"When it rains, it pours" is a common euphemism which suggests that when the circumstances are right, the ether becomes flooded with God's blessings. The ether knows only abundance and can deliver only in abundance. Thus, you can have either abundant pain, or abundant blessings, depending on your mode of thinking. Think happy thoughts and your world will be a happy place in which to live and dance. Think unhappy thoughts, and the opposite will be true.
If something negative happens, the quickest method of ensuring that negativity does not continue is to state with conviction that God's will should be done in all circumstances. When the focus is on accomplishing God's will, it becomes impossible for negative circumstances to manifest. The Lord God Father In Heaven, El Elohim
Ephesians 5 should be read by every disciple of Jesus.
Command the Holy Spirit that is in you to command your spirit to be at peace, and do so at regular intervals, whenever you feel stressed or worried, or whenever the Holy Spirit deems it necessary.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai A female egg fertilized in the womb must grow into an embryo, a fetus, and then a full born baby, otherwise it will die. An acorn seed planted in the soil must also grow into an oak tree, or it will die, because it cannot remain as a seed. Similarly, everyone who is in the kingdom of God must commit themselves to spiritual growth.
If you commit to growing spiritually in every area, it will be impossible for you to fall out of the kingdom of God. If you see negative qualities and characteristics in others who have been raptured into the kingdom of God, inspire them to change by speaking the truth in love. In doing so, you will prevent their hearts from becoming calloused and hardened. China seems to think that in the same way that it forced numerous Warring States to coalesce into the Republic of China, it can now force 200 countries of the world to join the Republic of China, but I challenge you to just say "Jesus" and call on the Lord your God every day from now until the end of all eternity.
Abetting an evil is encouraging it and giving it your approval. It is watching the evil occur and doing nothing whatsoever to stop it. It is seeing the evil destroy lives, yet refusing to offer assistance to the victims.
It is hearing about all the evil taking place througout the world, and giving it little thought, and no prayer. It is choosing to be a spectator when front line warriors are desperately needed. It is saying "no" to God when he calls, yet expecting to see his kingdom progress. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you wish to remain entrenched in the kingdom of God, you must shun, or begin to shun, every form of evil. You should have the same degree of indignation toward any evil thought, word, or deed as you do toward having ice cream spilled on a wool sweater, or red wine spilled on a wedding dress. The consequences of these stains may be vastly different, but either is unwelcomed.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai I wish everyone of every faith a warm and welcoming holiday season.
All around the globe, the cries of men, women, and their children can be heard pleading for God's mercy, asking his forgiveness for sins committed and uncommitted, and begging him to relent and send his peace. God cries with them, knowing that when the truth is found, they will understand that it was not God who send them war and terror, nor was it God who needed to relent, because in God, peace existed. They needed only to know it; they needed only to find it; and they needed only to accept it.
What you are against weakens you and what you are for strengthens you. It is time to end the war against terror and begin the battle for peace.
When you accept cash, you are accepting a currency that can be deeply embedded with every form of evil. Most currencies contain not only demonic spirits, evil spirits and principalities, but also, the ether of hatred and disease.
Either you should exchange currency only with someone who is sealed and raptured, or you should not exchange currency. This means never using coins or paper currency. If you feel compelled to accept a cash gift, you should add it to a gift card immediately, and use the card as cash. Doing so will protect you from a host of evil practices. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the going gets tough, the tough get going. If you have been sealed with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, baptized by full immersion in water, and raptured into God's millennial kingdom, then and only then can you claim to have been born again.
When the Holy Spirit entered you, the fertilization process occurred. When you were baptized by full immersion in water, you experienced a rebirth in water. When you were sealed with the indwelling Holy Spirit and raptured into God's kingdom, you experienced the rebirth of the spirit. You then became born again of water and of the spirit. When a new baby is born, it generally takes eighteen years before the baby grows into adulthood. It will take one thousand years for you to achieve full spiritual maturity. If you believe that seeing eternity will be well worth the effort and any sacrifice you might have to make, then you should consider living on one dollar a day, or one dollar a year and giving the remainder to God for his kingdom, and for the servants in his kingdom. If this option is too much of a sacrifice for you to make, then neither should you expect that the servants of God's kingdom should live on one dollar a day, or one dollar a year. They should have the same lifestyle that you have. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Speaking truth to individuals in places of power and authority is rarely if ever done. The assumption is that those in positions of power and authority already know truth, hence their elevation to that place of power. For the vast majority of individuals who have attained power and authority, they did so, not by seeking truth, but by seeking conformity with their peers, and shunning individuality. Their desire to fit into a norm outpaced their desire for self-actualization.
