A few months ago, there was a Blog post titled "Wither Art Thou," suggesting that God was absent from the lives of his people, and questioning his loyalty to them. Now, several months later, it is God who must question the loyalty of his people, their commitment to his kingdom, and their desire to see eternity.
They have handed their souls over to Satan in droves, knowing that they have no power to retrieve it, and no recourse. God gave them eternal life, they shunned it, and chose instead to take the devil's hand in death. God gave them freedom, they spurned it, and chose instead to live in chains. God gave them laughter, they scorned it, and chose instead the grim reaper's smile of conquest. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth
The idea that one can be in the kingdom of God pretending to be a disciple of Jesus, yet seek to destroy the character, reputation, and income-earning capacity of another disciple is certainly not a novel phenomenon. It is what undercover agents do, and what they are paid to do, and to be. What is novel is that even in the kingdom of God, they would do it for compensation. And paid they are, in the form of bonuses, new positions, new clents, and other forms of remuneration. These undercover agents should know that their time in the kingdom is of limited duration.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth The idea that God can be beautiful is not how most people would like to think of him. They prefer to think of God in masculine terms, but God is both beautiful and handsome. He is pretty and manly at the same time as he is manly and divine, or adult and childlike, or creative and athletic. God is a perfect balance of character, personality, and nature. He is perfection. He is the epitome of perfection.
When God created man, he created him in the same pattern of perfection, and the same questioning spirit with which he himself had been created. The eternal God, who always was, is, and will be, is the Lord God Almighty El Shaddai, The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When you see yourself in the mirror, you often think of what should be changed to make you look more attractive, to fix something that is wrong, or to enhance something that needs remedying. Rarely does someone look in the mirror, see something that needs fixing, yet walk away without doing anything to fix it. They almost always will fix whatever needs fixing. They also will attempt to fix whatever needs fixing in others in order to enhance the other person's appearance.
Similarly, not only should we be eager to change whatever needs changing in us, but also in our fellow disciples of Jesus. We should be committed to seeing the kingdom of God glow in its purity and perfection, confident that each person in it is committed to seeing eternity manifest for every other person. Being in the kingdom should be equivalent to being in a close knit family, confident that neither you nor they will ever stop caring for each other. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth Wisdom is proven by results. One cannot claim to have wisdom whose results merely maintain the status quo in all its imperfection. Nor can one claim to have wisdom when said status quo has yielded merely destruction. Wisdom turns the status quo on its head, and walks it right side up toward perfection.
Wisdom yields a harvest that is a thousand times the seed it sowed. Wisdom calls a sheep, a sheep, and calls a goat, a goat. Wisdom never would behold a day that didn't see it pray. Wisdom always and forever would begin its day in prayer, and wisdom always and forever would end its day in prayer. Wisdom sees eternity as its only lasting hope. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth The soul of man is like a tree planted in a river; it never thirsts for water, as long as it remains planted. When the soul has been uprooted, that is, separated from the physical body, it begins to dry and to become calloused. It also loses its ability to absorb information from the spirit realm, so that acts undertaken by the spirit are not recorded on the soul. Good deeds go unrewarded, while evil deeds continue to be punished consequentially. When the soul has been separated from the body, it remains in hell's abyss, and is under the control of the devil.
If someone passes away while their soul is in hell's abyss, they will never see the final judgment, and they automatically will remain in hell for all eternity. The soul functions as a protector for the body, and remains with the body and with the bones after death. It is the soul that enables the Lord God to resurrect the body to face the final judgment, or to live eternally with God. Without the soul, the body and the bones are defenseless, and they cannot be resurrected to eternal life. It is a sad state of affairs that so many God-fearing men and women have been tricked into going down into the abyss either to pray, to seek advice, or to meet with the devil himself. When someone is tripped or is tricked, and their soul falls into hell's abyss, they cannot rescue themselves because they have no source of light. They must either remain in hell's abyss, or seek the assistance of someone with tremendous spiritual power who can rescue their soul. American Indians and other native peoples had spiritual leaders who were very powerful and could retrieve souls from hell's abyss. However, they were unable to seal them with the Holy Spirit Of God, and the soul could again enter the abyss. Every soul that is rescued from the abyss should immediately be sealed with the Holy Spirit Of God and raptured, if possible, in order to protect it. Millions of people, including priests, pastors and Rabbis have been tricked into going into the abyss or have been taken down unbeknownst to them. They will know that they have lost their soul if in the spirit realm their heart has no light, and they have no halo on the head. To refrain from instantly retrieving a soul that is in hell's abyss is to play Russian Roulette with your claim to eternal life, and to denigrate the cross of Christ. Do whatever it takes to recover and restore your soul, and do it instantly and urgently. Do it today. If you wish to retain us in this regard, we are available for a small consulting fee or a donation at http://www.RebekahIsaac.com, and we can assist entire congregations, large groups, or small groups as necessary. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When the Lord God Almighty indicated that his kingdom would have no end, I shuddered at the thought of spending an eternity in one kingdom. How is it possible, I thought, that being in a kingdom would never lose its ability and its power to challenge and inspire. But having met Rebekah Isaac, though only in the spirit realm, I literally am chomping at the bit, and cannot wait for the opportunity to meet her in person. She, from my perspective, is a woman of great influence. Not only has she converted more than three billion people into disciples of Jesus, she also has converted some of Satan's top commanders into stalwart disciples of Jesus.
