Some of you have questioned why witches seem to have so much light. It is because none of the evil that Satan does to the saints of God is done to his witches. They are clean spiritually, except that their souls are black. Turn them around, look at their lungs, and you will see the blackness of their souls.
In contrast, the children of God are bombarded with radiation capable of killing a cow or a moose in ten seconds flat. They are riddled with bullets from stealth weapons, one of which can usually kill a person in six hours because of the damage it does to the brain. They also are filled to capacity with demonic spirits of every kind and nature, principalities of every persuasion, and then surrounded by these entities to ensure that they cannot move in the direction in which God is calling them. When they are filled with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, they normally are protected from these invasions, but must cleanse the ones that occurred prior to their receiving the indwelling Holy Spirit. If they have light that far surpasses that of any witch, then you know without a doubt that they are among the most righteous persons on earth. They probably never lie, have never stolen, are chaste, have no demons now or ever, and know only the voice of the Lord their God. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
If you know someone who has died, you probably believe that they are safely in heaven. That may not be true. If they are in heaven, when you call them through the ether, you will be able to speak with them. If they are in hell, you can never speak with them. You will call, but they will not hear you calling. Nor will you hear any response from them. In fact, you may not be able to even say their name. If that is the case, you should stop calling them.
Even if you can speak with those in heaven, you should never ask for spiritual advice, physical advice, or advice of any kind. Your only source for advice should be the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and the saints who are still alive in the earth. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty knows that there are many churches that have cautioned their members about the practice of consulting with the dead, or speaking with the dead. The Scriptures indicate that the practice is strictly forbidden. Nothing has changed since those Scriptures were written, and nothing will change.
The defining factor is that when someone goes to sleep spiritually, they may be considered deceased, and no longer in the earth, but if their spirit is in heaven, they are considered to be alive to God. They are not "dead" unless their spirit is in hell and cannot communicate. The Lord God Almighty is a God of vengeance, and if anyone forbids their congregation from speaking with relatives who are in heaven, they will be judged. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you know someone who has passed away, ask them whether they would like to be part of the millennial kingdom of God. Because the wedding of Messiah and his bride did not take place as planned on Easter Sunday, they still have an opportunity to enter into the millennial kingdom, together with the forces who came with Jesus. The forces were supposed to have been set in motion on Easter Sunday, but were delayed, as only the "marriage" of Messiah took place on that day.
When the wedding vows are said, those who are in the millennial kingdom should know that they too must repeat the vows, even if they will not be legally married to the Messiah. They must repeat the vows because when the gates to eternity open, it is through the Messiah and his bride that they will enter. They must pledge their loyalty to him in order to enter. While the Messiah will be physically married to his bride, he also will be spiritually married to everyone who is in the millennial kingdom. The Lord God Almighty knows the pains that spiritual adultery can engender, and he seeks to have a millennial kingdom in which no one is ever held to be guilty of spiritual adultery. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai There is a parable in the Scriptures which states that a landowner goes away on a long trip and gives his employees various talents that they should utilize in his absence. The employee to whom he had given three talents multiplied his talents so that when the landowner returned, he had three more talents. He was elevated to a position of authority.
The employee to whom he had given two talents also multiplied his talents and had two more talents when the landowner returned. He too was elevated to a position of authority. However, the employee to whom he had given one talent hid the talent by burying it in the ground. He proudly showed the one talent which he thought he had kept safe. The landowner removed the talent from his hand, and cast him away. There are many people who are in the millennial and eternal kingdom of God who are barely sealed and raptured, but who have done absolutely nothing to strengthen their faith, heal their illnesses, improve their knowledge of the kingdom, or understand who Jesus is. If you fall into this category, you should know that you are like the man with one talent, and that you are in danger of becoming unsealed. You cannot become barely sealed and raptured and refuse to grow and change. Many people have elaborate prayer times and quiet times purportedly with God, but have no knowledge and no understanding of the seal that binds them to him, and the ways in which they should protect it. It is your responsibility to remain sealed and raptured. This Blog site, the second site at the URL, and The Millennium Kingdom website at https://www.MillennialKingdom.Solutions are the only websites that provide detailed information on the kingdom of God that is now in the earth. If you are not regularly reading the information contained in these sites, and following the guidance, you are in as much danger spiritually as the man with one talent. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the time comes for Jesus Of Nazareth to tighten the reins of leadership, he will have all of his leadership positions filled by women, and men who love women.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are like most people, it is difficult to acknowledge that you are sinful, and that you commit sins on a daily basis. If that is the case, you probably have a tendency to whitewash, or to bleach your sins, so that they appear to be less offensive to others. One can bleach one's sins by pretending that hatred is a mere dislike or discomfort, or that intense anger is a mere irritation. When you do so, the roots of the sins grow stronger, and deeper.
