If you are the priest or pastor of a denominational church, you may be thinking that you have no authority to change the church's doctrine on baptism, on the Holy Spirit, or on other issues. However, it is precisely these churches that need to redesign their doctrinal platform.
They are churches whose membership has dwindled substantially during the past several decades, and whose priests are dying in droves. Clearly, these churches need to understand the signs of the times, so as to save the lives of their priests and pastors, their congregants, as well as their churches. They no longer should be wedded to a doctrine that will speed their demise. Nor should they be wedded to a doctrine that will keep them and their congregation out of the kingdom of God. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
Whether or not you think that your church is teaching piecemeal religion, if you are not sealed with the Holy Spirit Of God, wearing a white aura, and raptured into the kingdom of God, you are a victim of piecemeal religion. You should run, not walk, quickly out of the church.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If your priest or pastor feeds you all of the accurate titles, such as "Holy Spirit Of God," "kingdom of God," or "adult baptism," yet offers you none of the meat and substance that is found in the Bible, your only hope is to rely on the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, who alone has answers to every question you can possibly ask.
He alone can tell you how to be baptized, so that you are well prepared to enter into eternity. He alone can tell you what the kingdom of God means. He alone can tell you the reason that you have the indwelling Holy Spirit. If you have no other source of genuine wisdom, rely on him alone. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai In the kingdom of God, enemy territory is any territory outside of God's will and purpose. If you know that the Lord God Almighty desires that you do something, and instead, you do the opposite, you enter into enemy territory.
In enemy territory, anything and everything is possible. You not only are in danger physically, spiritually, and emotionally, you also are in danger ethereally, which means that you can lose your place in heaven's ether. Instead of being raptured, you will have fallen to a lower level. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai On the July 25, 2019 Blog on www.RebekahIsaac.net, we gave you a long list of illnesses that are caused, at least in part, by sun-like satellite rays. Today, I will give you the absolute cure for each of those illnesses. For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, in addition to sitting in the natural sunlight, the person should ensure that they are not deficient in B Vitamins. If they are not, then the problem is a magnesium deficiency.
For Cushing Syndrome and scoliosis, again, in addition to sitting in the natural sunlight, the recommendation, once again, is B Vitamins, and as much citrus fruits as you can consume. For skin moles, cataracts, and epilepsy, the recommendation is Vitamin C, either natural Vitamin C from lemons and limes, or supplements. Epilepsy also can benefit from calcium-magnesium supplements. The Lord God Almighty is a God of health and healing. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Father in Heaven knows how to treat everyone whom he encounters. He need only ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God what should be done in each and every circumstance. If the Holy Spirit does not know, then he should treat the other person as he would want to be treated. The latter option never fails.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Most of us want relationships that leave us with pleasant memories after each encounter. No one would wish to enter into a long term relationship in which the memories are painful. Yet, the Lord God Father in Heaven insists on having painful interactions, in the hope that he eventually will get his way. Eventually, he may be left with the manifestation of his fears.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When you plan to spend all day on the beach, the first thing you plan to take with you is a bottle of suntan lotion or sun block. You should know that sun blocks are essential if you are dealing with satellite rays, but they are a major health risk, if the rays are from the sun.
Not only do they harm the skin surface, but also, they can be absorbed into the skin, and will negatively affect the liver and gonads in women, as well as the sperm producing function in men. They may even be responsible for some problems with infertility and low sperm count. If possible, you should avoid overexposure to satellite rays, so as to reduce your dependence on sun blocks. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the sun is out, the vast majority of people are in a good mood. Beach goers are especially happy. However, when the sun is out, beach goers must seek to determine whether or not the rays are from the genuine sun, or from one of the satellites perched in the ether above the earth.
If the rays are from the genuine sun, they can remain on the beach all day long. If, however, the rays are from the satellites, they should plan to be on the beach for at most, one hour, and only if wearing sun block. The Lord God Almighty is a God of plenty. The Lord God Almighty is a God of moderation. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai I told a colleague last week that he had a "rocking" relationship with his demons. As a person who is proudly sealed and raptured, he was dismayed and flabbergasted at the comment. The reason I said this is that a demon told him to confess something that the demon hoped would be confessed in plain English, for all to hear. The demon, no doubt, was looking forward to hearing the excruciating details. My colleague promptly interrupted our conversation in order to heed the demon's call to confession.
I wondered what would happen if he promptly interrupted his life in order to heed every call of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. Today, at this late stage, there are many who still rely on their spirit guides, or who fondly recall the interaction, including the speed and the excitement with which they obeyed every command, and heeded every recommendation of the spirit guide. Every recommendation was as a yellow brick road to eternal damnation. Every recommendation led, surreptitiously, toward death. The devil knows that if he keeps you happy as you traverse that yellow brick road to hell, you may never stop to take stock of where you are. You may never know that you took the wrong path, until you arrive safely in hell. You may never know. The Lord God Almighty has determined that if any child received either the full mark of the beast, or a substantial portion of it, such that the full mark of the beast can later be uploaded, the Lord God Almighty will determine whether or not he or she will face judgment based on the condition they were in prior to receiving the implant in their right hand.