When the doors to Eden closed, she was merely human, but today she has become a gale of power and influence. She has imprisoned the devil and his seven chiefs, put the devil to sleep for a thousand years, set eternity ablaze, ramped up the level of discipleship throughout the world so that sex is no longer the defining factor in one's humanity, and commanded more troops than any military commander in all of history. She has yet to be paid for any of her work on behalf of the kingdom of God, yet she continues to forge ahead, undaunted by the realities of her life and her current circumstances, and daring the world to end its dance with the devil. She has become a god. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth Silence may be golden, but speaking words of wisdom is worth a thousand pieces of gold, and ten thousand times its weight.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth If you wish to maintain the integrity of America's food supply, you should think hard about whether your company should be sold to a company that will be purchased by Chinese interests in the next twelve months. When a company such as Whole Foods decides to sell its assets to Amazon, a company whose interests are completely aligned with China's, we know that the next phase will be an unprecedented reversal in food quality, and the introduction of food products claiming to have healing and medicinal properties, but which in fact will devastate the health of ordinary people, contaminate the water supply, negatively affect the fertility of other crops, shut down the farming industry, and jeopardize the economy of the United States of America, perhaps for centuries.
When the merger with Chinese interests is complete, Whole Foods no longer will be Whole Foods. Instead, it will have become one of the most profitable and dangerous operations of the Chinese governing body, and their most cherished acquisition, having succeeded in taking away from America the one compelling source of wholesome food products. If the Lord God Almighty reigns in your heart, you should do everything in your power to stop the sale of Amazon to Chinese interests, which ultimately is the Chinese government. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth The idea that one can generate knowledge and wisdom has long been a claim of theosophy practitioners, who believe that wisdom can be theirs for the asking. To them, wisdom is an available planetary resource, such that anyone with the right amount of skill and persistence can access wisdom. But wisdom is not a resource, it is a skill. It is an ability to distinguish the forest from the trees, to set humility asunder and aim for the stars, to become bereft of restraints, and to pour forth knowledge and wisdom as if they both sprung from a bottomless well. It also is an ability to decipher spiritual coding so as to interpret the meaning of events that otherwise might seem mundane to the average observer, or to the casual viewer.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When twilight arrives every evening, the sun usually is on the other side of the horizon, and the stars in the sky begin to show their light. There are not many days when twilight happens before sundown, and when it does, it is because the sun has delayed its descent, and the moon has delayed her ascent. When the sun and the moon are in the space of delay, the Lord God Almighty knows that he must step in to speed the process, for twilight should never occur before the sun has reached the horizon, and before it has completed its descent.
When the Lord God steps in to speed the process, he can do so in one of two ways. He either can stop the sun from rising too early the next day, or he can tell the moon to, "Get a life" and to do what moons do: shine as if the sun were shining, leave room for romance, tell the sun to get with it, and sing a song of praises to God. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth The idea that one could wake up smiling every day for one thousand years seems astronomically out of reach of the average person, but it is not out of reach for members of God's kingdom who have the indwelling Holy Spirit of God, have been sealed and raptured, and know that eternal life is theirs for having asked, and having received in Jesus' name, Amen. Amen.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth For the first time since creation, the doors to the hearts of God's creation have been sealed. No longer will the devil be in control, and no longer will he have a corrupting influence over God's creation. God's creation was made to have the power of choice, and having learned the hard lessons from the fall of Adam and Eve, they have chosen to place the Lord God Almighty in control, relinquishing all right to distinguish and determine good from evil, and trusting in the infallible wisdom of God to reveal truth, and to teach them the principles of universal law. The Lord God Almighty will reign in their hearts forevermore, and forevermore, and forevermore.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth There is only one way to get from one eternity to the next, and the next, and the next, and that is, to assume that you don't know it all, and that you have a lot to learn. When you are in learning mode, you are teachable, and when you are teachable, you are moldable into the person whom God created you to become, the person whom you would most like to become, and the person who you are at your core.
That person at your core is the one who can create bliss on your journey to eternity, and the person who can most defy the devil's proclamations against you. That person is who you should wish to become, and who you will become if you remove the devil's filthy outerwear, and allow God's light to shine through you and into the world twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and twelve months a year, for all eternity The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When you hear phrases such as, "The sky is the limit" it has the effect of either catapulting you to a new level, or forcing you to acknowledge that you have only just begun the journey. As disciples of Jesus, if you have only just begun the journey, the sky indeed is the limit. If you have been on this journey for a long time, you should be unrecognizable.