Whenever you see sin in your life, the only methodology by which you can completely repent of the sin is to remove all of its roots. Ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God to show you the roots of the sin, and to show you precisely what you should do in order to remove it. Call down the forces of heaven to assist you, if you need assistance. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you have ever had a significant other in your life, you know that they are not always in a loving mood. Their mood fluctuates, depending on what is happening in and around them. The only certain way to prevent mood fluctuations is to seek the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. When you know that the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God is in complete control, you no longer experience the fear and trepidation that causes the mood to fluctuate.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Those of you who have been fighting on the front lines of the battle against demonic control of the earth know that for many individuals, life has been hell on earth, interspersed with episodes of light. Perhaps you cannot imagine any worse hell than what you have had to experience in the past year, or in the past ten years. You may never know all of the things that were done to you, or to your reputation, nor all of the things that may have been said about you. Your only hope was in seeing the face of God, and of his Messiah, and in awaiting his kingdom.
Now that the kingdom is here, you probably expect the hell to end instantaneously. For those who are in the millennial kingdom and have been chosen, your hell is about to end, or has already ended. You should be soaring to new heights on a daily basis. If you have any personal issues that have not been remedied, or any health complaints, you have an obligation to speak with Jesus Of Nazareth directly through the ether, or by booking an ether appointment. The indwelling Holy Spirit Of God will tell you whether or not you have been chosen if you ask in the language of the spirit, and listen in your heart to his response. To speak directly with the Messiah, go to The Millennial Kingdom website and click on the "Prayer" tab. He is available to speak with you at any time Sunday through Thursday between 9 am and 6 pm Eastern Standard Time. You can access the website at https://www.MillennialKingdom.Solutions or by clicking on the Millennial Kingdom tab to the right or at the bottom of this screen. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth. The Lord God Almighty El shaddai Whenever Easter is mentioned, the first things that most individuals think about are Easter eggs and Easter bunnies, Easter hats and Easter parades. Perhaps those of you who are of the faith think about new life, and resurrections from the dead. You perhaps also think about new hope, and when all else fails, renewed hope. The last thing anyone thinks about is that the promise of Jesus' return will actually materialize. It seems to be one promise that God could never fulfill, and that eventually would need to be recalled.
But, in April 2017, at a precise day and time, Jesus returned. He returned with ten thousand troops whose feet had never touched the earth, eighty thousand troops whose feet had touched the earth, but who died in combat, and another ten thousand troops who would sooner die, than see eternity ablaze in fire. The Lord is faithful and just, and always will prevail in any battle, and always will reclaim his promises, but only from the hearts of those whose ether says they never will believe his promises. If you are one of those whose ether says you never will believe, you still can claim his promises if every ounce of energy in you devotes itself to holding fast to one command, and only one command for every day eternity delays. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When you are not certain of who you are, who she is, and who they are, you can always rely on the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, provided that you speak in the language of the spirit, from the heart, and that you listen in your heart for the response.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you have wondered when Jesus Of Nazareth will be revealed to the entire world, keep your ears tuned to our new website, The Millennial Kingdom, https://MillennialKingdom.Solutions
The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai April is a month of miracles. It is a month in which the Lord God Almighty makes manifest his promises to his people. It also is a month in which the devil and his demons have lost every battle. When April comes to a close, you will know that the Lord God Almighty has won the battle for the souls of humanity.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Hearing the call into the millennial and the eternal kingdom of God was only the first test. The second test was God's command that you be healed. Have you heard his command, and are you doing everything possible to be healed spiritually, physically, and emotionally, without resorting to medication and surgery. Have you called through the ether to ask if there is anyone who can assist you in becoming healed. Have you spoken through the ether with the Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth. The Lord God Almighty wants you to do everything possible to ensure that you are in excellent health spiritually, physically, and emotionally.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Whenever you think of doing something that you don't want to do, but that you feel compelled to do, you should know that the Lord God Almighty is not a God of compulsion, and that it is the devil who compels. When God asks you to do something, you usually will feel joy and excitement at the thought of doing it, even if you do not fully agree with the idea. Furthermore, ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God whose idea it was, who issued the recommendation or the command, or who benefits from your complying before you decide whether or not you should comply.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Every time you need an emotional boost, you should have whatever you crave, as long as it is legal and edible. When a woman is pregnant, she knows that meeting her emotional needs is the easiest method of soothing the growing fetus. Similarly, as the spirit moves from one level of maturity to another, it too needs to be soothed. The Lord God Almighty knows that we have been trained to deprive ourselves of certain types of foods, however, a person who is sealed and raptured can have anything that the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God approves.