When self-actualization, and forging new paths, becomes secondary to rampant and monotous conformity, we know that we have created an incestuous society, one that will never reach the highest heights, nor see its deepest joys. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When you begin to feel joy welling up within you for no reason, and for every reason, you will know that you have arrived at a place of deep connection with God. Until then, you should be continuously striving to know him more intimately, and more profoundly.
You should be seeking him in prayer during every waking hour. You should be striving to become one with him so that you think his thoughts, speak his words, and do his deeds. You should become one with him for all eternity, and all eternities, and all eternities combined. In Jesus' name, Amen. When doing a somersault, some people don't immediately follow through with the turn. Instead, they try to remain on two hands for as long as possible. But everyone knows that you cannot stand on two hands for longer than a few minutes. Eventually, you must complete the turn and stand on two feet.
If your church has been standing on two hands for the past several years, barely able to keep its members faithful, and struggling against a knawing sense of impending doom, you can turn right side up today. Begin by asking the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God for guidance on how to turn your church right side up. Listen in your heart for his response, and do exactly as he tells you to do. Do it today; do it now. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you take risks, such as trying to do a hand stand in which you land on both hands and then on both feet, you should expect to fall a few times before you can land safely on both feet. God applauds the fact that you sought to start a congregation, or lead one. However, he wants you to continue the experiment until you achieve perfection. You have achieved perfection when your church or your congregation is filled to capacity on your principal day of worship, and everyone has been sealed with the Holy Spirit Of God and raptured into the millennial kingdom of Christ.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When your pastor or priest refuses to tell you the truth about God, or about spiritual issues, because he believes that doing so will cause you to think less of him, you know that it is time to find a new spiritual leader, and a new congregation with which to worship. A few days ago, the Pope called for a revision of the translation in the "Our Father" prayer which asks that God "lead us not into temptation." I agree that the translation should be revised because God does not tempt us or lead us into temptation. Instead, he provides the way out of the temptation. We also should revisit and add an addendum to the phrase in the same prayer which states, "your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
After two thousand years of waiting, God's kingdom did indeed come to the earth in April 2017 and as of today, more than 3.5 billion people have been raptured into God's kingdom. The evidence of the rapture is the circle of spiritual light that encircles their entire body. Those who have a circle of spiritual light encircling only their heads have been sealed for protection with the indwelling Holy Spirit of God, but have not been raptured into the millennial kingdom. The sealing process began four years ago. Hosea 6:2 promises that after two days (two thousand years after the crucifixion) we would be "revived" and we have indeed been revived, as evidenced by the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God having been poured out on all people (see Joel 2:28). Hosea 6:2 also promises that after one more day, on the third day (one thousand years) we would be fully "restored." That is the restoration process that we have now embarked on which the New Testament refers to as the millennial reign after the first resurrection (see Revelation 20:6). For the next one thousand years of Christ's millennial reign we will be engaged in a restoration process wherein which we will seek to learn repentance, spiritual cleansing, and essentially rebuild the spiritual wall of protection that is supposed to encircle the human body to protect us from all evil, including illness, war, plagues, diseases, etc. We are in God's kingdom, yet we know that many are still ill, wars are being waged, many are refugees or steeped in dire poverty, etc. It will take one thousand years for God's biblical promises regarding his kingdom on earth to fully manifest. If you have been sealed with the Holy Spirit of God and raptured into his millennial kingdom, you should know that the work of restoration has only just begun. You cannot languish and waste precious time in a congregation with a priest, pastor, or religious leader who refuses to acknowledge that God's kingdom has come to the earth. The earth and our lives need to be restored beginning now. We need to begin to eradicate illness, poverty, physical death, wars, and destruction in the kingdom of God. Stop for a moment and read the book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament. Nehemiah noted in Nehemiah 1:3 that "Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire." Similarly, those spiritual exiles who survived and are now in the kingdom of God remain in disgrace because of illness, dire poverty, wars, etc. The situation should cause the same response in you that it caused in Nehemiah (see Nehemiah 1:4-11). It should cause you to weep in dismay and begin to pray for God's guidance and for his ultimate deliverance. As noted in Nehemiah chapters 4 and 6, there will be great opposition to the rebuilding of the spiritual wall of protection, but we must persevere and continue to seek God's guidance at every step of the journey. As in the book of Nehemiah, each person should take responsibility for their portion of the spiritual wall which constitutes your life and the immediate environment in which you live. Decide that you will endeavor to manifest God's promises for you and for those around you, the spiritual exiles, who now are in God's kingdom. Your personal wall of protection will be rebuilt only as you repent of every area of your life that is contrary to God's commands and to the leading of God's indwelling Holy Spirit. Begin now to rebuild your portion of God's spiritual wall of protection. The Lord God Almighty has decreed that anyone who seeks to lead in his kingdom must have a heart full of loving kindness. Loving kindness does for others what it would want done under the same circumstances. Loving kindness speaks of others in the manner in which it would want to be spoken of, and forgives others as it would want to be forgiven.