The truth is that many disciples have not changed anything in their character for the past twenty, thirty, or forty years. They have retained all of their personality traits, their idiosyncrasies, their character flaws, and their sinful thoughts. If this sounds as though it might be you, I challenge you to take your level of discipleship to new heights. Take it to a level that would render you unrecognizable in less than one week. When you know the good you ought to do, do it promptly. Do it now. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When the time for something to happen draws near, the tendency is for us to watch the clock, and hope that everything goes as planned. We want the universe to know that we expect full compliance with the planned event or occurrence, and that a failure to comply is not an option. When a planned event is imminent, the most important mindset is one of joyful expectation, secure in the knowledge that God's will always will be made manifest. The Lord God Almighty reigns.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth The ether's umption was stolen by Satan three millennia ago, and has only now been restored, so that the ether, once again, knows who he is, and what he was created to accomplish, and can no longer be tainted with sarcasm, with despair, or with anger, because the ether is now infused with hope, and not with hopelessness, with joy, and not with fear, with love, and not with anger, with peace, and not with pain. . . .
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When the ether you are in is that of righteous indignation, it means you are on your way to conquering the devil's fourteenth weapon of despair--fear of greatness.
The Lord God Almighty has decreed that as long as the seal has not been placed on the door to Eden, new souls who have only now begun to hear of the kingdom of God may enter if they are baptized by full immersion in water, sealed with the Holy Spirit Of God, and raptured.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth Wherever there is turmoil, it always begins with a tongue that has not been tamed, and has not known self-restraint, self-control, nor the power of silence in the face of accusatory statements and condemnations. No one in all creation has known the true power of silence, other than the Lord God Almighty himself who, despite the devil's statements of condemnations and accusations, waited for several hundred centuries before moving to reclaim his reputation, his dignity, his regality, his umption, his fervor, and his name--The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai, creator of all the universes, creator of humanity. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai reigns in all the earth.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth The center is a very unique position because when you're at center, you have a broad perspective on events. You not only are able to see from every vantage point, but also, you are uniquely positioned to deal with problems in an effective manner, and to solve them sustainably and cost efficiently. When values come into play, you know that everyone has a vested interest in maintaining their value system. And when culture is at issue, you are uniquely positioned to be sensitive to cultural issues.
But center is not the most likeable positioning, nor the most coveted. It is the space that must be filled if one is to move forward. It also is the space that keeps the wheel from falling apart. When the Lord God Almighty decrees that the center shall be filled, the person who is most able to sustain the wheel will automatically be pulled into center position. There are two contenders for the center position, Jesus Of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit Of God. The Holy Spirit Of God is the only one capable of being at center for every person in the kingdom of God. It is the Holy Spirit Of God who must fulfill your every need. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth Three billion souls in the kingdom of God sounds astronomical, until you realize that there used to be nine billion people on the planet, two billion of whom have already been killed physically and/or spiritually. Another one million of them are on the verge of self-destruction or self-annihilation within the next 24 hours.
Assuming that everyone heard about the kingdom of God, why is it that some chose not to enter? Perhaps they questioned their authenticity, perhaps they were fearful of rejection, or perhaps they prefer to be uncommitted to truth. Whatever the reason that they chose not to enter, they should know that if they ever have a change of heart, they will be welcomed into the eternal kingdom of God. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth When two worlds collide, there generally is a process by which some can escape the collision, and others fall victim, unless there is one who decides that as long as there is time, there will be no victims, and proceeds to claim one soul after another until time expires, or souls expire.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth So, what are you waiting for? Some people are waiting for their version of the kingdom, others are waiting for their personal Messiah, and still others are waiting for Jesus to be revealed. "Until we see him," they proclaim, "we will never believe that he returned, nor will we ever believe that the kingdom doors have closed to us." Well, they have, as of now, as of midnight on June 9, 2017, when half of the world was still in waiting mode, and the other half, though claiming to believe, was still entrenched in sin and debauchery, still listening to suggestive songs on their iPods, still frolicking with sexually suggestive outer garments, still believing that they can engage in everything up to, but excluding intercourse, and still lying with every second breath. Lord God Almighty, have mercy. There is only one who believes and she is the Supreme Holy Spirit of God.
The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth Most people would love to have eternity handed to them on a silver platter, but that is not the way that eternity works. Eternity, as with everything else, must be earned, and must be cherished in order for it to remain. Of course, when God promises eternity, he gives it only to those who have demonstrated a commitment to having all that eternity has to offer, and who will do anything necessary to hold onto it. They are the ones who see eternal life. They are the ones who see the face of God. They are the ones who know that when eternity has ended, they will yet see another eternity, and yet another, and yet another, and another. The Lord God Almighty and Jesus Of Nazareth reign in all the earth. Amen.
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