When you have a punctuation mark such as an exclamation point or a question mark, you know that something more is expected to happen. If you have an ordinary period, not much more is expected. Today marks an exclamation point in the kingdom of God because it is the end of the period of cleansing decreed by the Lord God Almighty, the month when the earth was to be cleansed.
The Lord God Almighty should know that the earth is not nearly as cleansed as it could have been if every person in the kingdom of God had prayed for cleansing. In fact, those in the kingdom of Satan prayed much more fervently than those in the kingdom of God. They prayed that God's kingdom would be shattered into tiny pieces, that the throne of God would be given to the devil, and that angels of God would begin to follow Satan. Of course, that is not what happened, but we came close. Today is the last day of November, the last day on which you can pray for cleansing pursuant to God's decree. If each person in the kingdom of God devotes one hour today to pray for the earth to be cleansed, I guarantee that the month of December would be a month of true celebration. Vladimir
Committing the same sins over and over and over again is what most people consider to be common practice in churches. However, in the kingdom of God, immediate repentance should be the norm. The Lord God Almighty wants to have cleansing not only in the earth as a whole, but also within the kingdom.
When you discover a sin from which you seek to repent, decide that you will repent once, and make every effort to do so. Decide that tomorrow, your energy will be focused on repenting from a different sin. If you do, your spiritual growth will be swift and astronomical. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Whenever anyone thinks of the movie The Lord Of The Rings they often think of the relationships between the various characters. It never occurs to them to focus on the main character, the one who makes things happen. But it is the main character who determines what the relationships will be, because without him, they would be a band of ne'er-do-wells, battling forces that are too powerful for them.
Whenever you think of the kingdom of God, you should think first of Jesus Of Nazareth, because without him, all of the earth would be a band of ne'er-do-wells, battling forces that are too powerful for them. Without him, there would be no kingdom, no forgiveness, and no hope. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Some people have a tremendous amount of physical energy and no spiritual energy. Others have a tremendous amount of emotional energy, and little or no physical energy. The worst offender, the one that seems to be least available, is spiritual energy.
In order to balance the energies so that you have a healthy perspective on life, and healthy responses to daily events and occurrences, you need to pray in the language of the spirit from the heart. It allows the heart to have a healthy release of pent up emotions, enables you to connect more effectively with the Lord your God, and releases healing energies for anything that ails you. Pray in the language of the spirit every day, on every issue of significance, and you will be amazed at how healthy you become spiritually, physically, and emotionally. More importantly, you will achieve a state of peace that is unavailable to those outside of the kingdom of God. Peace is the penultimate power broker through which every manifestation happens. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim If you have the feeling that you always seem to be racing against time, it usually is a sign that you are not as proficient as you think at time management. Appropriate time management will leave you feeling at ease, at peace, and confident.
One of the best methodologies for developing an appropriate time management perspective is to allow twice the time you believe you will need for any given endeavor. You will discover that you have so much peace during the process that you will never want to return to your previous harried existence The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim When you wish to sing to God in a way that Satan can never obstruct, you should sing acapela. It creates a series of rhythms in the air waves that go in so many different and unexpected directions that stopping it becomes an exercise in futility, a moribound effort.
Acapela is a form of singing that sends shock waves through the air all the way to heaven. It resonates in a way that ordinary singing does not, because ordinary singing is very predictable, while acapela moves with the spirit, wherever the spirit chooses. Acapela is the methodology that angels use when they sing to God. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim When Jesus Of Nazareth first came to the earth, he was titled the King of the Jews. There was no thought of him being on the earth for both Jews and Gentiles. He was a Jew and his followers were Jews. More importantly, he was a Nazarene, which was a very strict Jewish sect.
Today, Jesus is more King of the Gentiles than of the Jews, and more Christian than Jewish. He is more aligned with Islam than with any aspect of Judaism, or any denomination of Christianity. When you see him, you will know that he is a king because is crown betrays him, but you will never know the nature of his kingdom just by looking at him. He is as American as any other, as Middle Eastern as any other, and as European as any other. He is a citizen of planet earth, and he is King of the earth. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim When you want the Lord God Almighty to heap praise upon you for something you have done, do it not only in consultation with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, but also with your mind. A mind that is focused on God and on the purposes of God, when combined with a spirit that is fully surrendered to the Supreme Holy Spirit Of God, is unshakeable and unbeatable.
It is a mind that is powered by the mind of God, guided by the mind of God and his indwelling Holy Spirit, and therefore, flawless in its execution. Mind and spirit were intended to coexist with each other, and to complement each other's functions. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim When you think of the state of Texas, the first thing that comes to mind is barbecue, and it never occurs to you that there may be a lot more going on in the state of Texas than barbecues. The last time I heard the state of Texas mentioned, it was by a friend who told me that I should not go there. Everyone who travels there, she said, returns half dead or seriously ill. I wondered whether I should cancel my holiday plans and skip Texas.
