God Almighty is a God of truth, and when truth is confronted by evil, truth always wins, truth always prevails. All the world will see and know truth when Jesus Christ is revealed. All the world will see and know the majesty of God when they seek his counsel. Ask of God, seek his face, inquire of his counsel. He desires to have communion with you.
The Lord God Almighty has decreed that all who seek to know him must pray in the spirit at all times, with all kinds of prayers and requests. If you never pray in the spirit, you will never know him. If you never seek his counsel, you will always and forever be estranged from him, and you will never see his face until the end of this eternity.
Jenny God Almighty determines the times and places where we should be and live. He also determines the circumstances of our lives, and he has determined that all who are in the kingdom of God must be committed to living by the spirit, even while they are in the earth realm, and even while they are in the body. They cannot continue in sin if they live by the spirit, because the spirit is incapable of committing sin, or violating spiritual law. When sin takes place, it is because we have allowed our mind to take charge of our circumstances.
Jenny God is our God who loves treasures, and who adores seeing his children in a state of anticipation and suspense. He wants us to awaken each morning full of joyful expectation, eager to see what each day will bring, and eager to manifest his purposes for us, for our fellow disciples, and for his kingdom. When we wait, we should also be in motion, not standing still. Godly waiting is not motionless, nor is it static. It is forever in motion, forever reaching toward the stars, forever reaching out to God. It is an endless journey toward eternity.
Jenny When God says that we have to wait before we see his promises manifest, the average person feels a sense of frustration. We want instant manifestation, and we want to know and understand exactly what we're waiting for. Most of us have no idea what being in the kingdom of God will be like, other than the few glances of it that we see in the Scriptures. We are waiting for the unknown. We are awaiting a promise that we cannot yet see, nor even fathom, but we wait expectantly, eager to see God at his best, eager to see our hope manifest, eager to see eternity.
Jenny When the ether in our bodies is white, the Lord God Almighty knows that we are ready for eternity. He also knows that we are ready to assume our position in his kingdom. Everyone who is in the kingdom of God and who is aware of their mission and purpose should know that they cannot serve God unless they are cleansed.
Being cleansed means using the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit to purify your body and soul. It is not enough merely to accept the indwelling Holy Spirit, you must manifest his power in your life. You must demonstrate to the world that your God is a God of perfection. The Holy Spirit indwells us for the purpose of cleansing and perfecting us. He is our kinsman redeemer. He is our God. Alisson All the world sees and knows that the Lord God Almighty is a God of deliverance. He delivers us from evil and from every evil practice. We have no excuse for remaining in a state of contamination. If there is sin in our lives, it is because we have not yet chosen to repent. If we are unrepentant, we cannot be in the kingdom of God.
The Lord God Almighty wants to have a kingdom in which no one is ever in need, and no one ever sees a need, and fails to do everything they can to satisfy that need. God's people are a people who are loving and compassionate to one another, and who seek to do to others what they would want done for them.
Those who have been assigned to the front lines of this spiritual war, and who have accepted their assignment, will be the most profoundly impacted. They will be denied even the basic necessities of life. Those who are not on the front lines, or who have not yet taken up their position, must be committed to taking care of the front line warriors through prayer, fasting, and meeting needs. If they fail to do so, they will have set themselves apart from the kingdom of God. When the time comes for the Lord God Messiah to be revealed, he will be revealed only to those whose priority is the kingdom of God, and whose loyalties are to the kingdom. Now is the time to get your priorities straight so that you can participate as a genuine member of God's kingdom, and as an active participant in the body of believers. The Lord God Messiah is our King, and this earth is his kingdom, and therefore, this earth must be transformed into a haven for disciples. This earth must be redeemed and conquered. This earth must become as it is in heaven. This earth must become as God intended. Alisson The Lord God Almighty provides for each of us everything that we need, but we sometimes are unable to see and to connect with what he provides. This happens for several reasons, two of which are directly connected to our ability to see the ether. When we pray, we should be able to see the direction from which the prayer will be answered.
If God has appointed someone to answer the prayer, we should see the person directly in front of us as we pray, and we should be able to tell the Lord whether or not they will do what the Lord has asked them to do, and if they will not, request that he appoint someone else. There is no prayer that should ever go unanswered for anyone in the kingdom of God whose heart is aligned with God. If you are unable to see the ether clearly in order to identify the person whom God assigned to answer your prayer, you should ask God to open your eyes that you may see and know. When you see the person, they will be in either of two positions--arms outstretched toward you, or arms behind their back and intertwined. Anyone whose arms are behind their back has no intention of answering your prayer, and you should communicate that to the Lord so that he can appoint someone else. The Lord will appoint up to three people to answer each prayer, and at least one of them always will answer it. You should be committed not only to praying until the prayer has been answered, but also, to knowing who has been appointed to answer the prayer. God expects you to insist on having your needs met if you are in the kingdom of God, and you are living in accordance with kingdom principles. Alisson God Almighty has determined that when the ether in our bodies has become like the ether of heaven, we will have been rendered eternal. We will have become children of God. We also will have become children of eternity. In order for us to arrive at that point in time, there are ten things that need to occur.