If they had the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, were sealed, and were raptured, the Lord God Almighty will have them go to sleep spiritually, so that their spirits can never be used in aid of the devil's scheme. They will be asleep for all eternity, and all eternity, and all eternities combined, and all eternity, and all eternity, and all eternities combined. However, their bodies may or may not be used by Satan to house his demons on the earth. If their bodies are used to house demons, the Lord God Almighty will not hold them accountable, as long as their spirit is not connected to the implant in their right hand. If it is, the Lord will endeavor to disconnect their spirit from the implant. If they did not have the indwelling Holy Spirit, or were not sealed and raptured either into the millennial kingdom, or into the eternal kingdom, they will have to face eternal torment, as for the adults. They will never sleep spiritually, but because their spirit is not in them, their bodies will be subject to being used to house demons who desire to live on the earth. They will live as animals for as long as their bodies can be maintained. Unfortunately, the earth still needs to be cleansed. When it is cleansed, everyone who received the mark of the beast in their right hand will be relegated to living in hell. They should know that physical bodies cannot enter into hell. They also should know that physical bodies that have the mark of the beast cannot move, walk, or talk unless they are inhabited by demons, because the mark of the beast destroys the frontal lobe of the brain. The Lord God Almighty is a God of vengeance. The Lord God Almighty is a God of peace. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai In the inner city, the one thing that is most distinguishable is that there are truckloads of children of minority origin. In suburban areas, the origin tends to be more European. For this reason, the mark of the beast is being implanted in school children in inner cities, especially in Charter schools that seem to have carte blanche to do whatever is in their best interest.
When the dye is cast, the principals of these schools will need to explain why their children and grandchildren were not also implanted with the mark of the beast, and its related technologies. They also will need to explain why they gave authority to upload not only the mark of the beast, but all future upgrades to any of the implanted technologies. The Lord God Almighty is a God of vengeance. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai In the end days, the Scriptures state that siblings will betray each other, parents will betray each other, and families will be separated. These are the end days. These are the days of the Antichrist, and of the mark of the beast.
These are the days when only the Holy Spirit Of God can save you. These are the days when, if you fail to heed God's call to righteousness, your only remedy will be certain annihilation. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The word incest is frequently used to describe a sexual relationship between a man and a woman with family ties, such as parent-child, cousins, brother-sister, or niece and uncle. However, most incestual relationships would be better characterized as pedophilia, because in virtually every instance, it is an adult-child relationship.
There are many reasons why incest has become a common practice in most families, one of which is the desire to protect the virginity of girls. It is believed that if a young girl has sexual relationships with anyone other than her husband, she would be forever bound to those individuals in such a way that her marriage would be undermined. The truth is that this is true of anyone, whether male or female, and everyone should endeavor to be celibate until they are married. The Lord God Almighty knows that many men and women have had sexual relationships with one or both parents, or with a sibling or close relative. Many of these relationships occurred when they were young children. For example, in Muslim and in Jewish families, it is customary for the father to begin to have sexual relations with a daughter as young ten or eleven years, in order to keep her "celibate." Similarly, Jewish fathers often kiss their sons in order to release the sperm, and any accompanying discomfort. This practice may continue into the late teens, or later. It may seem odd that there is so much harsh discussion of pedophilia, yet pedophilia in families is condoned and practiced on a regular basis. Sexual intimacy with a parent can happen as frequently as every night, in some families. That the experience may result in sexual release does not mean that it is beneficial for either the child or the parent. In fact, many children experience emotional scarring as a result. Moreover, the Lord God Almighty knows that frequently, it is the parent who needs release, and he or she uses the child as bait. From now until the end of all eternity, the Lord God Almighty now cautions that any child who is being sexually assaulted by a parent or older relative, has an obligation to report the matter to the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. The Holy Spirit will take appropriate action. The Lord God Almighty is a God of justice, and if it takes criminal prosecution in order to halt the practice, it will be so. In recent years, children as young as eight or nine years old, who have no sex hormones in them, are being assaulted under the guise of protecting their virginity, and young boys who have no sperm in them are being kissed. The Lord God Almighty says, once again, that the practice must cease tonight. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the Lord God Almighty chooses to say something of utmost significance, he says it in such a way that ordinary people, and reasonable minds, will understand. He never speaks in a manner that is well beyond the comprehension of the average person.
For this reason, the people who read this Blog know everything there is to know about virtually every topic that is pertinent to the kingdom of God. They know all there is to know about salvation, redemption, the kingdom, the Messiah and his return, his thousand-year reign, and what it takes to enter into and remain in the kingdom. If you are a reasonable person of average intelligence, you would assume that the door to the kingdom is about to be sealed. You would be correct. But the door cannot be sealed until you have put into practice everything that has been written in this Blog, and in www.RebekahIsaac.net. Do what others have done, and browse through the archives in both Blogs, in order to get an understanding of the big picture. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty needs the earth to know that when the ether is ablaze with sunshine, it is because the Lord himself is on the earth. If the Lord is on the earth, it is because the earth is on the brink of disaster, and can only be saved if the Lord himself is on the earth. When the Lord is on the earth, and the ether is ablaze with sunshine, the hearts of those who know the Lord will know he is on the earth.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai There are certain sins that everyone seems to commit at certain times, and there are other sins that have no favorite time or season. They are the whenever sins that can be committed any time of day.