But perhaps Texans are saying the same about New York City; perhaps they too are saying that everyone who travels to New York City returns home seriously ill. If Texans need the light of God, they should know that they need only focus on their heart, and vocalize the sounds of the spirit that come from their heart, praying to the Lord their God with their mouth and tongue. The Lord God Almighty is a God of justice. K.R. There is a state of being in which your emotions are all awry, rocking back and forth with every wind of change, and throwing you into a state of tumult. You should know that having the indwelling Holy Spirit should bring you to a place of peace, and into a state of concentrated oblivion to the devil's tactics. Keep your focus on Jesus, pray continuously in every circumstance, and you are guaranteed to become like a smooth sailing boat, effortlessly riding every wind of change.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim Weeping is God's way of letting us know that he too is in tears, perhaps for different reasons, or perhaps for the same reason. He too cries in dismay. He too feels angry and flustered. When I weep, I know that God weeps with me. But I also know that I rarely weep with God, despite all the pain that I see in the world. God needs men and women in his millennial kingdom who will weep with him, until eternity comes home.
Eve of Eden If you think the previous Blogs about tithing are intended to challenge you, they are, because they are meant to challenge every member of God's millennial kingdom, and every member of his eternal kingdom. The Lord God Father in Heaven is seeing everything that is being done with the tithes, and except for a few instances of obedience, all of it is being used to support the kingdom of Satan, and to further Satan's plan of destruction.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim If you tithe to the Lord God Almighty, and you trust that the Holy Spirit Of God will spend the tithe wisely, you should have no problem doing exactly what the Holy Spirit Of God calls you to do with each dollar. Ask your indwelling Holy Spirit to watch over the tithe, and to ensure that it is spent only in accordance with the will and purpose of the Lord God Almighty and the Supreme Holy Spirit Of God.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim Blankety, blank, blank, blank. If that was your response to the previous Blog dated November 16, 2018, know that the Lord God Father in Heaven has hit a nerve, and has left it in raw condition. Perhaps it is time for you to reevaluate how you view the tithe, and whether or not you are seeking the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God in your use of the tithe.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim Whenever there is talk of money, everyone, regardless of their background, becomes overly sensitive and cautious. When the talk of money relates to the kingdom of God, or to the things of God, the degree of caution escalates. If you believe that the kingdom of God does not need money in order to function on the earth, you are deeply mistaken.
In fact, the kingdom of God needs more money than the average kingdom because it has no assets in the earth, and no other source of revenue other than the willing contributions of members of the kingdom. If everyone in the millennial kingdom of God decides that they would prefer to give their tithes to the kingdom of Satan, the kingdom of God would be left bereft of resources. Many individuals in God's millennial kingdom, who have pledged to tithe into God's kingdom, later choose to give all of the tithes to Satan. If you are hearing from the Holy Spirit Of God that you need to use your tithe in a specific manner, yet you choose to do the opposite of what the Holy Spirit is saying, you will receive no spiritual benefit and no reward from having tithed. If the tithe belongs to God, then it is the Holy Spirit Of God who should dictate how the tithe is distributed. If you are not willing to listen to, and to follow, the directives of the Holy Spirit Of God, you cannot claim to have tithed to God. If you are holding your tithe in a separate bank account presumably under the guidance of the Holy Spirit Of God, you should decide now whether or not you are willing to do precisely what the Holy Spirit Of God says you should do with all, or with any portion of the tithe. If you are not willing to follow the dictates of the Holy Spirit, you cannot claim to have tithed to God. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim If you have never given an elevator speech, you probably belong to that subset of society that wears a business suit, and sits at a desk for most of the day. Nonetheless, each time you encounter someone at a cocktail party or other event, you are called to give an "elevator speech."
If you are a disciple of Jesus, are sealed with the Holy Spirit, and have been raptured into the kingdom of God, the most poignant elevator speech you can give is one that relates to the kingdom of God. Ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God for a sentence or two that you can share with someone you will meet at your next event. You may be there for business purposes, but your business now involves the kingdom of God. Keep the kingdom of God as your principal focus, and everything else will be smooth sailing. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim Whenever you decide that you desire to have a solution to a problem, the solution will manifest. If you do not yet have manifestation, yet believe that you genuinely want a solution, look into the ether and you probably will see all of the blockages that prevent you from achieving a solution. The Lord God Almighty will remove any blockage that exists, if you seek to do his will.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim When the Lord God Almighty tells you that you need to cleanse, you should take him very seriously, because the failure to heed the warning could mean spiritual devastation. It could mean that all of your painstaking plans are forever scuttled, unless you choose to repent, seek forgiveness, and make an about turn instantaneously. The Lord God Almighty always forgives, if our hearts are repentant.