Loving kindness never relinquishes its leadership position, but always perseveres through any and every circumstance, and through every temptation to abandon the sheep. Loving kindness would never consider doing anything whatsoever that could cause harm to the sheep, or bring disrepute to the sheep. Loving kindness is a way of being. When the thousand years of Christ's millennial reign have ended, loving kindness will have triumphed over platitudes and self interest. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The defining characteristics of a Godly leader are one whose heart is full of compassion, who would never betray a trust, and who seeks the guidance of God's indwelling Holy Spirit on every issue of significance, and even on issues of little or no significance. They have in them no hidden agenda, no hunger for fame or glory, no alternate options (having surrendered all to God), and no seething anger fueling their motivations.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Most individuals assume that there are at least three principal methodologies for doing anything: God's methodology, Satan's methodology, and the methodology that is in their best interests. Seeking God's will is generally not something that they do on a systematic basis. Instead, they often choose to do what they believe to be in their best interests. They may seek his will on a specific issue, but 95% of their lives is lived by their standards, their rules, and their precepts. The idea that one should consult with God on an ongoing basis on every issue seems intrusive and violative of their sense of individuality and self governance.
What most individuals fail to realize is that although God waits for you to seek his advice on issues, the devil always and under every circumstance seeks to convince you that his way is better. If you never seek the council of the Holy Spirit Of God, you always will be doing what the devil wants you to do. The notion that there is a third option--what's best for you--is entirely false because God already has chosen that option. He already has identified the path that leads to your heart's most profound desires. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai All around the universe, cries are being heard of the earth's people calling for God to save them. The universe responds with incredulity, wondering why the earth does not see its salvation, wondering why God's answers seem ignored. The earth has become mired in forced ambivalence generated by foreign spirits that are not of them, and not of God.
They believe they are choosing freedom, but have chosen the path to enslavement. They know they are seeking God, yet their soul has been anchored in hell's abyss, rendering them a captive of hell. They think that salvation has come, yet their minds remain clouded by sin. The Lord, he is mighty to save, if our hearts have been washed in the blood, if our hands have released all their stains, if our minds have surrendered to love. The Lord God Holy Spirit Of God The Lord knows that many in the world have been under siege for more than a decade and have sought to escape without much success. The United States has itself been under siege for more than eight years. That is more than sufficient time for us to wake up to our circumstances, yet the status quo prevails. The soaring Dow has lulled us into a state of orchestrated complacency. When you need a national wake up call, martial law is a perfect option.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When you are not certain in which direction you should turn, the prudent person will seek guidance from God's indwelling Holy Spirit. When you are certain that you know the direction in which you should turn, the humble person will seek guidance and confirmation from God's indwelling Holy Spirit.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The light of God that fills the solar plexus is God's eternal flame which he designed to tell the world that we are his, that we are light, that darkness never can our soul corrupt, as long as we are lit. When darkness sings its final tune, the light of God will yet prevail, will yet be singing praises to our God, will yet be traveling through the worlds our God created to express his love. When darkness sings its final tune, the light of God will yet prevail.
The Lord God Holy Spirit Of God When you know that you have no armor, have not gone through basic training, and have no idea of who the enemy is, the last thing you should be doing is getting into enemy territory. The war is on, whether or not you believe so, and the books we have written in recent weeks deliver the necessary basic training, and the preferred war plan. If you have not read the books, or made them available to your congregation, you should know that there will be "bloodshed," as they will be incapable of defending themselves on the battlefield.
AuthorRebekah Isaac Archives
December 2020
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