The first five of the prerequisites are (1) that we must love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, (2) that we must love our neighbor as ourself, (3) that we must practice hospitality and offer assistance to those in need, (4) that we must be kind to everyone, (5) that we must be patient and bear with each other. These are relational prerequisites for God's kingdom. They ensure that the kingdom functions in the manner that God intends that it should function. Take some time today or tomorrow, and ask the Holy Spirit that is in you to evaluate your character and personality in these five prerequisites and tell you what changes you need to implement in each area, then make a list of the necessary changes, incorporate them into your daily life, and be committed to transformation. God's kingdom depends on each person becoming transformed. The second five prerequisites are personal, as opposed to relational, in that they ensure that we are properly aligned with God. They require that we are (6) free of every form of deception, whether in the spiritual realm or in the physical realm, and committed to speaking only what is true, (7) engaging in regular prayer and worship, individually and collectively, (8) seeking daily advice from the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God on every issue of significance, (9) watching and praying for the Messiah's reveal, (10) praying to be invited to the Lamb's wedding supper that will take place soon after he is revealed. In regard to these prerequisites, look into the ether directly ahead of you and visualize your spiritual body. If the ether in your body is red, you have a detrimental contamination in your spirit that will lead to ongoing deceptive practices if it is not permanently destroyed through prayer, fasting, and repentance. When this has been accomplished, you can proceed to implement the remaining prerequisites and prepare to meet the Lord God Messiah. Alisson Caring for the soul is not something that can be accomplished without the help of the Holy Spirit Of God, and the assistance of fellow disciples of Jesus. It is a task that requires faith and understanding. It also requires a commitment to eternity. Most importantly, it requires an ability to understand the nature of the soul, that it is a new creation that knows nothing about eternity, or about the realm of the spirit, and therefore it needs the utmost care and protection.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When your soul is in your body, it needs to be sealed with your spirit, and with the Holy Spirit Of God, in order to be protected. If you are not sealed, your soul can literally be stolen from your body and taken into hell's abyss. One ordinarily does not think of evil spirits as being thieves, however, the Bible clearly states that Satan and his emissaries kill, steal and destroy. They do so in the spirit realm, as well as in the physical realm with the assistance of living human beings who are aligned with them.
Not only can your soul be stolen, it also can be bombarded with daily spiritual assaults that leave you feeling weak and vulnerable. You can and should live victoriously. Our new book, The Care And Feeding Of The Soul: Demystifying Demons, empowers you to live victoriously spiritually as well as physically. It should be read by every student over the age of fourteen, every teacher at any grade level, and every adult who seeks absolute control over every aspect of their spiritual existence. When you want real and honest answers, you need to go to the source. You need the Holy Spirit Of God. When the Lord God Almighty sends prophets and messengers into the earth, they frequently have to defend their life and livelihood. They are never welcomed, except by those who know their God, and they are never supported fiancially, except by a loyal few who know their God and trust him. When the Lord God Almighty sends messengers and they are not supported financially, he knows that his son will suffer the same fate. It is for that reason that he will not be revealed until the earth repents, or is cleansed.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai For those of us who are able to connect with the Lord God Almighty El Shaddai either because we are his messengers here on earth, or because we have strengthened our alignment to such a degree that we are now able to connect, we revel in that connection. It never occurs to us that we are nonetheless required to seek the permission of the Holy Spirit that is in us before we engage in any action or embark on any journey at the behest of El Shaddai.
El Shaddai is the brain of the Godhead, but the brain must abide by the dictates of the Holy Spirit because it is the Holy Spirit who sees all, knows all, and speaks only what is in accordance with absolute truth. Absolute truth is truth that can never change depending on the circumstances, it is a truth that knows no limitations, and that always is. When El Shaddai speaks, he speaks from the perspective of time, and not of eternity. He speaks to us at our level of discourse, and the Holy Spirit speaks to us at the Holy Spirit's level of discourse. He speaks to us a truth that can never err or fade or spoil, a truth that is unchanging, a truth that is eternal. He speaks absolute truth. He speaks absolute. Anonymous-ES When someone claiming to be God Almighty tells you that you have one year to live, you know that you are not speaking to the one Lord God Almighty. You are not speaking to the God of Creation. The Lord God Almighty does not speak in terms of death, unless he is warning you of the devil's plans, or of the natural consequences of your thoughts and actions. The Lord God Almighty will show you how to avoid the devil's plans.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Those of us who can see in the spirit realm assume that we can watch what is happening as we watch a television show, or a favorite movie. We assume also that if we decide that we like what we see, we can make it ours simply by reaching out and taking, whether or not it was supposed to be ours. For those of us who are disciples of Jesus, the standards of what we watch and how we watch, and for what reason we are watching is infinitely more radical than for the ordinary person. We must be ever so vigilant in order to ensure that the powers God has given us are not being used to support the enemy's agenda.