Cleansing is not merely spiritual, it also is physical, and they both affect each other. The foods you eat could cause you to be in need of physical cleansing, which can affect your emotional reactions, your sensitivity, and your sense of compassion. When the foods you eat have no physical life in them, they diminish your aliveness to the earth, and to its people. The Lord God Father in Heaven knows that if we commit to eating only foods that are full of life and vitality, our emotional responses will differ dramatically. We will have achieved manifest deliverance from our commitment to death. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim Having a desire to serve in God's kingdom should be commonplace with everyone who is in the millennial kingdom of God. Being in the millennial kingdom is equivalent to being drafted, taking on a job or an assignment, or being commissioned.
If you are not interested in being commissioned, you probably would be better suited to the eternal kingdom of God. Of course, there are numerous benefits of being in the millennial kingdom that you would forfeit, should you choose to opt for the eternal kingdom. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth, and he needs you to know that if you are in the millennial kingdom, you are on assignment. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim If you are not one of the Wherever People as described in the previous two Blogs with the same title, you probably consider yourself to be firmly rooted and established in the millennial kingdom of God. If you are, you will by now have completed your first assignment, and will be onto your second, or third. If that is the case, then you are a true and genuine disciple.
Call someone in the ether who is in the millennial kingdom of God, but who has not yet completed an assignment. Help them to determine the nature of their first assignment, and speak with them regularly until they have completed it. Speak only in the language of the spirit, and from the heart. Do the same with another person, and another, until everyone in the millennial kingdom of God has completed their first assignment. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim If you are one of the Wherever People that is described in the previous Blog, you are probably wondering why you became sealed so easily, while many others who have been praying still have not been sealed. The answer lies in your DNA, and in the fact that you probably have lived a relatively clean and righteous life.
If you have no blockages against God, you can be easily sealed with the Holy Spirit Of God merely by standing next to someone who has been sealed. Blockages include physical and spiritual contamination, illness that blocks the flow of energy, lack of faith, and similar conditions. Although Wherever People may not have significant blockages, they may have an openness that makes them vulnerable to other energies that could cause them to become unsealed. Decide today that you will firmly embrace God’s generous gift by ensuring that you become firmly rooted as a disciple of Jesus. Decide also that growing in wisdom, faith and knowledge will become your top priority. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim When you have very valuable assets, the tendency is to set a portion of it aside in a bank or other financial institution. In fact, the smarter strategy is to spend it. You never know where you will be, and whether or not you will have an opportunity to spend it in the future, and therefore, you should spend it when you have it.
The same is true with relationships. If you have one that you treasure, you should make the most of it today and get everything you can out of it, because you never know where you will be tomorrow. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim When you need someone who will tell you the absolute truth every time you ask, you should ask someone who is sealed with the Holy Spirit Of God, raptured into God's millennial kingdom, and absolutely committed to telling truth. Most individuals will say what they need to say in order to get what they want, but someone who is absolutely committed to truth will tell you what you need to hear, irrespective of how it affects them.
We need truth tellers in God's kingdom because without knowing truth, most individuals would never arrive at eternity. If truth were told, we would know that there are many individuals in God's kingdom who are in it because they became sealed automatically, without having prayed to be sealed with God's Holy Spirit and raptured. Nor have they ever stopped to thank God for sealing and rapturing them, because they don't understand or care about the kingdom. They are the Wherever People who are extremely casual about the precious gift that God has bestowed upon them. If you are one of these Wherever People, I urge you to purchase a New International Version (NIV) New Testament, and begin to read it. You can read it cover to cover, or you can begin in the Book of Acts or the Book of Romans, and read it through to the end. Skip the Book of Revelation if you wish, then return to the beginning four Gospels. Having been sealed with God's Holy Spirit, you owe it to yourself to care for this gift that God has given you, and to multiply it in every way possible. A cavalier attitude may result in your losing your inheritance, and your salvation. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim When you do things on a piecemeal basis, it never is as effective as if you had planned out every detail. The result is usually somewhat haphazard and/or "hit or miss." Currently, the millennial kingdom of God is a piecemeal operation because only a small handful of individuals are directly involved in kingdom activities. Everyone else seems to be focused on their individual lives.
If you want a kingdom that is perfectly aligned with its description in the Bible, you have to participate in building it. Everyone must build in accordance with the need that is in front of him. If you see a need, it is because the Lord God Almighty needs you to fulfill it, or to work with others to meet the need. When needs are unheeded or unmet, that portion of the kingdom remains in shambles. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim Having an awakening does not mean that you are able to remain awake. Many people have a brief awakening, then fall asleep again. The test of whether you have remained awake is whether you are able to respond to the circumstances that surround you. If you are barely conscious of ongoing events in the realm of the spirit, and are unable to respond to changing circumstances, you probably have fallen asleep again.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai |
AuthorRebekah Isaac Archives
December 2020
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