, there must be retribution and recompense. There must be an accounting.
If you have shed the blood of any person in the millennial kingdom of God, you should know that the shedding of blood is tantamount to murder, even if it is done in the realm of the spirit. It causes you to lose your first born male child. It also causes you to develop anxiety attacks. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai |
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