When you decide that you no longer wish to remain comatose spiritually, pray in the language of the spirit, from the heart, and ask the Lord God Almighty to wake you up stronger and stronger until you are completely out of the coma and fully conscious. Do so until you are acting only in conformity with the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When you arrive at a place where you can be deemed a god, it does not mean that you lose your humanity. You will always be human, and you will always have a tendency toward human failings. The test of whether or not you are a true worshiper and a disciple of Jesus is whether you are capable of taking every thought captive, and making it obedient to the Scriptures.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty is a God of provision. If you are dealing with personal, political, or business circumstances that seem insoluble, the Holy Spirit Of God has the perfect solution. If you know someone who needs assistance, personally, politically, or in their business, offer to assist them, or to introduce them to someone who can. The reason that everyone seems to be having similar problems is because everyone is being attacked by, and is defending against the same enemy.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you have been accused of speaking belligerently, you are probably female. The idea that a man can be belligerent never occurs to anyone. The Lord God Almighty would like to have everyone described in positive and uplifting terms. Say only what is helpful for building others up, and for building up the kingdom of God. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Tell them "I will be the wind beneath your wings." Make to them the same promises made in Scripture.
Exodus 17:8-11 describes a time when the Amalekites attacked God's people. Moses told Joshua, "Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands." When Moses did as he had promised, Joshua and his men were winning, and when he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. They refused to accept defeat and others in turn offered support to Moses so that he could keep his promise to Joshua. Exodus 17:12-14 states that "When Moses' arms grew tired, Aaron and Hur brought a stone for him to sit on, while they stood beside him and held up his arms, holding them steady until the sun went down. In this way Joshua totally defeated the Amalekites." Do the same for your fellow brothers and sisters in the kingdom of God. Stand beside them as they defend against the attacks of the enemy. Hold up their arms. Decide that you will not allow anyone to suffer defeat. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Feelings can get easily hurt if you are emotionally detached, because you assume the worst in every negative encounter. In order to have a more balanced perspective, it is essential that you re-attach emotionally. The fastest way of doing so is to ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God to heal you emotionally, by the power of Almighty God, in Jesus' name.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Listening to music is not something that the average person does when they are at work, because music can sometimes detract from your ability to concentrate. However, when you have achieved a victory of any kind, you should have a play list on hand and be ready to blast some music.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you have ever had someone eavesdrop on a conversation you were having, you know that it is not a pleasant feeling. However, when you speak through the ether in your native tongue, instead of in the language of the spirit, you are deliberately inviting others to eavesdrop on the conversation.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Speaking in the language of the spirit, from the heart, as has been taught in this Blog, is not an option if you are in the millennial kingdom of God. It is compulsory whenever you speak in the realm of the spirit, if you seek to preserve kingdom secrets, keep your conversations private, do the will of the Lord God Almighty, engender trust, and remain safe.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you have a bleeding ulcer, your single most effective remedy is to take Calcium Magnesium supplements as indicated on the bottle with or after meals.
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AuthorRebekah Isaac Archives
December 2020
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