Defiance is a whenever sin. It clouds the vision of the ether, and enables one to see only the present circumstances, the present dilemma, the present dichotomy, and the present evil. When defiance is present, reason is asleep, and when reason sleeps, every child of God must stay the course. The long and short of every lesson in obedience is that defiance must be tamed, as it is only a step away from eternal life. Two turns in the right direction, and obedience is ever present. Two turns in the wrong direction, and defiance leads to eternal damnation. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty is a God of justice. The ICE immigration raids scheduled for today are a grave travesty of justice, and betray the principles embedded in the Constitution of the United States of America.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Whoever sees the light of the dawn is obligated to pass the light to others. If you see the light, and yet hold it to yourself, you are committing a transgression. Anyone who commits a transgression against the dawn is labeled a beleaguered soul.
A beleaguered soul is not likely to last for an eternity, let alone for all eternities combined. A beleaguered soul must confess to the dawn. It must label its transgression, and repent. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Today is Friday, so don't forget to read Jesus' mini sermon this week on the Millennial Kingdom website, which you can access by clicking this Millennial Kingdom link, or the link to the left or at the bottom of this screen. The sermon this week is titled Being God, while the front page article is titled DNA Contamination.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When you know that the Lord God Almighty is at your side, you are empowered to walk boldly, fearlessly. You are serene. The Lord God Almighty is a God of empowerment.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Ionizers are making a splash debut throughout the world. Many heads of state are being given free devices, and are being encouraged to schedule training sessions for their police and military.
You should know that the ionizer is a Weapon of Mass Destruction, and the most deadly weapon that exists on the planet. It deactivates the entire brain system, and destroys the spirit of the brain and of the body. No one who is unsealed by the Holy Spirit Of God can ever survive being attacked with an ionizer. If you are a head of state in any country on the planet, you need to ban the ionizer, and impose severe penalties for having one. If you fail to do so, you will be held accountable. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth. In the area of personal intimacy, many people assume that they must be in an intimate relationship that includes every aspect of the sexual experience. However, each couple can decide for themselves what constitutes a satisfying intimate experience. If what the husband needs most is combined with what the wife needs most, then both can feel fulfilled, despite the fact that they may not always include every aspect of the sexual experience.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When someone has achondroplasia, also known as dwarfism, there are generally two principal hormones that are missing during the gestation period. They are calcium magnesium and vitamin B. When these critical nutrients are missing during the brain development portion of the gestation period in the womb, the baby will have a tendency to develop dwarfism.
The most significant time period for curing dwarfism in a newborn is during the nursing stage. If the mother consumes sufficiently large quantities of calcium magnesium and vitamin B, the dwarfism generally will be mitigated. Of course, a medical doctor should be consulted prior to consuming any supplements during the nursing stage. The incidents of dwarfism, and the signs of dwarfism, have increased substantially in recent years, primarily because of the consumption of certain hormones that block the absorption of vitamin B. Thus, taking remedial action during pregnancy is the preferred mode of averting the incidents of dwarfism. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you have a strange feeling that someone is not from this planet, you may be right. The Lord God Almighty has determined that at least five other planets have infiltrated the earth's ether. The Lord God Almighty knows that many on this planet earth believe that the earth is the only populated planet, but that is far from true.
The earth's ether has a very low vibration frequency, compared to other planets, and therefore, humans from other planets cannot be seen until they have been in the earth for at least a few weeks, or longer. Now that the earth's vibration frequency has begun to rise, it may take less time for others to become visible. The Lord God Almighty knows that individuals may be subject to discrimination, based on the information in this Blog, nonetheless, it is mandatory that this information be conveyed. There are at least five different planets that now have communication with the earth. The first is Odeon. Individuals from Odeon are light in skin color and are usually 6'5" or taller, including women. The women cannot mate or procreate in this ether and often will pretend to be gay. The second is Mars. Individuals from Mars are extremely dark in skin color and often will appear to be jet black or navy. Their eyes are almost always red and the iris can be light blue in color. The third is from an unnamed planet. Individuals from this planet are usually thick-skinned, and usually will never bleed. Their height is often equal to that of the earth, but they have an extremely large frame. They are not obese, and therefore, despite their size, they will seem to be just as agile as someone with a smaller frame. The fourth is also from an unnamed planet. Individuals from this planet are unusually thin and extremely tall. They are never more than ten feet tall, and their frame is almost always the same size. Whenever they see ordinary humans, their tendency is to make eye contact, but eye contact is to be avoided at all costs. The fifth also is from an unnamed planet. These individuals are extremely short in stature, but they have none of the signs of dwarfism. They are perfectly proportioned despite their short stature. Whenever they encounter a human from this planet, they will bow slightly so as to indicate deference. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai |
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