When we see something in the ethereal realm, we have only two options. We can watch and pray, or we can decide to stop watching and begin to pray. If we watch, it is solely for the purpose of informing the Lord God Almighty of the circumstances, and if we decide not to watch, it is because we know that in watching, we will be giving our powers to the enemies of God, even when we pray while watching. The gaze of someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit is a source of power. You give your power to anything you watch in the ether, and therefore, you can easily become aligned with evil, with witchcraft, with greed, with promiscuity, and with the enemies of God. Watching can easily make you an enemy of God if you watch without refusing to align, if you watch without condemnation, and if you watch without issuing a scathing rebuke to the enemy forces. God Almighty expects that those of us who are filled with the Holy Spirit Of God will endeavor to ensure that the plans and purposes of his kingdom manifest as they are intended. This means that when we see something happening that opposes God's kingdom, or the people of his kingdom, our only response should be to pray and to call God's attention to the situation. God Almighty will hold his saints accountable for every negative situation to which they gave their power, and for every enemy of God whom they failed to oppose. The Lord God Almighty reigns. Glynn If your faith in God is strong, you have no need to defend your position, or to argue with those who seek to refute it. Furthermore, you are most likely to feel pity for those whose faith is weak, to wish you could enlarge their understanding of God, and set them free from Satan's control and influence. Most importantly, you wish that the entire earth could witness the logical progression of our current trajectory, should we fail to change course.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai For those individuals who are seeking honest, implementable methodologies for the care and treatment of emotional disturbances, our newest book, The Care And Feeding Of The Soul: Demystifying Demons, will revolutionize your way of thinking. On completion of the book, you will be equipped with instant spiritual solutions for every condition.
For more information, visit www.www.RebekahIsaac.us When the Lord God Almighty decrees that anyone who is blue in the face can no longer be in the kingdom of God, the Lord himself will no longer be part of the kingdom.
Winston When you are in a relationship with someone, you often want to take their side in an argument. You feel that if you disagree with them, you might be betraying their trust. You feel that you want to be loyal to them. However, when it comes to your relationship with God, he needs to be your principal focus, and your principal loyalty.
If someone disagrees with what God is asking you to do, if your principal loyalty is to God, you will ask the Holy Spirit Of God to determine what you should do, and to guide your actions. When we rely on God's Holy Spirit, there is no disloyalty, other than to Satan, and we owe Satan no loyalty. We owe him no loyalty because he betrayed us from the beginning, and has never promised loyalty. If your loyalty is to Satan, you should ask God to relieve you of your loyalties and obligations to his kingdom. Aidan The sons of Zion have been crying out to God, seeking solace from their dire circumstances. They have seen the Messiah, they have witnessed his descent to the earth, and yet have not been called into his kingdom. They were called, but failed to answer. They turned their backs, when told to enter. They decried the Lord's good favor. They embraced the devil's lair.
Winston When the Lord God Almighty created man he decreed that anyone who desired to see the light of day, must seek the light of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. Humanity has no power other than the power given to it by the indwelling Holy Spirit. It is that power that will cause him to resurrect and see the light of day. If he does not have the indwelling Holy Spirit, his body will not resurrect and he will not see the light of day. He will become a son of the earth.
Winston The Lord God Almighty has decreed that when Satan has completed the one thousand years of sleep, the remainder of his days shall be one eternity.
Winston If you have benefited from this Blog or from any of our other endeavors, please take a moment to say "thank you." Click on the "PAY IT FORWARD" button to your right or at the bottom of the screen to make a donation to our nonprofit entity, or click on the "SHOW YOUR SUPPORT" button to get your friends and family involved, sealed, and raptured. Do it today.
There is a popular saying that time waits for no man. It moves at its own pace, undisturbed by outside influences. Nor is it sympathetic to your unique circumstances. It moves relentlessly forward toward a time when it will cease to be. It is a mere momentary progression in space. Why time exists is unknown, but that it exists and is a necessary component of our journey toward eternity is undeniable. When time ceases to exist, we will have an ether of timelessness, an ether of eternal space. In the ether of eternal space, there exists an ether of eternal love, an ether of Almighty God.
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AuthorRebekah Isaac Archives
December 2020
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